Off Topic · Briggs and Playa appreciation thread (page 2)

nyk4ever @ 7/23/2010 8:01 AM
playa gets exactly what he wants here.. more attention.
Markji @ 7/23/2010 8:09 AM
Eny, my hats off to you. A good reminder for us all, to act/write more friendly, with our forum friends.
playa2 @ 7/23/2010 11:51 AM
nyk4ever wrote:playa gets exactly what he wants here.. more attention.

Can't we all just get along and enjoy one another.
Markji @ 7/23/2010 11:56 AM
playa2 wrote:
nyk4ever wrote:playa gets exactly what he wants here.. more attention.

Can't we all just get along and enjoy one another.
Show Playa and Briggs some RESPECT.

Moonangie @ 7/23/2010 12:00 PM
ROFL@thisTopic. But yeah, those guys post some insightful shyte, regardless of if I agree with them. Glad they contribute. I also find the moronic name-calling to be trite and not at all constructive


Nyballa561 wrote:at least he optimistic. as opposed to people like "iSergio" who is a complete douchebag and pessimist.

Fixed. Please take the asinine name-calling to RealGM. Folks here disdain that sort of silliness because it adds nothing and makes you look rather lame.

CrushAlot @ 7/23/2010 12:04 PM
I generally enjoy what both have to say. I think Playa's take on D'Antoni is pretty accurate and I enjoy reading Briggs insight and predictions about young players. I think they both add a lot to the forum.
BlueSeats @ 7/23/2010 12:19 PM
Cookdcokehop @ 7/23/2010 12:49 PM
2 of my fav posters
BasketballJones @ 7/23/2010 1:05 PM
What about TMS? No special appreciation for him?
playa2 @ 7/23/2010 3:13 PM
EnySpree wrote:I'm starting this because alot of you guys seem to like to personally bash these dudes for having an opinion....

I don't see either as having agendas...I see them as guys that try their hardest to spark intelligent conversation on these threads.

I wish some of you would chill out with the abuse you spew at these dudes. I'm glad they continue to show up everyday. I think they are a huge part of what makes these forums some of the best on the net.

TheSage @ 7/23/2010 3:43 PM
Briggs may not always be right but is insightful and well reasoned. Playa-how does one spell regurgitate
Nalod @ 7/23/2010 3:52 PM
EnySpree wrote:I'm starting this because alot of you guys seem to like to personally bash these dudes for having an opinion....

I don't see either as having agendas...I see them as guys that try their hardest to spark intelligent conversation on these threads.

I wish some of you would chill out with the abuse you spew at these dudes. I'm glad they continue to show up everyday. I think they are a huge part of what makes these forums some of the best on the net.

Maybe its not having an opinion, but the opinion itself?

These are good dudes, opinions are like assholes. Everyone got one!

playa2 @ 7/23/2010 4:48 PM
Nalod wrote:
EnySpree wrote:I'm starting this because alot of you guys seem to like to personally bash these dudes for having an opinion....

I don't see either as having agendas...I see them as guys that try their hardest to spark intelligent conversation on these threads.

I wish some of you would chill out with the abuse you spew at these dudes. I'm glad they continue to show up everyday. I think they are a huge part of what makes these forums some of the best on the net.

Maybe its not having an opinion, but the opinion itself?

These are good dudes, opinions are like assholes. Everyone got one!

Nalod just get in the back of the line and wait ya turn for an AUTOGRAPHED KEYBOARD

Bippity10 @ 7/23/2010 7:40 PM
I think Briggs and Playa are both king and queen of the douchebags and I love both of them for it.
Solace @ 7/23/2010 7:42 PM
Bippity10 wrote:I think Briggs and Playa are both king and queen of the douchebags and I love both of them for it.

You were dethroned?

Bippity10 @ 7/23/2010 8:15 PM
Solace wrote:
Bippity10 wrote:I think Briggs and Playa are both king and queen of the douchebags and I love both of them for it.

You were dethroned?

I have no comeback for this.

Paladin55 @ 7/24/2010 12:43 AM
TheSage wrote:Briggs may not always be right but is insightful and well reasoned. Playa-how does one spell regurgitate...

I would not have put Playa in an appreciation thread with Briggs.

Briggs does his homework and researches players like he looking for up and coming stocks. I've had a lot of arguments with him, he is sometimes mean to me(...sniff)and his comments are perhaps a tad heavy handed when they don't need to be, but I understand that he likes the team and is always thinking of how to improve it, even if I disagree with his assessments. I also take his player research seriously- again, he is not always right (he is a sucka' for athletic bigs)- but I don't have the time to follow college ball that often except for the tournament- so I sometimes learn of a player for the first time from him.

Playa is a provocateur, par excellence, who tries to push buttons by posting on certain topics. He seems to limited in terms of what I see him write about this or that player or issue. Don't know if he is a racist, as some have insinuated- I will let people judge that for themselves by reading his posts and drawing their own conclusion. He does seem to have agendas which drive him, though. Maybe when I retire in a few years I will be bored enough to do a word analysis of his posts- might be revealing.

I will make a prediction. If AR and Gallo remain on the team, you can be sure of getting a regular diet of posts where Playa is providing his usual "objective" analysis of the two young men, and god forbid Anthony's minutes don't measure up to Playa's expectations- his pet name for MDA will be "pasted" all over this forum.

TheSage @ 7/24/2010 8:40 AM
If Jason Kidd in his prime were the Knx point guard Playa would have mixed feelings about him
Marv @ 7/24/2010 10:42 AM
EnySpree wrote:I'm starting this because alot of you guys seem to like to personally bash these dudes for having an opinion....

I don't see either as having agendas...I see them as guys that try their hardest to spark intelligent conversation on these threads.

I wish some of you would chill out with the abuse you spew at these dudes. I'm glad they continue to show up everyday. I think they are a huge part of what makes these forums some of the best on the net.

eny c'mon dude. you really believe what you're writing about playa?

iSergio @ 7/24/2010 10:44 AM
BRIGGS thinks he knows it all and thinks too highly of himself but Playa's racist, pro Isiah Thomas and conspiracy theories are far more annoying.
Solace @ 7/24/2010 10:44 AM
Bippity10 wrote:
Solace wrote:
Bippity10 wrote:I think Briggs and Playa are both king and queen of the douchebags and I love both of them for it.

You were dethroned?

I have no comeback for this.

You should consider overthrowing, so you can get your crown back.

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