Off Topic · best present ever? (page 2)

Nalod @ 12/28/2009 6:06 PM
spent christmas eve and day in Salzburg, austria with the family 3 years ago enroute to Insbruck and Vienna.

Some European cities at christmas is magic!

BigRedDog @ 12/28/2009 10:09 PM
jazz74 wrote:my son caused me to be nostalgic when he asked me what was my favorite christmas gift of all time. to be honest, i had two:

autobot jazz- most of you can tell that i am a big closet transformer nerd with my username. i loved transformers and my favorite one was jazz because he was my first. i received him for christmas and he was by far my favorite action figure of all time. though it took months for me too transform him the right way, i still had many fun moments with jazz. great toy.

colecovision- this is my most memorable and impact gift of all time because without this happening, i wouldnt be into video games today. i was the only few that had this system since everyone else had atari but most of my friends came over to play this because its graphics was as close to the arcade as you can get ( tho i had a black and white tv in my room. lol.) there were many afternoons wasted playing donkey kong and donkey kong jr. then they released that garbage of a game e.t. which almost single handedly destroyed the game industry.

anyone else would like to share?

I also had Colecovision, Not sure if you were into sport games but the boxing on Coleco was amazing!! They had these controllers you put your hand into with a joystick on top. Very realistic. I used to play the game with a friend for hours at a time.

Marv @ 12/28/2009 10:27 PM
this was an incredibly hot toy i got one year as a kid.

loweyecue @ 12/28/2009 10:31 PM
2004, arrived 6 days before Christmas was 8 weeks old then: My most beloved German Shepherd - Sirius Black.
NYKBocker @ 12/28/2009 10:44 PM
This thread really is nostalgic. Check this history of the video game consoles.
orangeblobman @ 12/28/2009 11:02 PM
I'm kind of pissed that our early years were hijacked by the Video Game Monster (VGM).
NYKBocker @ 12/28/2009 11:19 PM
Anybody remember Moon Cresta back in the arcades?
jusnice @ 12/29/2009 11:03 AM
Thanks for the memories fellas. Christmas was always a special time in our house and while my parents didn't make much money (one a nurse and the other a teacher) they tried their hardest to make christmas special. I was a huge Star Wars, Transformers, and GI Joe fan and typically asked for some big things around Christmas. One of the best was the GI Joe hover craft - that thing kicked ass.
jazz74 @ 12/29/2009 11:12 AM
jusnice wrote:Thanks for the memories fellas. Christmas was always a special time in our house and while my parents didn't make much money (one a nurse and the other a teacher) they tried their hardest to make christmas special. I was a huge Star Wars, Transformers, and GI Joe fan and typically asked for some big things around Christmas. One of the best was the GI Joe hover craft - that thing kicked ass.

i wasnt totally into gi joe tho i had a few figures like snake-eyes ( which was near impossible to get but i manage to get him) and flint. however, my friend was really into it and had the headquarters. since i was a transformers nut, i always used a transformer to destroy his headquarters. never played the right way which infuriated him but i had fun ruining their play. it is sort of like when i was punching my cousins cabbage patch doll and her crying about it ( which i got in big trouble, by the way). ah, memories.

jazz74 @ 12/29/2009 11:15 AM
TMS wrote:anybody remember this? my older bro got this for his birthday one year & we used to play the crap out of it... it came w/interchangeable screen covers for each game.

leave it to you for bringing back obscure memories. i remembered that and i had that on my list ( or circled it for what i wanted in the sears wish book which was released every year). i did not get it because i think it was expensive. got the colecovision a couple of years later which was a good trade off.

joec32033 @ 12/29/2009 2:40 PM
TMS @ 12/29/2009 5:21 PM
orangeblobman @ 12/29/2009 5:29 PM
"and if we need him to hit a three to win the championship, he can do that too"
CrushAlot @ 12/29/2009 11:51 PM
It wasn't the best present ever but I was given a book, If I were a NY Knickerbocker with my picture in each photo with Ew, Oak, Mase, Starks and the boys. I still have it and it was a great gift.
Finestrg @ 12/29/2009 11:56 PM
jazz74 wrote:
NYKBocker wrote:I really wanted this but it was too expensive for my parents

commodore 64 were great back then and kept the video game markets open after atari/ colecovision and intellivision. donkey kong was better on the 64 because it was the only one with the sandpit level. it is funny, like someone mentioned, that video game system made most of the lists. i guess it defines a generation. my ex's also gave me my recent game systems like playstation, gamecube ( ex-wife) and xbox 360 ( ex girlfriend) but the first one holds a special place in my heart.

C-64 was the shit. Man did I love that computer...I think I had every game that was ever made for it...You can still play mostly all the games on your PC if you download an emulator (Frodo is the one I downloaded - haven't fooled around with it in awhile but it worked well for the few games I tried). I was cracking up when I stumbled across this a few years ago..There are quite a few sites out there that have tons of Commodore games for you to download for free (very small files called ".d64 files", only a kb or two apiece. For the more complex games, you can even download the old game manuals...

orangeblobman @ 12/29/2009 11:56 PM
An asshole of an uncle got me the LoTR one Christmas. Hated him for it at the time. But, damn, I appreciate it now.
AbrahamLincoln @ 12/30/2009 12:37 AM

But in all seriousness:

This was the first real big time present I got as a kid. I didn't pull a Nintendo 64 kid when I opened my present but it's fair to say I was ecstatic.

orangeblobman @ 12/31/2009 8:54 PM
harvest moon??
AbrahamLincoln @ 1/1/2010 12:52 AM
orangeblobman wrote:harvest moon??

I don't even know what game that is. The games I got with it that day were Super Mario 64, Bomberman and WCW/nWo World Tour. Classic.

jazz74 @ 12/26/2010 12:18 AM
revisited for the new members this year.
BasketballJones @ 12/26/2010 12:07 PM
I once got my two front teeth for christmas. That was pretty awesome.
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