EnySpree wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:I "play" PS3 exclusively too... I played a ton of Skyrim and have meessed around with other titles - but nothing has drawn me in like that one.I will try The Last of Us. Any other PS3 games people recommend? I am a big RPG and FPS fan
You will love The last of us....I couldn't put it down. The online mode is $10 but it's worth it. Love the game play.
I loved the black ops games. 1 & 2 were great. Part 2 actually has multiple endings depending on what you do when they give you choices in the game. I can't wait to get Ghost. I suck in online play but I still like to play sometimes especially with my son.
thank you and thanks Gustav
infamous is ok....I admit it's getting better as I play it. there is some strategy to it and the controls aren't as bad one you get used to it. Looking forward to finishing it and picking up part 2
I did pick up resistance fall of man.....the game sucks lol....can't believe it was so highly rated. I will stick with call of duty for now as far as first person shooters go
EnySpree wrote:I did pick up resistance fall of man.....the game sucks lol....can't believe it was so highly rated. I will stick with call of duty for now as far as first person shooters go
Don't know if you played resistance 2 but it has a fun multiplayer, either team deathmatch or coop. Its different from COD, its got these wide open areas with large scale battles. Lots of times I go right to multiplayer when it comes to FPS games.
Resistance 3 is out but I haven't played it. Havent played anything in a couple of years.
EnySpree wrote:I did pick up resistance fall of man.....the game sucks lol....can't believe it was so highly rated. I will stick with call of duty for now as far as first person shooters go
Resistance 2 is MUCH better
I only have an Xbox, but a cross platform title that I just got into is Dishonored. FPS with very light RPG elements. Can essentially be two different games based on game play - whether you want to cause hell and slice throats or focus on stealth (can complete the game without killing or even alerting anyone). It's the only game I've ever played that immediately after beating it, I picked up the controller and started over.
XBox 360 is what I mostly play. Pretty much strictly Call of Duty multiplayer. I do enjoy a nice game or two of mario and zelda though.
MaTT4281 wrote:I only have an Xbox, but a cross platform title that I just got into is Dishonored. FPS with very light RPG elements. Can essentially be two different games based on game play - whether you want to cause hell and slice throats or focus on stealth (can complete the game without killing or even alerting anyone). It's the only game I've ever played that immediately after beating it, I picked up the controller and started over.
Damn man.... my bucket list of games just got alittle longer
Anybody ever play Heavy Rain?
EnySpree wrote:Anybody ever play Heavy Rain?
yes! the game is amazing but sometimes the controls are tricky. arguably the best story ever in a game and its more like an interactive movie than a game ( like Walking Dead). I loved the game though its old. I recommend it. another game along that line is l.a. noire. loved that also.