Off Topic · problem in the world is no one kicks the ball around (page 1)

IronWillGiroud @ 2/15/2013 10:49 PM
when you step out of the house, you have a soccer ball, and you kick it to the first person you see and you just do that all the time, get a few kicks in at random points throughout day,

you grow up, you forget to have fun, everyone needs to kick it around,

you know, i went to a friend's house, they had some children there, big family party,

the kids were soft bitches, the parents were pansies,

NO ONE HAD A BALL to kick to the kids in the backyard,

it was pathetic, they were inside, one of the kids was playing beer pong(!!!) with the adults,

when i was growing up, family meets, always some activity for the kids, kicking soccer ball around, making your own games,

now, today the men wear the babies in pouches like they are women,



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