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Bonn1997 @ 12/24/2008 1:16 PM
Allanfan20 @ 12/24/2008 5:47 PM
You get the dog yet? If you want some advise on training her, I'd love to chat. I am passionate about stuff like this.

The red markings are awesome.
Pharzeone @ 12/24/2008 6:01 PM
Posted by Allanfan20:

You get the dog yet? If you want some advise on training her, I'd love to chat. I am passionate about stuff like this.

The red markings are awesome.

Keep Allanfan and this man from your dog.

Nalod @ 12/25/2008 1:37 AM

Bonn1997 @ 12/25/2008 6:38 AM
Posted by Allanfan20:

You get the dog yet? If you want some advise on training her, I'd love to chat. I am passionate about stuff like this.

The red markings are awesome.

I get her in early Jan. I've been reading a bit but I'm definitely open to advice on training her. In addition to basic commands, I need to try to get her to stop chasing cars. If tragically she ever escaped, getting her to stop chasing cars could save her life. My e-mail is
I'll give you my other contact info then.
Bonn1997 @ 12/25/2008 1:50 PM
Actually I might name her "Chance" because I'm giving her a new chance in life. I kind of like that name. It's more meaningful than "Tri." I'll have to think about it.
Knicksfansince94 @ 12/26/2008 1:41 AM
Name her "double eyes"
Bonn1997 @ 12/26/2008 8:36 AM
HA! That would be appropriate.
Nalod @ 12/26/2008 11:19 AM
Posted by Bonn1997:

Actually I might name her "Chance" because I'm giving her a new chance in life. I kind of like that name. It's more meaningful than "Tri." I'll have to think about it.

Its a dog.

They eat dogs in some places. I love my dog, but he is a dog. He knows he is a dog. Your taking a chance, but keep it in perspective.

Don't forget. She was a stray. She is no lady, she is feral. She will chew things and you might have a bit of a time with her.

I admire those who get pound puppies but I won't take that "chance". I got a miniture Pincher whom we got from a breeder and he is great. Min pins are real "crack heads" but great dogs if you socialize them young.

I have to trust a dog with young children (within reason of course!) and have a dog that won't mess up my home. No animals on my furniture and no dogs on the beds. Those are the rules. He is happy and still prefers to sleep in his crate every nite. Dogs are cave dwellers and its his safe place.

Take a "Chance" but keep it in perspective. They are there to serve you and are workers.

I like "chance" than "Tri". Sounds better.

Might want to consider "chase". I have a feeling that one is pretty independent and you'll be running after her.
Bonn1997 @ 12/26/2008 3:38 PM
Posted by Nalod:
Posted by Bonn1997:

Actually I might name her "Chance" because I'm giving her a new chance in life. I kind of like that name. It's more meaningful than "Tri." I'll have to think about it.

Its a dog.

They eat dogs in some places. I love my dog, but he is a dog. He knows he is a dog. Your taking a chance, but keep it in perspective.

Don't forget. She was a stray. She is no lady, she is feral. She will chew things and you might have a bit of a time with her.

I admire those who get pound puppies but I won't take that "chance". I got a miniture Pincher whom we got from a breeder and he is great. Min pins are real "crack heads" but great dogs if you socialize them young.

I have to trust a dog with young children (within reason of course!) and have a dog that won't mess up my home. No animals on my furniture and no dogs on the beds. Those are the rules. He is happy and still prefers to sleep in his crate every nite. Dogs are cave dwellers and its his safe place.

Take a "Chance" but keep it in perspective. They are there to serve you and are workers.

I like "chance" than "Tri". Sounds better.

Might want to consider "chase". I have a feeling that one is pretty independent and you'll be running after her.

I hear ya. I did A LOT of searching in Alabama and Georgia though to try to find an affectionate, playful, and calm dog. She seemed the best out of dozens of dogs that I saw in about 5 or 6 trips to different places. She was pretty affectionate and playful and remarkably calm. I feel I did a really thorough search. That said, I think in the beginning she'll probably be scared to be in yet another new environment. I've read that it often takes rescue dogs at least a week and sometimes a few months for their true personalities to fully come out. It'll definitely be work and I'm sure there'll be some tougher moments though. Maybe I'll bring back this thread periodically to let you guys know how she's doing.

I'm also considering the name "Resc" or "Rescy" since she's a rescue dog. Picking a name is hard! No name seems just right but I kind of like Rescy.

[Edited by - bonn1997 on 12-26-2008 3:42 PM]
Bonn1997 @ 12/26/2008 3:41 PM
I admire those who get pound puppies but I won't take that "chance". I got a miniture Pincher whom we got from a breeder and he is great. Min pins are real "crack heads" but great dogs if you socialize them young.
I saw one Min Pin, who was incredibly hyper. They seem cool but I wanted a dog that was a little calmer. What name did you give yours?
Allanfan20 @ 12/26/2008 4:26 PM
Bonn, just remember, dog temperments can change with different owners. If you want a calm dog, follow the advise I gave you earlier, but you also have to be 100% consistent, no exceptions. If you decide to take him for 2 half hour walks a day, then make sure you do that everyday. As for rules, be 100% consistent too. So if you don't allow your dog to eat anything from you, when you're eating dinner, there can't be "OK, maybe just this one time" even if it's his birthday or Christmas (Or whatever you celebrate). Dogs don't have birthdays in their worlds remember, and there's no Christmas, so when you give them food when you're eating, they think they can do that for now on, and that's not fair to the dog.

Nalod has good advise too. Not letting them on the furniture or bed REALLY helps them understand their boundaries.

So even before you get your dog, plan on what your rules for your dog are gonna be and make sure there are QUICK consequenses, and I don't mean hitting, if they break the rule. And by quick, I mean literally the micro second during their poor behavior. You can't give them a consequence even 5 seconds after. They won't understand what's going on. You'll get a feel for it.

One more thing. When walking your dog, make sure he's either right at your side at all times, or walking behind you. And when your leaving the house, make sure you walk out FIRST. Make yourself the leader, and don't let her sniff everything in sight. The purpose of the walk is to excercise her body and mind. Not for her to sniff everything in site and go to the bathroom everywhere. It makes you look like a badass (In a good way obviously), to the ladies, if you have a dog walking like a perfect angel, right by your side. Well, more so if you had a rottweiler or a pitbull, but they'll love your dog just as much.
Bonn1997 @ 12/26/2008 9:28 PM
Posted by Allanfan20:

Bonn, just remember, dog temperments can change with different owners. If you want a calm dog, follow the advise I gave you earlier, but you also have to be 100% consistent, no exceptions. If you decide to take him for 2 half hour walks a day, then make sure you do that everyday. As for rules, be 100% consistent too. So if you don't allow your dog to eat anything from you, when you're eating dinner, there can't be "OK, maybe just this one time" even if it's his birthday or Christmas (Or whatever you celebrate). Dogs don't have birthdays in their worlds remember, and there's no Christmas, so when you give them food when you're eating, they think they can do that for now on, and that's not fair to the dog.

Nalod has good advise too. Not letting them on the furniture or bed REALLY helps them understand their boundaries.

So even before you get your dog, plan on what your rules for your dog are gonna be and make sure there are QUICK consequenses, and I don't mean hitting, if they break the rule. And by quick, I mean literally the micro second during their poor behavior. You can't give them a consequence even 5 seconds after. They won't understand what's going on. You'll get a feel for it.

One more thing. When walking your dog, make sure he's either right at your side at all times, or walking behind you. And when your leaving the house, make sure you walk out FIRST. Make yourself the leader, and don't let her sniff everything in sight. The purpose of the walk is to excercise her body and mind. Not for her to sniff everything in site and go to the bathroom everywhere. It makes you look like a badass (In a good way obviously), to the ladies, if you have a dog walking like a perfect angel, right by your side. Well, more so if you had a rottweiler or a pitbull, but they'll love your dog just as much.
Yeah, that makes sense. I've read a lot of that too. I'm actually really enjoying reading about dogs and dog training in my spare time. I don't think I mind if she comes up on the furniture (other than my bed, which is up pretty high anyway). I thought it would be cool to have her sit by my side or on my lap while I'm on the couch reading or watching sports
Nalod @ 12/27/2008 2:30 AM
If you want her on your lap, join it on the floor. Thats what we do. There is no "sometimes". Our dog loves to be on a lap, but we determine it.

Allan got this down so listen up.

Never ever get a Min Pin from the pound. This breed is hyper by nature and ours is very mellow for the bread. Just bit overprotective of my wife outside the home. Never bits, just redlines a bit. They are clowns and very active.

He is crate trained and sleeps in it still at night. don't want a dog getting sick in the middle of the night all over the house. If he gets sick, he barks and we take him right out. dogs don't really get sick so its not a problem.
Bonn1997 @ 1/3/2009 5:51 PM
I pick her up tomorrow. Can't wait!
Bonn1997 @ 1/4/2009 6:03 PM
I just got her! On the positive side:
-Wow, she is the sweetest thing in the world! Very gentle and friendly.
-She really likes me. She follows me around and wags her tail as soon as I approach her.
-She LOVES having her belly rubbed. When I sit next to her. She'll roll over so that I can rub her belly and then she licks me and looks really happy while I rub her belly. Then she'll lift one of her front legs so that I can rub under it. Sometimes she'll go 100% upside down on the floor so I can really rub her belly.

-Negative side:
-She's anxious and submissive. (She actually cried non-stop for about half an hour in the car when I took her.) She backs away whenever strangers or other dogs approach.
-As soon as I let her into my house, she spent 10 min. sniffing everywhere. Then she had multiple accidents on my carpet! Pretty loose stool. Oh well! This is a big change for her and she's probably scared and confused.
-She does not seem remotely interested in any of the toys I got her. I'll give that some time.
Overall it's going great!
Nalod @ 1/5/2009 12:45 AM
She is submissive. That is why she keeps rolling over. Its not that she wants affection or is sweet.

I said last week she is feral. Crate train the dog NOW. Do not trust her in the house, she is not used to living in one.

She is a dog.

Also, do not trust her with children. She is not "sweet and gentile". If she backs away from dogs or "Strangers" this is not good. In the eyes of a dog, all are strangers. You are the master. Dogs that get "spooked" are very dangerous and unpredictable.

Get this right otherwise your going to have a smelly house. I take it she will be locked up while your at work?

Don't look at her like a child or think she is human like, she is a dog.

Be patient, this will take weeks. But you must not let her piss and shit in your house. she did not have "an accident", your assuming she is housebroken.

Toys? what do you expect?
Bonn1997 @ 1/5/2009 9:29 AM
Those are good points. I recently joined a dog forum and got similar comments. I still think she's great but she's gonna take some work. I may have overstated the submission a little. She seems to back away from dogs only if they bark at her and from people only if they approach her fast or stand right on top of her. I'm dealing with a small sample here. I'll give it some more time and see what happens.

You're probably right about the belly rubbing but I still do think she's affectionate and playful. As soon as she sees me approaching her, her tail starts wagging and she seems really excited, and she follows me around (usually). She's in a totally new environment. It must be confusing for her.
Bonn1997 @ 1/23/2009 1:21 PM
Things have been going GREAT with Chance. She's extremely sweet and calm but still playful and affectionate. I think she's virtually house trained. Excluding the first day when she was really scared, there's been only one accident--she peed on the kitchen floor, which was not a big deal. Usually she's fine being alone for 5 or 6 hours. I really lucked out. Plenty of stray dogs probably have far more problems than she does.

She's also becoming a lot less submissive. She's still shy around people but gradually opens up to them. And she LOVES playing with my neighbors' dogs. It's SO much fun to watch her have fun with other dogs.
Marv @ 1/23/2009 2:47 PM
are you training her to attack nalod on sight?
Nalod @ 1/23/2009 3:47 PM
Posted by Marv:

are you training her to attack nalod on sight?

Excluding the first day when she was really scared, there's been only one accident--she peed on the kitchen floor, which was not a big deal. Usually she's fine being alone for 5 or 6 hours.

You dating now?
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