We Since its important to "inform" those who are "living the lie" I thought we might from time to time explore some other truths about life as we know it. While it might be a small slight job to embarass Playa in his quest to enlighen us, I found the subject of conspiracy theories quite interesting and historically rich in content.
I invite our UK friends to post theories they either believe in, or astonished by a theory that has traction in the internet.
At first glance "Esoteric Hitlerism" sounds like a failed Punk Rock band! In reality it has quite a history:
Our first entry:
I think the picture is a fake! I don't think Hitler was a Sam Cassell fan!
Spearheaded by Miguel Serrano, Esoteric Hitlerists believe that the Aryan race is descended from an alien species of the highest order. Finding evidence in the story of the Nephilim in the bible, Serrano believes that an ancient alien civilization came to Earth to enlighten man. They bred with ancient earthlings, and the Aryan race are the only race alive that maintains any of the purity in their blood of these lofty ancestors. Serrano taught that the alien gods were hiding, with Adolf Hitler, in an icy underground fortress, from which they will one day emerge with fleets of spacecraft to usher in the Fourth Reich.
Taken from:
Interesting subject matter in particular the link with Hinduism. I am neither a skeptic nor a belieiver in this. Somtimes things are just interesting and I love history!