Off Topic · How to frame a cardset? (page 1)

SupremeCommander @ 9/26/2013 1:13 PM
I left stuff at my grandparents years ago and just looked through it. I bought a team cardset set of the 1998-99 Knicks, but was printed up after the series (so I doubt it is worth much).

I was thinking of getting it framed to hang up in the office, next to my Yankees Stadium litho and Giants Eli/Simms signed crap. Has anyone tried this before? I want to see what's on back to, so if you pull it off the wall you can see everyone's stats.

IronWillGiroud @ 9/27/2013 11:43 AM
no idea but that's a great idea, i like that you can see the stats if you turn it around
IronWillGiroud @ 10/5/2013 10:32 AM
did you frame cardset
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