NBA · OT: Rondo assualt on Hump (page 1)

IronWillGiroud @ 11/29/2012 12:42 AM
Rondo needs to get at least a 20 game suspension.

Humphries didn't commit an exceptionally hard foul, I would even say that it was a pretty standard, average foul.

Humphries's thumb nicked KG's face as Humphries's hand came down. His hand came down intentionally, but it didn't come down maliciously.

Rondo overreacted and Humphries successfully defending himself by basically grappling with Rondo. Humphries effectively neutralized the situation, or would have neutralized it if the other Celtics didn't jump in.

Best view is at the 0:17 mark:

smackeddog @ 11/29/2012 3:52 AM
I can't stand humphries. Hard to tell how bad what Rondo did was as All the other players started piling in. Doesn't look that bad- we did that kind of stuff all the time, back in the day.
Bonn1997 @ 11/29/2012 7:27 AM
It just looked like a an ordinary shove. I can't tell if he tried to put his hands around Humphries' neck too but that didn't do anything anyway. I'd say at most a 1 game suspension.
IronWillGiroud @ 11/29/2012 7:35 AM
What do you think will happen if you shove someone?

A shove is the same as a punch because it incites a response. If you got punched, you would start swinging back, and if you get pushed you can't just let this go. So you grab him. That's why grip strength is important, grabbing the guy and neutralizing his hands is the best way to end a fight without suffering serious injury.

jrodmc @ 11/29/2012 8:05 AM
Media's calling for Rondo's head. Apparently some kid in the stands there looked terrified. This is not going to be good.
My only question is why is Hump backing up from Rondo?

Did that look like a KG flop to anyone? I mean, if you're in the air taking a j and I just push you backwards, how could you flop?
I know KG's a bonafide idiot, but Hump didn't even try to make it look like he was going for the ball.

Doc in interviews saying his team is soft.

IronWillGiroud @ 11/29/2012 8:33 AM
KG went nuts as usual, nothing to see there, I think he just wanted a foul called.

Anything less than 20 games sends a bad message.

smackeddog @ 11/29/2012 1:11 PM
IronWillGiroud wrote:KG went nuts as usual, nothing to see there, I think he just wanted a foul called.

Anything less than 20 games sends a bad message.

I refer you to the Knick vs Heat 1997 playoffs- this incident wasn't even as bad as that. 20 games? Frayed tempers are part of sports. No one got hurt- a push warrants 20 games?!

cooch2584 @ 11/29/2012 3:16 PM
No way 20 games.Just because hump is a baby faced idiot is no reason to absolve him. I saw it as close to a punch after kg came down and,this is important I HATE KG AND THE CELTICS.this was a way dirty bball play and if it happened in rucker park thered be cops there.hump tried to hurt kg IMO
cooch2584 @ 11/29/2012 3:22 PM
The Nba cant base a suspension upon a kid in the front row looking scared. If I was in the front row,being 57 yrs old, is the suspension based on that? These days people are paying outragous prices to get as close to the action as possible,and the NBA is ok with that. Location of the kid or any other fan shouldnt impack the fine or suspension. JUST MY OPINION.
Bonn1997 @ 11/30/2012 7:34 AM
Bonn1997 wrote:It just looked like a an ordinary shove. I can't tell if he tried to put his hands around Humphries' neck too but that didn't do anything anyway. I'd say at most a 1 game suspension.

He got a 2 game suspension. A little harsh but still sounds reasonable.

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