The greatest lie that the Conservatives have propagated has been that they are fiscally responsible party and that Democrats are big spenders. This has been their mantra and it's so far from true that it's laughable. When they have power they run up the debt and when they get voted out they go on a campaign of lies telling American People that the debt is the fault of the Democrats Big Government spending.
Please someone who supports the Republicans explain why it is that Republican Presidents have exploded the deficit and meanwhile Democratic Presidents have reduced the deficit? It's not true that Obama is some big spender. He's had to do spending just to save the country, but he wouldn't have had to if not for Bush's destruction of the economy. Still look at the TRUTH about deficit reduction by presidents:
[url=""]South Park on Obama winning[/url]
Can anyone on the right address what is perceived to be spending by the Democrats versus Republicans..Also please address what this President's has actually spent...
arkrud wrote:Bonn1997 wrote:ramtour420 wrote:Why do I feel like I am wasting my time. Akrud, you have very strong opinions. Not gonna go into details anymore, I just wanted to compliment you on the strength of your beliefs. Facts are for Democrats and other socialists. Keep on keeping on.
I think it's best just to let those folk continue to become extinct.
Now I see really strong arguments. 
I spend 33 years of my live in Soviet Union and I know how socialism looks like and sow firsthand how supper power is getting shattered as a house of cards.
Soviet Union and other such social experiments were a result of liberals and other social dreamers trying to fix the world ASAP.
All it leads to is to the use fear, establishment of tyranny, and destroying everybody who are in the way of "building the happy future". Hopefully this will not be the case in this country.
Democrats and Obama are not socialists but they are playing a dangerous game which was already lost in Europe. So all American people who care about our freedoms should be alert.
It is also important to keep in check right republicans who want to limit our right using terrorism mythology and manufacturing others "enemies".
You are off your wacker here. Put down the vodka. I was born in the Soviet Union and moved to US when I was 14. Liberal is the word that represents the complete opposite end of the spectrum from the former USSR, and to a large extent, current Russian Federation.
"Fantasyland""Our susceptibility to elaborate, beautifully wrought myths remains intact—whether we’re being spun by politicians, captains of finance pumping up a bubble, or sports heroes like Lance Armstrong and Joe Paterno. The news business, which we once counted on to vet hoaxes and fictions, is now so insecure about its existential future that it was cowed to some extent by the Scarboroughs, Noonans, and Roves, with most of the networks, not just Fox, ignoring the statistical data of Silver and others and instead predicting a long, nail-biting election night.
(In reality, the election was called for Obama at 11:12 p.m. EST on NBC, just twelve minutes after it had been in 2008.)
Our remaining journalistic institutions have even outsourced what used to be the very definition of their craft, fact-checking, to surrogates relegated to gimmicky sidebars (awarding Pinocchios and “pants on fire”). The fact-checkers have predictably become partisan targets, only further destabilizing the whole notion of what is meant by “news.”
- Frank Rich, NY Magazine
Florida declared for Obama, who is ahead by 3.2 mil in the popular vote so far.
I really hope the Republicans in the House aren't obstructionists again. And I hope that at least one conservative on the SC steps down in the next 2 years. Based on who is up for re-election, the Dems probably won't have this strong a majority in the Senate in after the 2014 elections. Now is the time to get some SC nominations through.
misterearl wrote:"Fantasyland""Our susceptibility to elaborate, beautifully wrought myths remains intact—whether we’re being spun by politicians, captains of finance pumping up a bubble, or sports heroes like Lance Armstrong and Joe Paterno. The news business, which we once counted on to vet hoaxes and fictions, is now so insecure about its existential future that it was cowed to some extent by the Scarboroughs, Noonans, and Roves, with most of the networks, not just Fox, ignoring the statistical data of Silver and others and instead predicting a long, nail-biting election night.
(In reality, the election was called for Obama at 11:12 p.m. EST on NBC, just twelve minutes after it had been in 2008.)
Our remaining journalistic institutions have even outsourced what used to be the very definition of their craft, fact-checking, to surrogates relegated to gimmicky sidebars (awarding Pinocchios and “pants on fire”). The fact-checkers have predictably become partisan targets, only further destabilizing the whole notion of what is meant by “news.”
- Frank Rich, NY Magazine
The great Franks Rich is in a class by himself and I miss his offerings at the NYTimes...He's right, all "news" outlets seemed to have caved but I noticed this in 2004...PBS NewsHour is a godsend...
Obama is a boring president. I can't wait for the 2016 Election.
Syniko - your posts are nothing but rancid air.
Another glimpse into Romney's heart:
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
In case you are wondering, this did not have to happen. The Mitt Romney for President entity does not end with Romney’s Tuesday night loss. There are papers to be filed with various federal commissions and bills to be paid.
- Forbes
misterearl wrote:Syniko - your posts are nothing but rancid air.Another glimpse into Romney's heart:
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
In case you are wondering, this did not have to happen. The Mitt Romney for President entity does not end with Romney’s Tuesday night loss. There are papers to be filed with various federal commissions and bills to be paid.
- Forbes
My question is why are these self-reliant Republicans and Conservatives relying on Mitt Romney paying their way? Isn't that antithetical to their beliefs?
misterearl wrote:Syniko - your posts are nothing but rancid air.Another glimpse into Romney's heart:
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
In case you are wondering, this did not have to happen. The Mitt Romney for President entity does not end with Romney’s Tuesday night loss. There are papers to be filed with various federal commissions and bills to be paid.
- Forbes
U have to admit tho...That sounds exciting...
Just found this: Republicans agree - 332 electoral votes is a landslide!
"I am now predicting a 330 vote electoral landslide (for Mitt Romney)" - Larry Kudlow
"Electorally it won't even be close...I predict a Romney victory by 100 to 120 electoral votes." Wayne Allen Root
"We're going to win by a landslide...My own view is that Romney is going to carry 325 electoral votes." Dick Morris
misterearl wrote:Syniko - your posts are nothing but rancid air.Another glimpse into Romney's heart:
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
In case you are wondering, this did not have to happen. The Mitt Romney for President entity does not end with Romney’s Tuesday night loss. There are papers to be filed with various federal commissions and bills to be paid.
- Forbes
So Romney's campaign being out of gas = Obama's not boring?
Answer Man logic fails for once.
jrodmc wrote:misterearl wrote:Syniko - your posts are nothing but rancid air.Another glimpse into Romney's heart:
From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself.
Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.
In case you are wondering, this did not have to happen. The Mitt Romney for President entity does not end with Romney’s Tuesday night loss. There are papers to be filed with various federal commissions and bills to be paid.
- Forbes
So Romney's campaign being out of gas = Obama's not boring?
Answer Man logic fails for once.
Obama has had a likeability rating around 60%, which means virtually all Democrats and Independents like him (and perhaps don't find him boring).
“It’s the likability factor,” said Stuart Spencer, a Romney supporter. “Many people think that Obama hasn’t delivered, but they still like him. I’d rather have a beer with him than Romney. Wouldn’t you?” (Spencer worked for Reagan and has been Republican for decades).)
Anyway, you gonna post in the Yankees thread again, Jrod? That thread seems to have died. I just posted there. Not optimistic about what I've been hearing this off-season.
I hate hot stove baseball, almost as much as the stupidity of the non-choice I had in this past election.

No more Yankees for me until a few days after the NBA All star break...
McCain received about 2 million more votes than Romney....
The Pennsylvania story -- how did it and so much else go wrong?
Brace yourselves, conservatives. What I'm about to say will hurt, and it should hurt -- and I'm not the first to notice. (Kudos to Rush Limbaugh, who noticed and is hitting this point hard.) Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election not so much because he got fewer votes than Barack Obama but because he got fewer votes than John McCain in 2008.
Additional votes are still coming in, but, as of the time of my writing, Romney received around 57.8 million votes in 2012. In 2008, John McCain received 59.9 million. Romney got over 2 million fewer votes than McCain. And in the final count, he will almost certainly have received considerably fewer votes than McCain.
Obama received 60.6 million votes in 2012, almost 9 million less than he received in 2008. If Romney would have had McCain's vote total, he would have been much closer in the popular vote and might have even had enough to win the Electoral College. Or, better put, if Mitt Romney had secured just a tiny fraction more votes than John McCain -- as we conservatives were certain he would -- he might have won the presidency.