Off Topic · Crap like this sincerely breaks my heart: (page 3)

BasketballJones @ 5/27/2010 10:48 PM
Then again...
[url=""]BP Resumes Work to Plug Oil Leak After Facing Setback[/url]

HOUSTON — BP on Thursday night restarted its most ambitious effort yet to plug the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, trying to revive hopes that it might cap the well with a “top kill” technique that involved pumping heavy drilling liquids to counteract the pressure of the gushing oil.

BP officials, who along with government officials created the impression early in the day that the strategy was working, disclosed later that they had stopped pumping the night before when engineers saw that too much of the drilling fluid was escaping along with the oil

BasketballJones @ 5/27/2010 10:59 PM
Here's a link to the spillcam live video feed showing the leak. Right now, it looks like brown mud is spewing, probably as a result of the continuing "top kill" effort.

BP Link to the same video:

OasisBU @ 5/29/2010 7:12 PM

Top Kill has officially failed - whats next? I think the gulf is pretty much done.

Allanfan20 @ 5/30/2010 10:37 PM
Just the gulf? How about the land and marshes and swamps that oil is hitting, and it's said that it will hit the Atlantic as well. This is a nightmare, and they are now saying August is the earliest they can plug that disgusting hole.
loweyecue @ 6/2/2010 8:30 PM
Obama was on TV again, DEFENDING his comments on off-shore drilling. He sounded like that scientist dude at the end of Jurassic Park (original movie) ... "Next time when we have more control..." Some people never learn, politicians least of all. I have been an Obama supporter for very long, but that is changing.
OasisBU @ 6/3/2010 12:19 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:Just the gulf? How about the land and marshes and swamps that oil is hitting, and it's said that it will hit the Atlantic as well. This is a nightmare, and they are now saying August is the earliest they can plug that disgusting hole.

Yeah man - I hear you - an when I say the gulf I am talking about the entire body of water, all the sealife in it, all the coastline regions that are and will be ruined, the marshes, birds, ecosystems etc.

I just use "the gulf" as an all encompassing description. It is truly sad and I can't believe people are still lining up to buy BP gas.

Allanfan20 @ 6/3/2010 12:38 AM
loweyecue wrote:Obama was on TV again, DEFENDING his comments on off-shore drilling. He sounded like that scientist dude at the end of Jurassic Park (original movie) ... "Next time when we have more control..." Some people never learn, politicians least of all. I have been an Obama supporter for very long, but that is changing.

I didn't vote for McCain b/c of Sarah Palins oil drilling interests. Well, that was one interest. That last matchup is turning out to be as bad as Bush vs Kerry.

loweyecue @ 6/3/2010 5:56 PM
I am seriously considering a "Doom and Gloom" thread to parallel the alba thread. Think about it:

Arizona State Govt - Legalizes racism
BP Oil Spill
Tea Party gaining popularity
Stock Market crash (again)
Israel all but declares war
Greek debt crisis almost floors the euro
Heck, even England had a three party election!
What the crud is happening to planet Earth?
And now LA or Boson will win another Championship.


kam77 @ 6/4/2010 10:58 AM
Nothing the Earth can't handle. Its us we're screwin with.
Marv @ 6/4/2010 11:08 AM
the news sounds positive so far this morning about them maybe capping it.
Allanfan20 @ 6/4/2010 12:15 PM
kam77 wrote:Nothing the Earth can't handle. Its us we're screwin with.

Is that what all the lost animals are thinking?

kam77 @ 6/4/2010 1:24 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:
kam77 wrote:Nothing the Earth can't handle. Its us we're screwin with.

Is that what all the lost animals are thinking?

I was referring to the post about Planet Earth. Planet Earth can recover quickly (geologically speaking). Life is what gets screwed with in the meantime. Lots of species dying, pollution, chemicals in our food from tainted fish... yeah thats all pretty bad. For us. Plus, we weren't doing much for the animals to begin with. A lot of those shrimp were bound for our dinner plates but the oil killed them first. Doesn't make much difference to Mr. Shrimp.

Allanfan20 @ 6/5/2010 10:36 AM
kam77 wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:
kam77 wrote:Nothing the Earth can't handle. Its us we're screwin with.

Is that what all the lost animals are thinking?

I was referring to the post about Planet Earth. Planet Earth can recover quickly (geologically speaking). Life is what gets screwed with in the meantime. Lots of species dying, pollution, chemicals in our food from tainted fish... yeah thats all pretty bad. For us. Plus, we weren't doing much for the animals to begin with. A lot of those shrimp were bound for our dinner plates but the oil killed them first. Doesn't make much difference to Mr. Shrimp.

I don't even know about THAT. There's so many shrimp, that only a small portion can be bound to hit someones dinner plate. To the shrimp though, it's just that much less of of a chance to survive. However, in the eyes of the ecosystem, the loss of all the shrimp from the oil sprill is a devestation, and it's good that you brought it up. Yes, to the shrimp it doesn't make a difference (Besides the one that survive their full lifespans) but to the ecosystem, forget it. How about all the fish, and birds and seals and whales and yes, people, that eat the shrimp. Well, to us, it's less of a blow, but other animals can only eat shrimp.

That's a cool thought to start the morning.

NYKBocker @ 6/26/2010 12:47 AM
Allanfan20 @ 6/26/2010 12:57 PM
NYKBocker wrote:

TMS @ 6/26/2010 3:26 PM
hopefully this device Kevin Costner & his team has developed can help matters.

TMS @ 6/26/2010 3:28 PM
oops, guess Bocker beat me to it.
Allanfan20 @ 6/27/2010 12:55 PM
TMS wrote:hopefully this device Kevin Costner & his team has developed can help matters.

If he wants to give it a try, he better try fast. That oil is expected to eventually go all the way up the Atlantic with those currents, and that expected hurricane can't exactly help matters.

TMS @ 6/27/2010 5:11 PM
apparently BP has bought up a bunch of his centrifuges to get to work on this spill & he's working on developing a oil cleanup ship that's specially rigged with this device with another corporate investor for future spills... every little bit helps... at least it's good to know there's some people out there working on solutions rather than more excuses & finger pointing
Olbrannon @ 6/30/2010 8:28 PM
The end not yet in sight ..hurricane season is upon us. [url=""] Tarpon fishing [/url] may be a thing of the past.

For some real time info you can check this [url=""]link[/url]

Olbrannon @ 6/30/2010 8:40 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:Just the gulf? How about the land and marshes and swamps that oil is hitting, and it's said that it will hit the Atlantic as well. This is a nightmare, and they are now saying August is the earliest they can plug that disgusting hole.

I cannot help but think of this and some of the consequences. I have lived in Florida most of my life. A hurricane could drive oil far onshore. It is plausible to me at least that the result of oil inland filters down into the water table and makes it undrinkable without at least some kind of treatment

there have been un-confirmed reports of some workers being overcome by fumes. These reports were from other workers doing cleanup. I have seen nothing in the news to confirm this and do not really expect to. 3 have died from fumes so far I was told. I did have another report from a separate source that 3 people were life flighted and many others treated for inhalation of the fumes during cleanup. Apparently these people were equipped with resporators but pulled them off for some reason.
I do not have the resources to confirm these reports nor investigate their validity.

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