Off Topic · Happy 4th of July Surveliance day (page 2)

jrodmc @ 7/17/2013 2:20 PM
IronWillGiroud wrote:
Bonn1997 wrote:
IronWillGiroud wrote:
playa2 wrote:Why do you think the only value in life is to be WEALTHY ?

Shows that you don't understand the purpose of life. You have been brainwashed or just never been taught the true value of the living.

wealth is what success is measured by

Says who?

god, he told us to be fruitful and multiply

That was in direct relationship to breeding and populating the earth. Money hadn't been invented yet.
IWG, Please go back to walking in the grass barefoot and leave the bible alone.

"Sell all you have and give it to the poor, then come and follow me."

playa, it's okay. Obama's got all the bullets. He's printing all the money. The media doesn't even like him that much anymore.
You happen to be free to type on the internet all day every day and expose whatever it is you feel like. America lives!

BTW, what's the consipiracy behind the Zimmerman verdict? Was it to start Charlie Manson's race wars?

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