Off Topic · Why Do Women Just Argue Incessantly? (Advanced apologies to any females on the board) (page 1)

Solace @ 6/26/2010 11:16 PM
With apologies to bitty, I'm starting to believe that some women like to argue just to argue. I'm getting very tired of it. You present a logical argument and they try to tear it down with illogical statements. When you make logical arguments why their arguments make no sense or don't apply, they just change the topics and bring up a flaw/mistake/whatever of yours from two years ago. Argh! Sorry, girlfriend problems.
TMS @ 6/26/2010 11:22 PM
seriously, i don't understand women either... i hate to argue *cough*
Solace @ 6/26/2010 11:38 PM
TMS wrote:seriously, i don't understand women either... i hate to argue *cough*

Well, it's funny, because she asks why I see it as arguing.
I said, "well, you're disputing every point I make and what you're saying isn't actually true."
Her: "Isn't that called discussing?"
Me: "No. That's called being a pain in the ass and talking to you is a waste of time."

Then, I walked away and went back to my homework after another wasted two hours of nothing useful.

Vmart @ 6/27/2010 12:07 AM
Solace wrote:
TMS wrote:seriously, i don't understand women either... i hate to argue *cough*

Well, it's funny, because she asks why I see it as arguing.
I said, "well, you're disputing every point I make and what you're saying isn't actually true."
Her: "Isn't that called discussing?"
Me: "No. That's called being a pain in the ass and talking to you is a waste of time."

Then, I walked away and went back to my homework after another wasted two hours of nothing useful.

When you sense an argument coming just throw a random compliment in there. They tend to pick up complements very well and their train of thought goes mushy. If she is bringing up past mistakes best thing to do is laugh and say boy that was real stupid what I did, this will shut her up as she will not know how to react. They try to goad you into arguing with them that is one of the most effective way to avoid confrontation is to accept the mistake and laugh.

TMS @ 6/27/2010 12:44 AM
Solace wrote:
TMS wrote:seriously, i don't understand women either... i hate to argue *cough*

Well, it's funny, because she asks why I see it as arguing.
I said, "well, you're disputing every point I make and what you're saying isn't actually true."
Her: "Isn't that called discussing?"
Me: "No. That's called being a pain in the ass and talking to you is a waste of time."

Then, I walked away and went back to my homework after another wasted two hours of nothing useful.

that's eerily similar to how i sometimes feel after a day of posting

sorry, not trying to make light of your predicament... just accept the fact that us men just see life through different eyes than women do & hopefully that will help you get through some tough moments dude... it's easy for me to give this type of advice when i'm nt the actual one going through it but life is a lot simpler when you're single & don't have to answer to anyone but yourself i guess

Nalod @ 6/27/2010 10:35 AM
They argue to demonstrate the lack for respect.

Respect must be earned not implied. If you getting the mouth from your girl then your about cooked.

Ever see those yellow pad lists people make with two columns: One "Pro" the other "Con".

The argueing is her way of filling up the "Con" side.

Is Bitty the only women on this board? We need more.

Markji @ 6/27/2010 10:50 AM
Two reasons that I can think of/have experienced.

1. She is feeling hurt; something major you have done or continue to do has really upset her.

2. She is experiencing PMS. Don't take this in any chauvinistic way. A woman's physiology goes thru incredible hormonal changes at this time of month. With some woman, it makes them very emotional, illogical, argumentative, etc. One can almost say it isn't really their fault but there are things woman can do to lessen this.

See how long this argumentative state lasts. If it comes and goes every month or so, then the reason is #2. If it continues for an entire month, it is #1. Better fix it or the relationship will be hell, or end, or both.

BasketballJones @ 6/27/2010 11:39 AM
Solace wrote:With apologies to bitty, I'm starting to believe that some women like to argue just to argue. I'm getting very tired of it. You present a logical argument and they try to tear it down with illogical statements. When you make logical arguments why their arguments make no sense or don't apply, they just change the topics and bring up a flaw/mistake/whatever of yours from two years ago. Argh! Sorry, girlfriend problems.

This doesn't sound like some philisophical argument. It sounds like an emotional one. If it's about an emtional issue, don't try to go all "Mr. Spock" and expect her to be "logical". If the arguments are about your relationship, or perceived emotional wrongs, those are dealt with on an emotional level.

If you are the "logical" type, try to look at it this way: What is the puzzle here? What is she really trying to tell you? Did you really flirt with the waitress? Did you lecture her about something? Ignore her opinion? Did you say something that could reasonably upset her? If so, just admit you're wrong and move on.

On the other hand, it's possible that she has issues that go beyond you, and you're just triggering them with what you think are innnocuous remarks or actions. She could be one of those crazy girls and there's nothing you can do about it, in which case you may have to consider changing your stiutation.

But I'd suggest looking at your own actions first. If you really care for this girl, try doing nice things for her from time to time out of the blue. Observe yourself and see if you're being overly critical at times, lecturing her, ignoring her opinion, etc (generally being a boor). Nothing personal meant - most of us guys do this stuff whithout thinking about it.

Allanfan20 @ 6/27/2010 12:52 PM
Bballjones and markji are both correct. There could be a million reasons. There are some women that get pissy and will argue with you, but something ELSE is bothering them, and they wont tell you until later. Sometimes you have to either show them you care by saying how you really want to know what's bothering her and convince her to tell you (While swallowing your pride) or you have to be patient and let her display her true feelings when she is ready.

Or she could be an illogical crazy son of a biscuit, as bballjones said. Whether you're attracted to that is up to you. Personally, I stay away from them. In fact, I was just on and off dating and talking to a girl just like that and am happy that's over.

Or she could be like not just some chicks, but some guys too, and make illogical arguements, just for the sake of argueing or hearing themselves speak, or maybe she really thinks she's right, even though completely illogical. You don't think some guys are like this? Check out this message board on a website called ultimateknicks. There are a couple of people like that.

Or maybe she's just confrontational. Either way, it's up to you to figure out what it is. Maybe if you tell us the story (Which you don't have to if it's private obviously) we can maybe help you pinpoint it better.

A million possibilities, a million solutions!

Good luck broham.

Solace @ 6/28/2010 1:07 AM
Thanks guys. As for the argument. Basically, I have a long-ish ride to work right now. Can be about 50 minutes, or worse, if there's traffic. Last year I wanted to move, but she was complaining, so it wound up not happening. This year we were talking about it again. The problem is that she was making up any argument in the world to tell me why I'm silly for wanting to move, blah blah... Most of them were totally bogus. I'm not going to bother getting into some of the excuses, but there were some that were utterly absurd and she knows it, too. Later after I gave up talking to her, she finally admitted that she was making up BS excuses and she just didn't want to move because she likes the town. Why she couldn't make that point in the first place, instead of making irrational arguments, I don't know.


Markji @ 6/28/2010 7:53 AM
Solace wrote:Thanks guys. As for the argument. Basically, I have a long-ish ride to work right now. Can be about 50 minutes, or worse, if there's traffic. Last year I wanted to move, but she was complaining, so it wound up not happening. This year we were talking about it again. The problem is that she was making up any argument in the world to tell me why I'm silly for wanting to move, blah blah... Most of them were totally bogus. I'm not going to bother getting into some of the excuses, but there were some that were utterly absurd and she knows it, too. Later after I gave up talking to her, she finally admitted that she was making up BS excuses and she just didn't want to move because she likes the town. Why she couldn't make that point in the first place, instead of making irrational arguments, I don't know.


Well, that isn't so bad.

If you, or anyone on this board, haven't read "Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus", I highly recommend it. Just the first book - that is enough. or listen to the audio on the way to work. It really opened my eyes about relationships between men and woman....and that was almost 20 years ago.

How come Bitty never chimes in on these threads to give an understanding from the woman's point of view. I'd love to hear it.

Allanfan20 @ 6/28/2010 2:44 PM
Markji wrote:
Solace wrote:Thanks guys. As for the argument. Basically, I have a long-ish ride to work right now. Can be about 50 minutes, or worse, if there's traffic. Last year I wanted to move, but she was complaining, so it wound up not happening. This year we were talking about it again. The problem is that she was making up any argument in the world to tell me why I'm silly for wanting to move, blah blah... Most of them were totally bogus. I'm not going to bother getting into some of the excuses, but there were some that were utterly absurd and she knows it, too. Later after I gave up talking to her, she finally admitted that she was making up BS excuses and she just didn't want to move because she likes the town. Why she couldn't make that point in the first place, instead of making irrational arguments, I don't know.


Well, that isn't so bad.

If you, or anyone on this board, haven't read "Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus", I highly recommend it. Just the first book - that is enough. or listen to the audio on the way to work. It really opened my eyes about relationships between men and woman....and that was almost 20 years ago.

How come Bitty never chimes in on these threads to give an understanding from the woman's point of view. I'd love to hear it.

Ohhhhhh she does and I'm sure she will when she reads this thread.

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