Off Topic · 2010 UK ALBA Tournament FINALS #61 Achilleas vs. #7 Maran (10/8 - 10/15) (page 3)

loweyecue @ 10/11/2010 12:27 AM
Childs2Dudley wrote:
Clyde59 wrote:
BlueSeats wrote:With Nicola, I imagine going to her family's stone house in the country. We'd eat lamb, olives and figs and drink Cabernet. She'd show me her father's architectural renderings, her mother's watercolors and her grandmothers jewelry. We'd drive a Renault, smoke hashish and just miss hitting a goat. I'd want it to rain half the week so we could stay inside, play backgammon and cards, and I'd learn everything about her. I'd read her high school diaries, smell the cologne behind her ear, and massage her feet with eucalyptus oil. We'd pick grapes from the vineyard, scrape and paint the 200 year old door, collect eggs from the hens and make an omelette with goat cheese and thyme. At night we'd build a fire with Cypress logs, drink cognac and draw pictures of each other in charcoal. I'd wish we could just live there forever so the dream would never end.

It appears you have some repressive issues around goats. On your drive up, you talk about just missing one with your vehicle. Later, you enjoy an omelette made from goat cheese. Is this a Silence of the Lambs thing? Have the goats stopped screaming, BlueSeats? Perhaps it's time to take a session with Dr. Paul Weston, from the HBO show, In Treatment.

Classic 1st post but I think this is an old poster under a new identity.

He is just one of those "Men who stare at goats"

Nalod @ 10/11/2010 12:38 AM
escape goat.
BlueSeats @ 10/11/2010 12:52 AM
I care not of goats, only Nicola.

Clyde59 @ 10/11/2010 1:03 AM
Childs2Dudley wrote:Classic 1st post but I think this is an old poster under a new identity.

More like a new poster with an old identity.

NYKBocker @ 10/11/2010 10:00 PM
This needs to be in the 2nd page
NYKBocker wrote:
Silverfuel @ 10/12/2010 9:42 AM
NYK: Don't you have any other pictures you kept in reserve?
NYKBocker @ 10/12/2010 9:51 AM
Silverfuel wrote:NYK: Don't you have any other pictures you kept in reserve?

NYKBocker @ 10/12/2010 9:54 AM
NYKBocker @ 10/12/2010 10:00 AM

NYKBocker @ 10/12/2010 3:20 PM

BlueSeats @ 10/12/2010 6:37 PM
Know what I like about Nicola?

Her lips. They're just so full... so compelling... so luscious... so vexing.

She could be wrapped like a mummy, but so long as those lips were showing, she'd be hot.

BlueSeats @ 10/14/2010 2:10 PM

Sweet Nicola, do not wither!

I know this tourney has been long, and the competition fierce. But you haven't come this far to lose. If you're tired imagine how she feels, she's 10 years older with a lot of miles on her body.

Now take a deep breath, put your game face on, and get back out there.


BlueSeats @ 10/14/2010 2:11 PM

BlueSeats @ 10/14/2010 2:12 PM

BlueSeats @ 10/14/2010 2:14 PM

BlueSeats @ 10/14/2010 2:14 PM

jimimou @ 10/14/2010 2:18 PM
being that its the finals, we need some alternate views of this's some pro bono(r) work i did for you blue...

and lastly, here's one of blue and nicola happy as ducks in a black and white of course:

BlueSeats @ 10/14/2010 2:36 PM
nice buzzkill jimi
jimimou @ 10/14/2010 2:49 PM
NYKBocker @ 10/14/2010 2:50 PM
Childs2Dudley @ 10/14/2010 2:54 PM
The cow thing is just weird and too close to bestiality.

Maran should lose because of this.

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