Off Topic · TMS served? (page 2)
personally i think it's a little odd for u to act like ur style of posting is never offensive, IMO it's highly provocative i've noticed u getting into it with a lot of posters here so let's not throw stones if you live in a glass house (or however that saying goes)... but i really don't care if you change your style of posting or not, that's how you choose to present yourself that's up to you... not sure why u or anyone else would want me to change my style of posting i'm not personally offending anyone with any inflammatory threads like the one Nalod posted poking fun of my repetitive posting style & inciting negative reactions towards me from other posters... to me that's what you call childish behavior, the sorta stuff that you were commenting about in your diatribe that you despised... funny that you didn't choose to lecture Nalod over this but you chose to wait til now to voice your feelings on the issue.
What Nalod did is his own thing and he has his own reasons for it. I am not saying it's right. I didn't bother to read anything he said. All I saw was the outcome of the situation. If he continued the process of insulting others who have differing opinions then he is completely wrong. We are all fans of the same team and need to stop having flame wars and whatever against each other over the team which we both support.
In regards to your posting style and my posting style, I don't know if my style bothers anyone. It doesn't bother me. When I am posting I am not posting out of anger or to incite some sort of reaction. Maybe you feel the same way but when I read your posts I sense a tone of sarcasm or veiled insults. It could be unintentional but it usually gets others angry and leads to insults. I already know at this point not to get offended by anything said here anymore. You can continue to post the way you post but be mindful that others may be taking it the wrong way and getting angry for that reason rather than your opinion. It's more about how the opinion is presented rather than the opinion itself. Abrasiveness is probably the best way to define that. Maybe some people can put me into the same category. That's fine. I've tried to change my methods a bit and people still think I'm angry. It is what it is. - (Once again, these are not insults. I am just having a discussion. Just making it clear.)
The entire point is that I see people asking about why people aren't "manning up" and bumping threads gloating and I honestly can't understand it. I've been right and wrong on many occasions, but I never advertise it (unless that person was an Isiah fan and still is, that's unforgivable). I admit it and I move on. I don't need to make threads to validate myself whether I am right or wrong. I want what is best for the franchise and not what is best for me to look good. And that is not directed at you and neither is anything else. It's the point I'm trying to make. Good arguments and discussions are great but when they dissolve into "I'm better than you" then it gets irritating.
TMS wrote:Just as well, I just started working again so don't get the chance to post much anyway... plus now there's like 10 peeps on my ignore list now half the threads are hidden from view lmao
There's an ignore function?
[He's probably not seeing this]
TMS wrote:Let me just tell u i have never taken a stance that my opinion was better than anyone else's... i have had extensive debates with a ton of posters on this forum & it's never degraded into insult exchanges, always remained respectable, go ask Allanfan20, BlueSeats, Bippity10,Solace, Vmart, Uptown, DrAlphaeus, Silverfuel, CrushAlot, Finestrg, Paladin55, SupremeCommander, joec, sebstar, BigSmooth, i could list a ton of other names who i've debated over the years but u get the picture... it's only a certain few who regularly take a condescending & derisive approach towards me that i have ever gotten into flame wars with, i give as good as i get... if u'r gonna respect my viewpoints i'm gonna respect urs, plain & simple... i don't take a "my opinion is superior to yours" stance ever & if you interpret my posts as such it's way off base... i agree with u i can't stand people that use the "if you don't agree with me then you don't know basketball" stance on issues i can name several guys on this forum that take that stance regularly but i don't try & incite arguments with specific posters for stuff like this it's not worth the aggravation... i'm not about the immature schoolyard games where guys gang up on certain posters because they want to incite ridiculing comments from others to join in & make them feel alienated that's not my thing & never has been... i respect everyone's right to voice an opinion but if you're gonna voice an opinion you better be prepared to be challenged on it without getting disrespectful & ripping people for not agreeing with you otherwise that's exactly what you're gonna get back in return from me... & i don't direct that at you i'm making a general statement.
I'm just happy to be mentioned. Although, being behind Bippity is incredibly insulting.
Seriously, though, you're a good guy. Have never had an issue.
Solace wrote:TMS wrote:Let me just tell u i have never taken a stance that my opinion was better than anyone else's... i have had extensive debates with a ton of posters on this forum & it's never degraded into insult exchanges, always remained respectable, go ask Allanfan20, BlueSeats, Bippity10,Solace, Vmart, Uptown, DrAlphaeus, Silverfuel, CrushAlot, Finestrg, Paladin55, SupremeCommander, joec, sebstar, BigSmooth, i could list a ton of other names who i've debated over the years but u get the picture... it's only a certain few who regularly take a condescending & derisive approach towards me that i have ever gotten into flame wars with, i give as good as i get... if u'r gonna respect my viewpoints i'm gonna respect urs, plain & simple... i don't take a "my opinion is superior to yours" stance ever & if you interpret my posts as such it's way off base... i agree with u i can't stand people that use the "if you don't agree with me then you don't know basketball" stance on issues i can name several guys on this forum that take that stance regularly but i don't try & incite arguments with specific posters for stuff like this it's not worth the aggravation... i'm not about the immature schoolyard games where guys gang up on certain posters because they want to incite ridiculing comments from others to join in & make them feel alienated that's not my thing & never has been... i respect everyone's right to voice an opinion but if you're gonna voice an opinion you better be prepared to be challenged on it without getting disrespectful & ripping people for not agreeing with you otherwise that's exactly what you're gonna get back in return from me... & i don't direct that at you i'm making a general statement.I'm just happy to be mentioned. Although, being behind Bippity is incredibly insulting.
Seriously, though, you're a good guy. Have never had an issue.
same! Though being way behind you is a close second
Man, I love a good debate. I'll echo TMS here and say this whole panties-in-a-bunch "'if you don't agree with me then you don't know basketball' stance" is annoying as hell. What's even more annoying is the ones who tell you that you're doing that to them, when that's there modus operandi.
I have been known to skewer tone, logic, demeanor, and attitude--and will continue to do so--but not the content of someone's belief about basketball.
If you did that to people's beliefs about religion, people sometimes get murdered. Looka t the whole Quran burning fiasco. I'll never tell someone what to believe.
But a good debate? I love a good verbal sparring match. And I'm really sad that one of the better debaters on the forum isn't around to go toe-to-toe with me from time to time.

ramtour420 wrote:Damn this is some heavy shiette. I do remember Nalod posting some stuff about TMS's repetitive whatevers and quite frankly, Nalod you can suck it pal. Even tho your contributions to this forum are probably and likely bigger than mine, but they are still nowhere near TMS's , content-wise. Post counts be damned.
In a rare response by Nalod to address the issue I'll mention that for the most part, I will argue the issue not the person. The "StarPHuch" manifesto was so over the top sarcastic self indulgent I could not imagine anywone would be taken offense to it.
I was wrong.
Personally I like TMS as much his over 40,000 posts have lent us to know him. His travels, employment status and others elements made him an interesting poster. If post counts matter it pales to my 16,000 posts over the years. I didn't know post counts matter except to Bip.
I think my falling out was I responded to a post that I thought he was perhaps sensationalizing an issue that had well be argued and I called him "TMZ" which is the celeberty gossip website and TV show. Hardly a scathing personal attack.
Perhaps "dish it out but can't take the response" might be an observation that perhaps is the reason he left. I say left because Im sure its his choice to be in self exile or his choice to not adhere to the rules of the forum.
This is "heavy shiette"? No, this is a knicks forum. Nothing heavy.
You are a very good friend of his to address this in his behalf.
Personally I'd like to meet the guy in a get together, buy him a beer and hopefully share a laugh or two.
Nalod wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Damn this is some heavy shiette. I do remember Nalod posting some stuff about TMS's repetitive whatevers and quite frankly, Nalod you can suck it pal. Even tho your contributions to this forum are probably and likely bigger than mine, but they are still nowhere near TMS's , content-wise. Post counts be damned.In a rare response by Nalod to address the issue I'll mention that for the most part, I will argue the issue not the person. The "StarPHuch" manifesto was so over the top sarcastic self indulgent I could not imagine anywone would be taken offense to it.
I was wrong.
Personally I like TMS as much his over 40,000 posts have lent us to know him. His travels, employment status and others elements made him an interesting poster. If post counts matter it pales to my 16,000 posts over the years. I didn't know post counts matter except to Bip.
I think my falling out was I responded to a post that I thought he was perhaps sensationalizing an issue that had well be argued and I called him "TMZ" which is the celeberty gossip website and TV show. Hardly a scathing personal attack.
Perhaps "dish it out but can't take the response" might be an observation that perhaps is the reason he left. I say left because Im sure its his choice to be in self exile or his choice to not adhere to the rules of the forum.
This is "heavy shiette"? No, this is a knicks forum. Nothing heavy.
You are a very good friend of his to address this in his behalf.
Personally I'd like to meet the guy in a get together, buy him a beer and hopefully share a laugh or two.
I would like to do the same. I like beer. And I like a good discussion. As far as being a good friend of his, I've never met him, but his posts are insightful and we did have a couple of very good discussions, which I happened to really enjoy. Learning that he posts on a different forum is heavy for me. Why? Because good forums have good content and discussions and not having TMS definately takes away from UK.
ramtour420 wrote:Nalod wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Damn this is some heavy shiette. I do remember Nalod posting some stuff about TMS's repetitive whatevers and quite frankly, Nalod you can suck it pal. Even tho your contributions to this forum are probably and likely bigger than mine, but they are still nowhere near TMS's , content-wise. Post counts be damned.In a rare response by Nalod to address the issue I'll mention that for the most part, I will argue the issue not the person. The "StarPHuch" manifesto was so over the top sarcastic self indulgent I could not imagine anywone would be taken offense to it.
I was wrong.
Personally I like TMS as much his over 40,000 posts have lent us to know him. His travels, employment status and others elements made him an interesting poster. If post counts matter it pales to my 16,000 posts over the years. I didn't know post counts matter except to Bip.
I think my falling out was I responded to a post that I thought he was perhaps sensationalizing an issue that had well be argued and I called him "TMZ" which is the celeberty gossip website and TV show. Hardly a scathing personal attack.
Perhaps "dish it out but can't take the response" might be an observation that perhaps is the reason he left. I say left because Im sure its his choice to be in self exile or his choice to not adhere to the rules of the forum.
This is "heavy shiette"? No, this is a knicks forum. Nothing heavy.
You are a very good friend of his to address this in his behalf.
Personally I'd like to meet the guy in a get together, buy him a beer and hopefully share a laugh or two.
I would like to do the same. I like beer. And I like a good discussion. As far as being a good friend of his, I've never met him, but his posts are insightful and we did have a couple of very good discussions, which I happened to really enjoy. Learning that he posts on a different forum is heavy for me. Why? Because good forums have good content and discussions and not having TMS definately takes away from UK.
Well maybe if he is appreciated by some he'll come back.
Been here for many years. Some leave and others step up.
Perhaps its the gentle art of stating fact or stating your opinion. There is a big difference and its important that if a moderator asks you to clarify it or back off. Otherwise the whole site melts down in flames. Thats why this place has stayed on an even balance for so many years. Implying fact when its an opinion is very destructuve to a site like this.
This is my opinion. Redundanct discussions have their own pattern. If nobody wants to talk about it then it dies on the vine. Not all my threads are gems for sure. And if we take a wrong term the dudes will jump on it and bury it. Gotta laugh along. We all mess up.
Maybe we all find the right site to hang with in the long run. If the UK was not it for TMS, then happiness will be found elsewhere........
Nalod wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Nalod wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Damn this is some heavy shiette. I do remember Nalod posting some stuff about TMS's repetitive whatevers and quite frankly, Nalod you can suck it pal. Even tho your contributions to this forum are probably and likely bigger than mine, but they are still nowhere near TMS's , content-wise. Post counts be damned.In a rare response by Nalod to address the issue I'll mention that for the most part, I will argue the issue not the person. The "StarPHuch" manifesto was so over the top sarcastic self indulgent I could not imagine anywone would be taken offense to it.
I was wrong.
Personally I like TMS as much his over 40,000 posts have lent us to know him. His travels, employment status and others elements made him an interesting poster. If post counts matter it pales to my 16,000 posts over the years. I didn't know post counts matter except to Bip.
I think my falling out was I responded to a post that I thought he was perhaps sensationalizing an issue that had well be argued and I called him "TMZ" which is the celeberty gossip website and TV show. Hardly a scathing personal attack.
Perhaps "dish it out but can't take the response" might be an observation that perhaps is the reason he left. I say left because Im sure its his choice to be in self exile or his choice to not adhere to the rules of the forum.
This is "heavy shiette"? No, this is a knicks forum. Nothing heavy.
You are a very good friend of his to address this in his behalf.
Personally I'd like to meet the guy in a get together, buy him a beer and hopefully share a laugh or two.
I would like to do the same. I like beer. And I like a good discussion. As far as being a good friend of his, I've never met him, but his posts are insightful and we did have a couple of very good discussions, which I happened to really enjoy. Learning that he posts on a different forum is heavy for me. Why? Because good forums have good content and discussions and not having TMS definately takes away from UK.
Well maybe if he is appreciated by some he'll come back.Been here for many years. Some leave and others step up.
Perhaps its the gentle art of stating fact or stating your opinion. There is a big difference and its important that if a moderator asks you to clarify it or back off. Otherwise the whole site melts down in flames. Thats why this place has stayed on an even balance for so many years. Implying fact when its an opinion is very destructuve to a site like this.
This is my opinion. Redundanct discussions have their own pattern. If nobody wants to talk about it then it dies on the vine. Not all my threads are gems for sure. And if we take a wrong term the dudes will jump on it and bury it. Gotta laugh along. We all mess up.
Maybe we all find the right site to hang with in the long run. If the UK was not it for TMS, then happiness will be found elsewhere........
It had to have been more than stating a fact vs. stating an opinion. Thats my opinion. Its based on some facts: Our admins don't get involved, with very few exceptions. Those exceptions take place when a poster is out of line with personal insults and they tell them to tone it down( usually thats the end, but if its repeated it results in a ban), or when a poster contributes little to BBall discussions and instead uses forum for personal agenda ex.: either to spew negativity or post conspiracy theories in the off-topic forum(also results in a ban if it keeps happening over and over). I am sure that TMS did not do either of those things. I suspect that TMS was provoked (and he is a passionate poster), just like it has happened on this forum b4 which resulted in the provoker's ban or him being insulted and stopping posting game videos and posting alltogether. Don't remember if he was banned or left by himself, it doesn't really matter. So, whoever provoked him this time must have been a lot better at it if the admins took this certain person's side and confronted TMS. This is, of course my opinion. It is based on facts tho. Could it be a fact? Sure. Does it really matter? Nope, TMS is still gone. Not banned, but perhaps he felt let down by the admins. Thats my take.
As far as in the long run, this is still my site and I think you feel the same. Will TMS find the right site to hang with in the long run? I hope he comes back here, thats what I hope for. And lets not just write it off as UK not being for him and that he'll be happy somewhere else. Thats not my nor your decision to make.
ramtour420 wrote:Nalod wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Nalod wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Damn this is some heavy shiette. I do remember Nalod posting some stuff about TMS's repetitive whatevers and quite frankly, Nalod you can suck it pal. Even tho your contributions to this forum are probably and likely bigger than mine, but they are still nowhere near TMS's , content-wise. Post counts be damned.In a rare response by Nalod to address the issue I'll mention that for the most part, I will argue the issue not the person. The "StarPHuch" manifesto was so over the top sarcastic self indulgent I could not imagine anywone would be taken offense to it.
I was wrong.
Personally I like TMS as much his over 40,000 posts have lent us to know him. His travels, employment status and others elements made him an interesting poster. If post counts matter it pales to my 16,000 posts over the years. I didn't know post counts matter except to Bip.
I think my falling out was I responded to a post that I thought he was perhaps sensationalizing an issue that had well be argued and I called him "TMZ" which is the celeberty gossip website and TV show. Hardly a scathing personal attack.
Perhaps "dish it out but can't take the response" might be an observation that perhaps is the reason he left. I say left because Im sure its his choice to be in self exile or his choice to not adhere to the rules of the forum.
This is "heavy shiette"? No, this is a knicks forum. Nothing heavy.
You are a very good friend of his to address this in his behalf.
Personally I'd like to meet the guy in a get together, buy him a beer and hopefully share a laugh or two.
I would like to do the same. I like beer. And I like a good discussion. As far as being a good friend of his, I've never met him, but his posts are insightful and we did have a couple of very good discussions, which I happened to really enjoy. Learning that he posts on a different forum is heavy for me. Why? Because good forums have good content and discussions and not having TMS definately takes away from UK.
Well maybe if he is appreciated by some he'll come back.Been here for many years. Some leave and others step up.
Perhaps its the gentle art of stating fact or stating your opinion. There is a big difference and its important that if a moderator asks you to clarify it or back off. Otherwise the whole site melts down in flames. Thats why this place has stayed on an even balance for so many years. Implying fact when its an opinion is very destructuve to a site like this.
This is my opinion. Redundanct discussions have their own pattern. If nobody wants to talk about it then it dies on the vine. Not all my threads are gems for sure. And if we take a wrong term the dudes will jump on it and bury it. Gotta laugh along. We all mess up.
Maybe we all find the right site to hang with in the long run. If the UK was not it for TMS, then happiness will be found elsewhere........
It had to have been more than stating a fact vs. stating an opinion. Thats my opinion. Its based on some facts: Our admins don't get involved, with very few exceptions. Those exceptions take place when a poster is out of line with personal insults and they tell them to tone it down( usually thats the end, but if its repeated it results in a ban), or when a poster contributes little to BBall discussions and instead uses forum for personal agenda ex.: either to spew negativity or post conspiracy theories in the off-topic forum(also results in a ban if it keeps happening over and over). I am sure that TMS did not do either of those things. I suspect that TMS was provoked (and he is a passionate poster), just like it has happened on this forum b4 which resulted in the provoker's ban or him being insulted and stopping posting game videos and posting alltogether. Don't remember if he was banned or left by himself, it doesn't really matter. So, whoever provoked him this time must have been a lot better at it if the admins took this certain person's side and confronted TMS. This is, of course my opinion. It is based on facts tho. Could it be a fact? Sure. Does it really matter? Nope, TMS is still gone. Not banned, but perhaps he felt let down by the admins. Thats my take.
As far as in the long run, this is still my site and I think you feel the same. Will TMS find the right site to hang with in the long run? I hope he comes back here, thats what I hope for. And lets not just write it off as UK not being for him and that he'll be happy somewhere else. Thats not my nor your decision to make.
Maybe we all find the right site to hang with in the long run. If the UK was not it for TMS, then happiness will be found elsewhere........
Thats the jest of my statement. Its not for us to decide. Thats between him and the Admin.
Im cool either way.
Who the f u c k is TMS?
jrodmc wrote:And it's NSFW besides! Everyone loves boobies and Melo now! Or everyone loves Melo's boobies now! Or something to that effect.Who the f u c k is TMS?
Is he wearing the manziere or is it the bro?