Off Topic · What it's like to own an Apple product - (page 1)

TMS @ 6/25/2010 4:05 PM
jimimou @ 6/25/2010 4:08 PM
will gargle balls for money...ohh man that is funny!
Solace @ 6/25/2010 11:20 PM
Hilarious! The Apple community is so cultish and trendy, to the point of being absurd. If Apple came out with the iCrap toilet, it would sell two million during the first week.
TMS @ 6/26/2010 1:55 PM
i think you better buy up that patent before Apple does.
Solace @ 6/26/2010 2:40 PM
TMS wrote:i think you better buy up that patent before Apple does.

Heh heh.

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