Off Topic · Sad Saga of NFL problems once again. Cowboys brown loses his life highlites NFL a 'Bad place to be' (page 1)

DJMUSIC @ 12/9/2012 10:14 AM

Here we go again

Heartfelt condolences to the J.Brown family, the accident involving Cowboys teammate Josh Brent

When the sportsworld wants to bring up all the issues in other sports and their players
especially the heat the NBA has taken in 3 decades and continues to cleanup many of its issues
but often gets most blame.

Look no further than the NFL and its players and the way the league is run
they are the only league professionally can literally get away with murder,
when its this been either a player with guns, or in wrong place wrong time
or even behind the wheel of a car in late late hours doing the nightlife.

NFL a place with no protection to its public NOR its players & families

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