Off Topic · Off Topic: six months later, do people who voted for Trump still support this guy? (page 49)
djsunyc wrote:Knickoftime wrote:djsunyc wrote:Knickoftime wrote:djsunyc wrote:seems to me that all the "protests" against some racist cops are working. kaepernick deserves some recognition.
I never confuse correlation with causation, but the flatline beginning September 2016 is interesting.
he first sat in aug of 2016.
kaepernick on aug 28 of 2016
I know, that's what's interesting.
more here
Interesting trend.
But I would be interested to see the percentages of people killed by police of different races related to percentage of criminals of specific race.
This will be real comparison as criminals are who police is mostly dealing with.
Knickoftime wrote:BRIGGS wrote:What happened man? People can disagree.Can they?
BRIGGS wrote:Anyone here the governor of PR?BRIGGS wrote:If people want to make sht up they can make sht up.arkrud wrote:Nix you are the biggest Tramp lover and supporter.
No one in the whole nation spend so much time reading about him.
What is so interesting about this dude that created this addiction of youth?gunsnewing wrote:Nice try CNN'ers
I agree to disagree...
nixluva wrote:INCREDIBLE in less than a full year!Javascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
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You are FIRED
martin wrote:arkrud wrote:nixluva wrote:Javascript is not enabled or there was problem with the URL:
Click here to view the TweetNix you are the biggest Tramp lover and supporter.
No one in the whole nation spend so much time reading about him.
What is so interesting about this dude that created this addiction of youth?why don't you answer your own question? Trump is the president. You don't find him important?
People are important when they are doing something - Trump is master of doing nothing.
And it is really important for me that government does nothing.
I like everything about US as it is and want them to gridlock for another 50 years.
arkrud wrote:djsunyc wrote:Knickoftime wrote:djsunyc wrote:Knickoftime wrote:djsunyc wrote:seems to me that all the "protests" against some racist cops are working. kaepernick deserves some recognition.
I never confuse correlation with causation, but the flatline beginning September 2016 is interesting.
he first sat in aug of 2016.
kaepernick on aug 28 of 2016
I know, that's what's interesting.
more here
Interesting trend.
But I would be interested to see the percentages of people killed by police of different races related to percentage of criminals of specific race.
This will be real comparison as criminals are who police is mostly dealing with.
Also it is important to know in which area the killing of unarmed man happened in relation to racial composition of population.
There are areas where blacks can be 30% of population and place where that are 2%.
So as usual statistics can be used to prove any side of the story depending how it is handled.
arkrud wrote:djsunyc wrote:Knickoftime wrote:djsunyc wrote:Knickoftime wrote:djsunyc wrote:seems to me that all the "protests" against some racist cops are working. kaepernick deserves some recognition.
I never confuse correlation with causation, but the flatline beginning September 2016 is interesting.
he first sat in aug of 2016.
kaepernick on aug 28 of 2016
I know, that's what's interesting.
more here
Interesting trend.
But I would be interested to see the percentages of people killed by police of different races related to percentage of criminals of specific race.
This will be real comparison as criminals are who police is mostly dealing with.
Regardless of results. Wouldn't justify anything. Each person and case must be viewed individually. A 12 yr old boy playing in the park with a toy gun be shouldn't lit up with bullets due to the actions of other human beings who are only tied to him through skin color.
Not to mention the criminal %s are already skewed since its proven that different groups of people are penalized less and are able to beat cases while other groups of people are penalized more severe and more likely to be convicted for the same crimes.
Worthwhile read:
SD: "A lot of these questions are being posed to people for the first time, like, 'What does it mean to you to stand for the anthem?' I think if you asked 10 people, you might get 10 different answers. You might see one guy standing at attention and other people walking around the concourse buying food or whatever."
What does the playing of the national anthem mean to you personally?SD: "I came from a military family, so there are a lot of things I think about when the anthem is playing. One thing that bothers me is the way that people use veterans and troops almost as a shield. They say that's the reason they stand and that veterans deserve to be honored and respected during the anthem. But where is that outrage in taking better care of veterans? The most recent statistics say that we still lose 20 veterans to suicide every day.
"If you want to have that conversation, if that's your reason for standing, then let's talk. Let's have a conversation about putting that into action, because they deserve a heck of a lot more than people standing at attention during the flag or giving them discounts on food or hotels.
SD: "I worry sometimes in this country that we conflate patriotism exclusively with love of the military and militarism and the strength of our armed forces. That's not the only way that you can be patriotic."People draw a direct line between the national anthem and the military, or patriotism and the military. But there are a lot of things that we're not doing for veterans.''
SD: "I think it's important to realize that the players who are protesting aren't protesting the anthem. They're not protesting the flag. People kind of move the goalposts on them and try to tell them what they're protesting. But as they keep saying, that's not what they're protesting.''
As someone who stands for the anthem, what's your response to athletes who kneel?SD: "I think American democracy is strong enough to have that conversation. I think my patriotism is strong enough to not be offended when somebody takes a knee during the anthem. That's not something I take personally. It's something that makes me want to reach out to that person and have a conversation with them and say, 'Let's talk about some of these issues. Tell me about certain things that have caused you to take such a stand.'
"I want to have these conversations with guys like Bruce Maxwell and guys in other leagues, and maybe someday we can get to a point where we give them a reason to stand, and they're proud to stand along the other guys that are standing.''
BRIGGS wrote:
Martin--you seem to want to bash anyone who doesnt agree with you these days. What happened man? People can disagree. You're not understanding the logistics of the situation. The port was destroyed the airport destroyed--this was a once in a lifetime storm that decimated an aging crumbling island. Also in the name of hypocrisy--where are your positive posts about Texas and Florida---I cant seem to find any brother? Do you have FACTS that Trump didnt sound the alarm as soon as he could--give me FAXCTS just like you said. Not conjecture FACTS. And again let me see your post history concerning Florida and Texas.
People can disagree. But you don't just disagree. You don't bring an informed opinion. You don't consider all sources of information. You also get things wrong.
Let's take a recent example a few pages back:
You quote articles from Do you really think this is an informed source of information? Brietbart? You also seem to get your news from a place called
You are trying to make a point and your 2 sources are Brietbart and GossipCop? THAT'S EMBARRASSING. Are you letting us know this is where you get your main sources of information and feel that they provide a pretty good reality?
Andrew read the article you linked to about 2 pages back from WaPo and you gleaned and wrote about the wrong facts. You did not address. You also didn't address how that made your point, the fact that is was a fast moving cat 1 to 5 hurricane. What is your experience with how fast they form and how that did or did not impact the response of the USA? You did not address or bring an informed opinion there.
I don't see you comparing the types of efforts that have taken place in Florida and Texas and holding it up against Puerto Rico. It takes effort for which you do not do. You just make something up, say it's been great, and then link to an article on GossipCop or Breitbart that quotes is politically disadvantaged individual - the Gorn - who anyone with an inclining would know that he must shade his own opinion in the press. That type of thing holds zero weight. Zero.
You did not also consider what the Major of San Juan has been saying. Why not? It's a completely different opinion of what is happening. You ignored something that was pretty obvious.
You want discourse? Start doing it. It starts with you.
People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.
If you don't feel like participating in this manor, please move on to just Knicks threads. Thanks.
gunsnewing wrote:Nice try CNN'ers9000 containers sitting on the docks. No fuel or
power on the entire island to unload & transport them to the people. 95% of those containers originated in the United States of oh say can you see America. Not London, not France, China or Germany.It's a really shitty situation but we are doing everything we can.
Can you say the same for the critics?
guns at this point I'll ask you to not participate in this type of thread any more if this is all you have to contribute. Please find another avenue or stick to just knicks.
martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.
That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
martin wrote:BRIGGS wrote:
Martin--you seem to want to bash anyone who doesnt agree with you these days. What happened man? People can disagree. You're not understanding the logistics of the situation. The port was destroyed the airport destroyed--this was a once in a lifetime storm that decimated an aging crumbling island. Also in the name of hypocrisy--where are your positive posts about Texas and Florida---I cant seem to find any brother? Do you have FACTS that Trump didnt sound the alarm as soon as he could--give me FAXCTS just like you said. Not conjecture FACTS. And again let me see your post history concerning Florida and Texas.People can disagree. But you don't just disagree. You don't bring an informed opinion. You don't consider all sources of information. You also get things wrong.
Let's take a recent example a few pages back:
You quote articles from Do you really think this is an informed source of information? Brietbart? You also seem to get your news from a place called
You are trying to make a point and your 2 sources are Brietbart and GossipCop? THAT'S EMBARRASSING. Are you letting us know this is where you get your main sources of information and feel that they provide a pretty good reality?
Andrew read the article you linked to about 2 pages back from WaPo and you gleaned and wrote about the wrong facts. You did not address. You also didn't address how that made your point, the fact that is was a fast moving cat 1 to 5 hurricane. What is your experience with how fast they form and how that did or did not impact the response of the USA? You did not address or bring an informed opinion there.
I don't see you comparing the types of efforts that have taken place in Florida and Texas and holding it up against Puerto Rico. It takes effort for which you do not do. You just make something up, say it's been great, and then link to an article on GossipCop or Breitbart that quotes is politically disadvantaged individual - the Gorn - who anyone with an inclining would know that he must shade his own opinion in the press. That type of thing holds zero weight. Zero.
You did not also consider what the Major of San Juan has been saying. Why not? It's a completely different opinion of what is happening. You ignored something that was pretty obvious.
You want discourse? Start doing it. It starts with you.
People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.
If you don't feel like participating in this manor, please move on to just Knicks threads. Thanks.
Right--uniformed coomments--again you conveniently leave outwhat the GOVERNOr--you know the main guy on the Island said--from CNN
e need to do a lot more in order for us to get out of the emergency," Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said in San Juan. "But the other thing that's also true is that the administration has answered and has complied with our petitions in an expedited manner."
Why do you leave that out? Ive yet to see you post anything about the logistical nightmare--you know the port being destroyed--same with the airport. Did you see the coast guard personnel on Fox this am? They said directly theyve been in the trenches since before the storm started. What have you written here martin---youre writing that I have a non factual opinion when Im watching the stuff on TV life this am lol??? That I posted what the governor said what the military said. I almost always write someone back--show me examples of me not doing so?? I may miss something but I dont purposely omit a reply??? Also where were your POSITIVE posts about Florida and Texas--I guess the US did a shtty job--or is it convenient to leave out?
Knickoftime wrote:martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
I think perhaps BRIGGS has a lack of perspective which isn't uncommon for a large swath of the country. As i've pointed out many times the vast majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States. Even after the Great Migration of AA's to cities in the North. Most of the Majority of average Americans only have a very minimal and slanted view of what life is like for many AA's in this country. The vestiges of Segregation and Redlining having clustered many AA's together in mostly Black neighborhoods.
In Connecticut for instance they have about 470,000 AA's which ranks 23rd among all states. There are over 46 Million AA's in the country. There are about 29 States where the percentage of AA's is in the single digits. 19 States with less than 5% of the population being AA. So there are a LOT of Americans who simply don't have any frame of reference when it comes to living and working with AA's and being able to say they have some deep sense of the many similarities we all share. Especially when the bifurcated News Media tends to show AA's in a certain negative light. This is to say nothing of the Urban vs Rural divide as well.
nixluva wrote:Knickoftime wrote:martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
I think perhaps BRIGGS has a lack of perspective which isn't uncommon for a large swath of the country. As i've pointed out many times the vast majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States. Even after the Great Migration of AA's to cities in the North. Most of the Majority of average Americans only have a very minimal and slanted view of what life is like for many AA's in this country. The vestiges of Segregation and Redlining having clustered many AA's together in mostly Black neighborhoods.
In Connecticut for instance they have about 470,000 AA's which ranks 23rd among all states. There are over 46 Million AA's in the country. There are about 29 States where the percentage of AA's is in the single digits. 19 States with less than 5% of the population being AA. So there are a LOT of Americans who simply don't have any frame of reference when it comes to living and working with AA's and being able to say they have some deep sense of the many similarities we all share. Especially when the bifurcated News Media tends to show AA's in a certain negative light. This is to say nothing of the Urban vs Rural divide as well.
You're more generous than I Nix. I grew up and live, white in New Jersey in homogeneous communities. It is borderline sociopathic to tell anyone what they have or have not experienced. These particular circumstances just makes it worse.
BRIGGS wrote:martin wrote:BRIGGS wrote:
Martin--you seem to want to bash anyone who doesnt agree with you these days. What happened man? People can disagree. You're not understanding the logistics of the situation. The port was destroyed the airport destroyed--this was a once in a lifetime storm that decimated an aging crumbling island. Also in the name of hypocrisy--where are your positive posts about Texas and Florida---I cant seem to find any brother? Do you have FACTS that Trump didnt sound the alarm as soon as he could--give me FAXCTS just like you said. Not conjecture FACTS. And again let me see your post history concerning Florida and Texas.People can disagree. But you don't just disagree. You don't bring an informed opinion. You don't consider all sources of information. You also get things wrong.
Let's take a recent example a few pages back:
You quote articles from Do you really think this is an informed source of information? Brietbart? You also seem to get your news from a place called
You are trying to make a point and your 2 sources are Brietbart and GossipCop? THAT'S EMBARRASSING. Are you letting us know this is where you get your main sources of information and feel that they provide a pretty good reality?
Andrew read the article you linked to about 2 pages back from WaPo and you gleaned and wrote about the wrong facts. You did not address. You also didn't address how that made your point, the fact that is was a fast moving cat 1 to 5 hurricane. What is your experience with how fast they form and how that did or did not impact the response of the USA? You did not address or bring an informed opinion there.
I don't see you comparing the types of efforts that have taken place in Florida and Texas and holding it up against Puerto Rico. It takes effort for which you do not do. You just make something up, say it's been great, and then link to an article on GossipCop or Breitbart that quotes is politically disadvantaged individual - the Gorn - who anyone with an inclining would know that he must shade his own opinion in the press. That type of thing holds zero weight. Zero.
You did not also consider what the Major of San Juan has been saying. Why not? It's a completely different opinion of what is happening. You ignored something that was pretty obvious.
You want discourse? Start doing it. It starts with you.
People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.
If you don't feel like participating in this manor, please move on to just Knicks threads. Thanks.
Right--uniformed coomments--again you conveniently leave outwhat the GOVERNOr--you know the main guy on the Island said--from CNN
e need to do a lot more in order for us to get out of the emergency," Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said in San Juan. "But the other thing that's also true is that the administration has answered and has complied with our petitions in an expedited manner."
Why do you leave that out? Ive yet to see you post anything about the logistical nightmare--you know the port being destroyed--same with the airport. Did you see the coast guard personnel on Fox this am? They said directly theyve been in the trenches since before the storm started. What have you written here martin---youre writing that I have a non factual opinion when Im watching the stuff on TV life this am lol??? That I posted what the governor said what the military said. I almost always write someone back--show me examples of me not doing so?? I may miss something but I dont purposely omit a reply??? Also where were your POSITIVE posts about Florida and Texas--I guess the US did a shtty job--or is it convenient to leave out?
I haven't put out an opinion on this whole thing BRIGGS. You did. In a very bad way, and I am pointing it out.
Please address my questions, or should we take it offline?
Knickoftime wrote:martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
Yeah I think it's ridiculous compared to those who really experienced racism and oppression.
Real quick my dad died when i was 8--fast story short--I started this life with nothing--way way way behind the 8 ball. I had to take responsibility at a very early age and with one of my best friends(who happens to be African American) we set up a monster paper route at the age of 11--and I snowballed from there in everything i did. I worked hard given nothing--went to Uconn where I played D1aa football as not a great athlete but a guy who gave effort. I made a fair amount of money very young and throughout my life have done nice things for the community my friends--my schools and many many people i have nEVER met. I once paid for an entire trip for kids--170 of them to go white water rafting--kids from all areas --I paid for 3 busses day passes lunch dinner for everyone(kids of every creed race color didnt matter and never mattered)--that is ONLY one example of things ive done as a person--I have a lifetime of helping hands whether you believe my word or not--I could care less.
Who the F are you to question my character?
Knickoftime wrote:nixluva wrote:Knickoftime wrote:martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
I think perhaps BRIGGS has a lack of perspective which isn't uncommon for a large swath of the country. As i've pointed out many times the vast majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States. Even after the Great Migration of AA's to cities in the North. Most of the Majority of average Americans only have a very minimal and slanted view of what life is like for many AA's in this country. The vestiges of Segregation and Redlining having clustered many AA's together in mostly Black neighborhoods.
In Connecticut for instance they have about 470,000 AA's which ranks 23rd among all states. There are over 46 Million AA's in the country. There are about 29 States where the percentage of AA's is in the single digits. 19 States with less than 5% of the population being AA. So there are a LOT of Americans who simply don't have any frame of reference when it comes to living and working with AA's and being able to say they have some deep sense of the many similarities we all share. Especially when the bifurcated News Media tends to show AA's in a certain negative light. This is to say nothing of the Urban vs Rural divide as well.
You're more generous than I Nix. I grew up and live, white in New Jersey in homogeneous communities. It is borderline sociopathic to tell anyone what they have or have not experienced. These particular circumstances just makes it worse.
There was a distinct advantage to keeping AA's separate from White Society over the years. It allowed the Majority to be fed lies about AA's and cast them as the OTHER, which suited the needs of the Wealthy who needed cheap Black Labor. This was to the disadvantage of Poor Whites who couldn't compete with cheap Black Labor. This is also done with Hispanics of course.
Anytime Poor Whites and Blacks came together, there were those who fomented divisions to keep this from happening. As i've said this was not an accident. That's what makes our current politics so sad. We still have a small group of people doing the same dirty tricks to create division. ALL the American Poor and Middle Class need to be UNITED but things like the Kaepernick Protest are used to sow division cuz it works. This is why there's been so little progress on Race Relations in this country. IMO Trump has been playing on this in a very craven way for years!
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nixluva wrote:Knickoftime wrote:nixluva wrote:Knickoftime wrote:martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
I think perhaps BRIGGS has a lack of perspective which isn't uncommon for a large swath of the country. As i've pointed out many times the vast majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States. Even after the Great Migration of AA's to cities in the North. Most of the Majority of average Americans only have a very minimal and slanted view of what life is like for many AA's in this country. The vestiges of Segregation and Redlining having clustered many AA's together in mostly Black neighborhoods.
In Connecticut for instance they have about 470,000 AA's which ranks 23rd among all states. There are over 46 Million AA's in the country. There are about 29 States where the percentage of AA's is in the single digits. 19 States with less than 5% of the population being AA. So there are a LOT of Americans who simply don't have any frame of reference when it comes to living and working with AA's and being able to say they have some deep sense of the many similarities we all share. Especially when the bifurcated News Media tends to show AA's in a certain negative light. This is to say nothing of the Urban vs Rural divide as well.
You're more generous than I Nix. I grew up and live, white in New Jersey in homogeneous communities. It is borderline sociopathic to tell anyone what they have or have not experienced. These particular circumstances just makes it worse.
There was a distinct advantage to keeping AA's separate from White Society over the years. It allowed the Majority to be fed lies about AA's and cast them as the OTHER, which suited the needs of the Wealthy who needed cheap Black Labor. This was to the disadvantage of Poor Whites who couldn't compete with cheap Black Labor. This is also done with Hispanics of course.
Anytime Poor Whites and Blacks came together, there were those who fomented divisions to keep this from happening. As i've said this was not an accident. That's what makes our current politics so sad. We still have a small group of people doing the same dirty tricks to create division. ALL the American Poor and Middle Class need to be UNITED but things like the Kaepernick Protest are used to sow division cuz it works. This is why there's been so little progress on Race Relations in this country. IMO Trump has been playing on this in a very craven way for years!
So why the protests are not directed at this "small group of people" but at all OTHER people including pure and some symbols which are universal for this OTHERS?
Why not to identify the common enemy and attack exactly them together?
BRIGGS wrote:Knickoftime wrote:martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.
Yeah I think it's ridiculous compared to those who really experienced racism and oppression.
Real quick my dad died when i was 8--fast story short--I started this life with nothing--way way way behind the 8 ball. I had to take responsibility at a very early age and with one of my best friends(who happens to be African American) we set up a monster paper route at the age of 11--and I snowballed from there in everything i did. I worked hard given nothing--went to Uconn where I played D1aa football as not a great athlete but a guy who gave effort. I made a fair amount of money very young and throughout my life have done nice things for the community my friends--my schools and many many people i have nEVER met. I once paid for an entire trip for kids--170 of them to go white water rafting--kids from all areas --I paid for 3 busses day passes lunch dinner for everyone(kids of every creed race color didnt matter and never mattered)--that is ONLY one example of things ive done as a person--I have a lifetime of helping hands whether you believe my word or not--I could care less.
Who the F are you to question my character?
You voted Trump, you wanted to kill millions of people in the Middle East and North Korea with nuclear weapons, you're racist, you believe all men sexually assault women and that that's okay, but hey, I'm sure those kids appreciated their trip!