This clip lets you know why you'll never know the reasoning why evil people do what they do. They have the power to remove those who tell it all.
You keep avoiding content.
19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the “play dumb” rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon). In order to completely avoid discussing issues may require you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
Not saying that, saying have credentials to the work posted. You repost others work as your own. That alone makes you les credible.
to some degree your "Rules" are as rigid as the very thing you fear! THere is big money in conspiracy theory in the alternative press. I don't believe everything I read in the mainstream but oftne they demonstrate the ability to back up source material. Granted, if the Gov't is the source it might not be legit, but thats another story. I see in the alternative space many liberties or assumptions are given. If it can't be explained, then it must be a conspiracy is a redundant theme.
playa2@ 7/11/2013 5:52 AM
Why be so concerned ? When nobody else does? Is it to try and ridicule me ?
Why not just stay away from thread if you don't believe, why ask questions that won't be answered?
Nalod = Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards with an apparent deductive logic in a way that forbears any actual material fact.
Nalod@ 7/11/2013 8:08 AM
I never read up on infowars and conspiracy theory and never knew how popular this stuff is.
Im blown away by it.
Also quite shocked that you plagiarize as much as you do claiming the work as your own. You boast you do your own research and form your own views but you don't seem to.
Not enough credible sources to form an opinion. That article goes off on some many things it is easy to see how it can pull a person in. Seems to me many of the articles in this genre all have similar conclusions.
Didn't the loose change guy hire a private detective to look into it and the he came away with nothing? I thought I read jennings had a twin brother who died in a time frame in and around Larry did and both might have had leukemia.
Granted it works better if its "Mysterious".
An overweigh black man dying in his 50's is not that much of a stretch. I suppose if he changed his story, he was pressured. If the family is not talking, its intimidated. Its redundant.
There is a ton of things that can point to a government conspiracy and there have been plenty of "debunking" over the years as well.
playa2@ 7/12/2013 12:10 PM
Lets just go on record and say whatever the govt tells you someone died who had dirt on them it's what You are going to believe.
These threads aren't for you, they had you at hello.
Hard to debunk mysterious deaths of individuals when they posses INSIDE OR FIRST HAND INFORMATION BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTUALLY THERE.
Nalod@ 7/12/2013 1:18 PM
playa2 wrote:Lets just go on record and say whatever the govt tells you someone died who had dirt on them it's what You are going to believe.
These threads aren't for you, they had you at hello.
Hard to debunk mysterious deaths of individuals when they posses INSIDE OR FIRST HAND INFORMATION BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTUALLY THERE.
If you ask me, if one is really intent on keeping things quiet Larry Jennings should have met his dimise a lot sooner BEFORE he went viral with his versions.
The U.S. govt did not tell folks Larry jennings died, his family would have. There are many grey areas in life and not evertying is black and white.
Its "mysterious" becuase nobody wants to talk about it? Maybe Larry's family just wants to move on and feels like everything went wrong because of his admissions. That could be the gov't wanting to keep it quiet as well as the alternative press taking advantge of him and making him look like a fool. IM sure you won't see that, but Im trying to look at plausible reasons than just "They killed him".
At the same time this fantastic story cannot be covered by the mainstream at all?
playa2@ 7/12/2013 3:57 PM
Nalod wrote:
playa2 wrote:Lets just go on record and say whatever the govt tells you someone died who had dirt on them it's what You are going to believe.
These threads aren't for you, they had you at hello.
Hard to debunk mysterious deaths of individuals when they posses INSIDE OR FIRST HAND INFORMATION BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTUALLY THERE.
At the same time this fantastic story cannot be covered by the mainstream at all?
LOL who do you think owns the mainstream media.
Nalod@ 7/13/2013 11:45 AM
playa2 wrote:
Nalod wrote:
playa2 wrote:Lets just go on record and say whatever the govt tells you someone died who had dirt on them it's what You are going to believe.
These threads aren't for you, they had you at hello.
Hard to debunk mysterious deaths of individuals when they posses INSIDE OR FIRST HAND INFORMATION BECAUSE THEY WERE ACTUALLY THERE.
At the same time this fantastic story cannot be covered by the mainstream at all?
LOL who do you think owns the mainstream media.
LOL again?
Enlighten us as to why mainstream media, many of which are owned by public owned entities controlled by wealthy people would profit handsomely by such a scandal of disclosing.
Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein disclosed "Watergate" and took down the President of the united states!
Why hasn't "info wars" been eliminated if they are a legit source and a legit threat to the very evil doers? I mean really, if they are disclosing such things why not have Alex Jones go down in a plane crash, or inject him with mysterious cancer CIA stuff that kills?
playa2@ 7/13/2013 10:45 PM
Why do you try and identify alex jones with ALL conspiracies to make your case?
People do things that are evil, only a few people own ALL the networks, they are the problem.
Let me get this straight Nalod. Are you saying that men in high positions of power are not capable of criminal activity and telling lies to the general public? Are you really that naive?
The media is part of the conspiracy, so why would you expect them to tell you the truth?
Nalod@ 7/14/2013 12:12 AM
playa2 wrote:Why do you try and identify alex jones with ALL conspiracies to make your case?
People do things that are evil, only a few people own ALL the networks, they are the problem.
Let me get this straight Nalod. Are you saying that men in high positions of power are not capable of criminal activity and telling lies to the general public? Are you really that naive?
The media is part of the conspiracy, so why would you expect them to tell you the truth?
NO, I did not say that men in high positions of power.....etc.
Wait, your deflecting. One of those "rules", right?
Only a few people own "ALL" the networks?
Why not cite this data, Koch brothers and Murdoch certainly own a bit, but Cnn? 3 majors? AP? Bloomberg? Al Jazerra? Reuters? BBC? Etc, etc............
You told me you do your own work and yet so much of your stuff is from Jones site's!
Just enlighten.
playa2@ 7/26/2013 8:16 PM
This is alarming
Nalod@ 7/26/2013 10:04 PM
That was really sad. You guys should get out more.
playa2@ 7/26/2013 11:28 PM
Yea it's so obvious , you really can't refute it.
Nalod@ 7/27/2013 1:36 AM
I get so angry after watching these videos!
playa2@ 7/27/2013 10:35 AM
Why because people are being deceived by the millions ?
playa2@ 7/27/2013 11:05 AM
Fast fwd to 10.02 - 10.07 Notice the tip of the object goes from round to a more pointier tip like a missile ?
Then stop at 10.07 look at the right top corner of the clip looks like a real plane,someone maybe controlling what's going by remote control.
How did they make it look like a plane up into impact?
Well here it is, when seeing and hearing isn't believing. This is how they faked the passengers voices voices from the cockpit and all.
No comment on this means you might not be looking for anything, but a conviction of someone.
# 14 strikes again.
Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule.
Nalod@ 7/27/2013 4:32 PM
If you make the rules, then your bound to come to conclusion you desire.