Off Topic · Drinking Guinness for hours in London with Knick fans... (page 1)

firefly @ 9/6/2010 2:02 PM
...can cause serious memory-gaps in the work day!!! And the wife doesn't tend to like it either.

Still, great great times SC and we gotta do it again. Very impressed with your fairer half too bro, huge props

Next time, less filth, more Knicks maybe

Allanfan20 @ 9/6/2010 2:43 PM
Drinking Guiness all day is bound to get you good and twisted the next game.

I played beer pong yesterday and my partner and I went 8-1. We lost the last game to lesbians.

firefly @ 9/6/2010 8:04 PM
Eh, everybody loses to lesbians man. Impossible to focus on the game. Nothing like a Guinness buzz tho. Shame about the funny-colored aftereffects.
SupremeCommander @ 9/6/2010 11:23 PM
that was effin epic man... EPIC! even better, was the inside jokes you sent my way on the girlfriend's phone

awesome time as always buddy

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