Nalod wrote:GustavBahler wrote:Nalod wrote:GustavBahler wrote:Nalod wrote:
What can't you do that you used to do?
"Every civil and constitutional right"?
Talk about naive.
Im quoteing Playa.
YOu saying Im naive?
If you believe that nothing has changed and our rights aren't being systematically taken away from us, then yes, absolutely I believe your naive.
Then say some and we can dicuss!
List just a few things lost. Im not saying I am 100% on point here, and we don't have to rewrite history in length but lets put some out there.
Cool Nalod. I'll post some articles over the weekend if you'd like, I'm pretty spent right now, but I can give you some examples
that you can look into yourself if you're so inclined.
We can start with the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) which states that the president has the right to detain indefinitely or assassinate an American anywhere in the world (disposition Matrix), without trial or charges on the mere suspicion of terrorism or giving material support.The evidence is presented to a secret court with secret laws that you don't know about until they're broken.
Mind you that the Occupy Movement was classified as a terrorist organization by the FBI. You might not agree with their politics but they were no terrorists. DHS actually coordinated the crackdown on protestors nationwide which resulted in some peaceful protestors being badly beaten (somewhere Jrod is smiling ). One Iraq war vet was hit in the face at close range with a tear gas canister and almost died
The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act now criminalizes some protests and makes it a felony now to protest near the president, vice president, or anybody else the secret service is protecting. Don't know if you remember the protest zones in the Bush years where protestors were sent far away from an event and penned up until it was over. so much for freedom of assembly. This law codifies that tactic. These kind of laws are being passed on the state level as well.
This administration has prosecuted more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined. If someone in government provides the media with evidence that something criminal is going on he or she could be charged with a felony. The crime itself will probably go unpunished but the whistleblower will go to jail, and some have.
They have also criminalized investigative reporting. They have gone after reporters and at least one is going on trial I believe for revealing classified info. Daniel Ellsberg who released the Pentagon Papers said that if he had done it today he would be in prison.
Try photographing a cop making an arrest and you will be likely arrested too even though the law says otherwise.
The NSA scandal gets worse by the week and the latest revelation is that they can now crack and track smartphones and follow where you have been among other info. We recently found out that they can crack any encryption. I would read Glenn Greenwald's columns in The Guardian if you haven't already. Explains it better than I ever could.
One of the architects of the Patriot Act who is as right wing as they come said this goes well beyond the letter of the law and it was never imagined that they would go this far.
I would also include the militarization of our police force, they look more like soldiers than cops, and they act more like soldiers than cops.
If you want to see how corporations will be able to legally dictate policy to our government check out the TPP trade pact being negotiated in secret. Even our lawmakers don't know what's in it but the reps from 400 major corporations do.
I'm sure I can find more examples for you but that should be enough to show you that the times are changing. There has been criminal, and unconstitutional behavior by our government in the past but now its being codified.
Like I said, I encourage you to look into it yourself, and I will be glad to find some articles over the weekend and we can talk some more if you like. They will be from "reputable" news sources and not some conspiracy website.