Paladin55 wrote:In the NYC school system we are becoming "rubric" crazy. Everything we do now has to have a rubric (a scoring tool that teachers use to assess student performance) so a student will know what they have to do to be successful, and the specific reasons why they are not receiving an optimum grade.There has to be a rubric set up for UK banning. I'm putting down some general ideas, the specifics are for others.
5- Your posts are worthy of having our (Andrew/Martin) names being attached to them
4- We don't agree with all of your ideas and comments, but it is obvious that you took some time to think and write them; use of a spell checker would be helpful before posting; good use of humor
3-You can be provocative at times, but in general, you are good for the community, and show an interest in making good posts; you are not too predictable; sometimes you are not as funny as you think you are
2- You're getting on our collective nerves; your logic/reasoning is faulty; your posts are trollish; Do you deliberately try to come across as being obnoxious?; your humor is juvenile and sometimes obnoxious;
1- Banned; we warned you- we can't take it any more- Martin is getting that twitch in the corner of his left eye again; if we had acquired Amare and James, Wade, and Bosh, you would still be putting out the negative vibes; take some time to think about your posts, let us know other Knicks' sites you post on so we can monitor the quality of your posting; you're on the path toward UK oblivion; we will contact you in one month
0- Banned- Why couldn't you heed our warnings?; don't even think about asking to come back