Off Topic · I'm getting another nostalgic episode (page 1)

IronWillGiroud @ 3/14/2013 8:05 PM
Watching Croatia soccer videos on YouTube, can't wait for next Friday, we give the business to the Serbs,

Nationalist passion surges in my heart

IronWillGiroud @ 3/14/2013 10:00 PM
what could've been (@ 2:27)

IronWillGiroud @ 3/14/2013 10:01 PM
not bad for 4.5 million people, 9th ranked team in the world
IronWillGiroud @ 3/22/2013 8:53 PM
2-0, :)


IronWillGiroud @ 3/23/2013 7:32 PM
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