Off Topic · Kobe upset Girardi pulled Arod in the 9th (page 1)

ChuckBuck @ 10/11/2012 4:07 PM

Kobe Bryant says pulling Alex Rodriguez 'not good for the chemistry of the team'
Published: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 12:27 PM Updated: Thursday, October 11, 2012, 12:41 PM
By Staff

Despite it instantly becoming one of the top moments in Yankees playoff history, Kobe Bryant does not seem too happy about how Game 3 ended with Alex Rodriguez on the bench, saying it isn't good for team chemistry
Bryant, one of sports' top stars and owner of five championship rings with the Lakers, is reportedly a big Yankees fan and close friends with Rodriguez. But's Arash Markazi was interviewing Bryant after the Yankees game Wednesday night, and when told of how the game ended, Bryant "didn't crack a smile."
Very few seem to disagree with Joe Girardi's decision to pull Rodriguez in the ninth inning; Bryant seems to be one of those few.
"I don't like that," Bryant said, according to Markazi. "That's not good for the chemistry of the team. I'm going to have to call A-Rod."
Kobe on the Yankees finish: "I don't like that. That's not good for the chemistry of the team. I'm going to have to call A-Rod."
Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) October 11, 2012
Kobe, a Yankee fan, didn't crack a smile when told of the Yankees finish tonight. He considers A-Rod a good friend.
Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) October 11, 2012

Didn't know Kobe Bryant was a Yankee fan. So much for his "Philadelphia" roots. At least Melo isn't covering up his B'More roots and openly said he's rooting for the Orioles. Kobe saying stupid illogical shyt isn't shocking. He's the biggest prick in NBA history outside of "His Airness" Apparently when it comes to his boy A-Rod, douchebags of a feather flock together.

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