Off Topic · 2011 UK ALBA Tournament Showdown #3 Jane-Clement vs. #62 Varona (8/18 - 8/22) (page 1)

NYKBocker @ 8/18/2011 11:26 AM
BlueSeats wrote:Well, you guys may know, celebrity swim suit models aren't necessarily my favorites. Each year I've tried to break the mold, little by little. In 2009 my pick was Traci Lords, mega porn star of the 80's. Last year was Nicola Achilleas, a largely unknown model. This year I tried to bust bra barrier, to no avail. But push boundaries I must...

And so, with the #62 pick of the 2011 ALBA Draft, I submit to you:

Angie Varona

NYKBocker @ 8/18/2011 11:27 AM
Childs2Dudley wrote:NYKBocker: "With the 3rd pick in the 2011 ALBA Draft, the Childs2Dudley's select....Jessica Jane-Clement."

And this (NSFW):

NYKBocker: "OasisBU is now on the clock."

Interview after selection

Reporter: Why did you make this selection?
Childs2Dudley: We liked her fundamentals. We think she has a sound all-around game with potential to be great. She has two assets that are titillating.

Reporter: Do you think this selection is reaching? Jessica was not projected to go in the lottery.
Childs2Dudley: No, but I'd sure love to give her a reach-around.

martin @ 8/18/2011 11:41 AM
i voted Jessica Jane-Clement (Childs2Dudley) just for the insertion of good interview by Childs2Dudley
NYKBocker @ 8/18/2011 11:49 AM
I voted Varona because supposedly she is Filipina.....and the huge rack and tight body with cute face did not hurt
NYKBocker @ 8/18/2011 11:53 AM

Moonangie @ 8/18/2011 12:01 PM
Varona is all of what...14? Yikes, she's a youngin.
Solace @ 8/18/2011 2:41 PM
Moonangie wrote:Varona is all of what...14? Yikes, she's a youngin.

Apparently, she turned 18 just a few months ago. She looks really young and may be underage in some of these photos. She's cute, but a little too creepy for me since she looks so young.

BlueSeats @ 8/18/2011 7:57 PM
I voted for Angie for being refreshingly different in a sea of conformity.

Plus, she's hotter than hell. And probably looks even better in real life than 95% of the rest of these mannequins.

One can only imagine how amazing she'd look in professional makeup/photos/retouching. Seriously, we talkin' cell phone picks with the toilet seat up!

Childs2Dudley @ 8/18/2011 9:55 PM
The photos posted are her underage. Prepare to be arrested.
BlueSeats @ 8/18/2011 10:22 PM

Do you have any idea what age most girls start modeling?
BlueSeats @ 8/18/2011 10:23 PM

Childs2Dudley @ 8/18/2011 11:34 PM
The point is the photos posted are of an underage girl. That alone should mean she is eliminated.
Solace @ 8/19/2011 9:53 AM
Childs2Dudley wrote:The point is the photos posted are of an underage girl. That alone should mean she is eliminated.

She's probably going to be eliminated either way. But, I would be okay with BlueSeats getting a replacement pick, since there was some confusion over the rules.

jrodmc @ 8/19/2011 12:20 PM
Wow, and nary a comment about the impossibly fake boobies. Daddy must have re-financed the house and sold the boat for those...
NYKBocker @ 8/22/2011 8:34 AM
Polls closes at noon.
NYKBocker @ 8/22/2011 1:44 PM
Polls are closed. Jane-Clement wins 19-9.
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