Off Topic · Penn State - Institutional Failure (page 1)

jusnice @ 11/10/2011 2:04 PM
Just read the whole grand jury report:

So, so, so, very alarming and disgusting how a predator like Sandusky would be allowed to continually operate. Joe Pa should be ashamed of himself. This really and utterly tarnishes his legacy.

I'm really blown away by this. Anyone else?

jrodmc @ 11/14/2011 8:46 AM
The telling story came from Mike Francessa on WFAN when he recounted how a few years ago practically the entire university administration came to Papa Joe's house and informed him that they thought it was time for him to quit (after several losing seasons in a row), and he kicked them all out of his house after informing them that it wasn't time for him to quit.

I wonder if that incident played a part in why Papa tried to cover this up, rather than do the right thing.

Typical story of a guy who took himself way too seriously. Now, after almost 50 years, this is primarily what he's going to be remembered for.

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