woah, so happy so many people love honey. supreme, very intresting about the honey shops. obvoiusly, people in libya understand the awesomeness of honey.
nalod, i am trying to cure sinusitis, occasional sleeplessness, and improve my skin.
Once you open the jar, where do you rub the honey?

Oh boy... that does that look tasty!!!
So what's the verdict? Did you eat it all?
If anyone is interested, here are some other foods you may or may not like or love that is extremely healthy and also helps fight diseases, and should be included in your diet regularly:
Avocado, bananas, beans, beets, blueberries, brocolli, butternut squash, carrots, grapes, kale, kiwifruit, flaxseeds (You can mix that with a lot of food like yogurt, or even honey!) nuts (Brazil, walnuts), wild salmon, soy, oats and oatmeal, olives and olive oil, onions, oranges, peppers, strawberries, spinach, green black and red tea, tomatos and as mentioned earlier, yogurt. Honey wasn't on that list, but I guess it's healthy.
BTW, it said in DJs post that honey has no cholesterol, but helps keep it balances well. I wonder if that means it has high density lipoproteins, which is actually the good type of cholesterol, which travels to your heart and collects low density lipoproteins (Bad choloesterol) from your coronary arteries. If that's the case, then honey should definitely be included in your diet.
haha good bump
I will add raspberries and green tea to the list. they both accelerate the metabolism. not healthy per say, but eating a moderate amount of raspberries and yogurt and drinking green tea and honey is a fantastic diet and a good way to lose a little weight.
SupremeCommander wrote:haha good bumpI will add raspberries and green tea to the list. they both accelerate the metabolism. not healthy per say, but eating a moderate amount of raspberries and yogurt and drinking green tea and honey is a fantastic diet and a good way to lose a little weight.
Green tea was on the list, but you're right. A lot of those foods are great to mix up. Get yourself some Greek Yogurt one day and mix it with Flax seeds (High in HDLs) and blueberries or raspberries for one breakfast with maybe a banana and that's a great way to start the day and even keep you satisfied for a good 3 or so hours. Avocados is also on the list. It's a great replacement for cheese. If you insist on having a sandwich, replace cheese with avacado and buy the healthiest bread you can get but for the most part, any kind of bread isn't good for you. Or you can make guacamole and get whatever type of good dipping food there is. Just don't have a lot of it or have a good workout the day you eat it.
It's sad how America has gotton so fat. Eating well should be easy as can be, but it isn't.
http://www.buzzle.com/articles/raw-honey...That reports some dangers of eating raw honey. Also, read somewhere else that the term "raw" is just a marketing ploy, so supposedly you shouldn't pay too much attention to that word. Also, it's still high in fructose, and while it's a high glycemic food, too much of any sugar is never ever good, so having just a little bit is good, but definitely not a lot.
Unfermented Soy (Tofu) may not be very healthy. I read somewhere it could lead to hyper thyroidism if you drink it often enough.
Allanfan20 wrote:If anyone is interested, here are some other foods you may or may not like or love that is extremely healthy and also helps fight diseases, and should be included in your diet regularly:Avocado, bananas, beans, beets, blueberries, brocolli, butternut squash, carrots, grapes, kale, kiwifruit, flaxseeds (You can mix that with a lot of food like yogurt, or even honey!) nuts (Brazil, walnuts), wild salmon, soy, oats and oatmeal, olives and olive oil, onions, oranges, peppers, strawberries, spinach, green black and red tea, tomatos and as mentioned earlier, yogurt. Honey wasn't on that list, but I guess it's healthy.
BTW, it said in DJs post that honey has no cholesterol, but helps keep it balances well. I wonder if that means it has high density lipoproteins, which is actually the good type of cholesterol, which travels to your heart and collects low density lipoproteins (Bad choloesterol) from your coronary arteries. If that's the case, then honey should definitely be included in your diet.
Why couldn't stuffed pizza, buffalo wings, or the Wendy's Double be on that list?!?!?
Went to India when I was a kid and stayed with my relative on a farm. They had a mango tree with a huge bees nest. One of the workers smoked the bees out and cut out a part of the honeycomb. Brought it down and we had honey. The best tasting honey I had ever had nothing like the processed honey you get in the market.
wow so that's what happened to the blob.
bad honey.
LOL, haven't thought of the blob in a while. Has he showed up under any other alias? Sorta miss that guy on a lazy Friday afternoon...
I just learned some new information on raw honey just this weekend and today.
Get your honey from your local bee farm. As local as possible, and there definitely should be some around, even if you're in the city. That's because your allergies are obviously from things around you, and the honey that's made in your local area will help decrease your allergy misfortunes over time, if you have a little bit of it.
Just wanted to say that in case anyone is interested because I'm definitely going to explore it.
Allanfan20 wrote:I just learned some new information on raw honey just this weekend and today. Get your honey from your local bee farm. As local as possible, and there definitely should be some around, even if you're in the city. That's because your allergies are obviously from things around you, and the honey that's made in your local area will help decrease your allergy misfortunes over time, if you have a little bit of it.
Just wanted to say that in case anyone is interested because I'm definitely going to explore it.
Wow , thats some really cool info. It goes along with the healing ideas in "The Ringing Cedars" books. I want a beehive. I wonder if I could just put it on my fire escape. If its small enough I definately could.
blob, now that you're back with us.. can you share some more thoughts on this phenomenon of nature?
Apparently somebody somebody bought some kind of honey and left it in the fridge in my house and let honey seep to the sides of the opening, because it the cap is completely glued to the top. Awesome.
nyk4ever wrote:blob, now that you're back with us.. can you share some more thoughts on this phenomenon of nature?
absolutely. it's delicious. now i take teaspoons of honey before i run and it makes me feel so good. but as far as the hype, i don't know, all i know is that i'm eating a lot of sardines, honey, and veggies, but not all together, at the same time.
I swear to you, nyk4ever, when I eat honey before a run, I run better. I don't know, call me crazy, but instead of candy, honey is the way to go.