Off Topic · Off Topic: six months later, do people who voted for Trump still support this guy? (page 51)

nixluva @ 10/1/2017 12:23 AM
nixluva @ 10/1/2017 1:45 AM
arkrud @ 10/1/2017 11:15 AM
nixluva wrote:
arkrud wrote:
nixluva wrote:
arkrud wrote:
nixluva wrote:
arkrud wrote:
nixluva wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
nixluva wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.

That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.

I think perhaps BRIGGS has a lack of perspective which isn't uncommon for a large swath of the country. As i've pointed out many times the vast majority of AA's still live in the former Slave States. Even after the Great Migration of AA's to cities in the North. Most of the Majority of average Americans only have a very minimal and slanted view of what life is like for many AA's in this country. The vestiges of Segregation and Redlining having clustered many AA's together in mostly Black neighborhoods.

In Connecticut for instance they have about 470,000 AA's which ranks 23rd among all states. There are over 46 Million AA's in the country. There are about 29 States where the percentage of AA's is in the single digits. 19 States with less than 5% of the population being AA. So there are a LOT of Americans who simply don't have any frame of reference when it comes to living and working with AA's and being able to say they have some deep sense of the many similarities we all share. Especially when the bifurcated News Media tends to show AA's in a certain negative light. This is to say nothing of the Urban vs Rural divide as well.

You're more generous than I Nix. I grew up and live, white in New Jersey in homogeneous communities. It is borderline sociopathic to tell anyone what they have or have not experienced. These particular circumstances just makes it worse.

There was a distinct advantage to keeping AA's separate from White Society over the years. It allowed the Majority to be fed lies about AA's and cast them as the OTHER, which suited the needs of the Wealthy who needed cheap Black Labor. This was to the disadvantage of Poor Whites who couldn't compete with cheap Black Labor. This is also done with Hispanics of course.

Anytime Poor Whites and Blacks came together, there were those who fomented divisions to keep this from happening. As i've said this was not an accident. That's what makes our current politics so sad. We still have a small group of people doing the same dirty tricks to create division. ALL the American Poor and Middle Class need to be UNITED but things like the Kaepernick Protest are used to sow division cuz it works. This is why there's been so little progress on Race Relations in this country. IMO Trump has been playing on this in a very craven way for years!

So why the protests are not directed at this "small group of people" but at all OTHER people including pure and some symbols which are universal for this OTHERS?
Why not to identify the common enemy and attack exactly them together?

I'm sorry but I don't fully understand your post. The Protests are done to DRAW ATTENTION to the injustices and inequality. They are done so that the AVERAGE American can be made aware of things that are wrong but may not directly affect them. If you live in a community that doesn't SEE the atrocities then you would not know exactly how bad it is.

The Civil Rights Movement staged public protests to draw attention to the horrors of Segregation and Jim Crow. If they never stood up and protested things would never have changed because it didn't affect the Majority of White America. They could go about their lives just fine with the way things were. Just as unequal Justice and Law Enforcement practices that disproportionately impacted AA's and Hispanics would've just continued without protests.

I think you know full well that you can't allow a Minority group to be treated unfairly and have negative propaganda spread in an effort to make them seem LESS HUMAN!!! I think you know exactly what i'm saying and for some reason you don't apply this to the plight of minorities in this country.

To make it simple - my question is why the protest cannot be done the way it is not offending to people who are not responsible for the thing protest is about?
Why not just make a speech after the anthem against police brutality, white supremacists, practices used to discriminate black Americans in Southern states and such?
Like Step Curry need to address the crowd at season opening about the season and such, instead he will talk about this issues out of script.
Do you think offending many people and make them choose between solidarity with fellow Americans of other race and patriotism is better attention grabber?
How it is better that being Trump? Same tactics.

Sure you have it figured out whereas Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Mandela didn't know what they were doing. You seem to be unaware of the fact that ALL FORMS of effort to bring attention to the problems with Law Enforcement and minorities have been used all along but Kaepernick's protest put it in face of the MAJORITY. They couldn't just ignore it or miss it cuz they don't look at Black or Hispanic Media!!!

The BIG LIE is that there's a form of protest that minorities could do that would be fully productive and at the same time acceptable to those who are unhappy with the form of protest.

Also I HATE the fact that rather than being offended these other Americans should seek to educate themselves about the reason for the protest. They take offense in IGNORANCE and why should that be acceptable?

Also there are those who push a false narrative of just what the protest is about. These people have their own RACIST agenda and don't really care why the protest is happening. You refuse to accept that there's STILL a very real strain of racism in this country.

You are very generous about people.
Most of them are not inclined to educate them-self regardless of their race.
The only suffering site from this attention grab will be sports and what still remained from the inter-racial harmony it creates.

So why should this be the problem of the minorities protesting if some of the Majority population is uninterested in the reasons for the protests?

Why should this apathy stop the rightful efforts to educate and bring attention to the moral failings of this country?

This country holds itself out as an example to the world but it's been the persistent efforts and protests of its oppressed minorities that have helped this country live up to its highest ideals!!!
We help make America more American!!!

Efforts are good. No problem with that.
As soon as nobody get hurt and nobody provoked for violence its all fine with me.
This helps America to be great again...

TheGame @ 10/1/2017 12:16 PM
nixluva wrote:

It just goes to show you have full of sh*t republicans are. They would have been screaming bloody murder if Obama did that. They still talk about lock Hillary up but they have no problem Trumps son and others were doing the exact same thing Hillary did (used private email server) and then he lied about it to congress. I just wish people would have integrity with their views. If you want to support Trump because you are white and think he is going to implement steps to preserve white supremacy in the country at the cost of the other non-white Americans then just own that. Don't try to justify it by saying Hilary's a liar or the economy was bad because clearly you don't care about the myriad of lies Trump has told and the exact same economy that Trump was claiming was terrible a year ago he is now claiming is great (except he just changed his tone two weeks ago claiming we now have to create more jobs so he can push to give a huge tax break to the rich).

nixluva @ 10/1/2017 12:59 PM
TheGame wrote:
nixluva wrote:

It just goes to show you have full of sh*t republicans are. They would have been screaming bloody murder if Obama did that. They still talk about lock Hillary up but they have no problem Trumps son and others were doing the exact same thing Hillary did (used private email server) and then he lied about it to congress. I just wish people would have integrity with their views. If you want to support Trump because you are white and think he is going to implement steps to preserve white supremacy in the country at the cost of the other non-white Americans then just own that. Don't try to justify it by saying Hilary's a liar or the economy was bad because clearly you don't care about the myriad of lies Trump has told and the exact same economy that Trump was claiming was terrible a year ago he is now claiming is great (except he just changed his tone two weeks ago claiming we now have to create more jobs so he can push to give a huge tax break to the rich).

Great Points!!! This is exactly what many of us expected would happen cuz we know from the past how hypocritical and craven Republicans have been. Republicans ALWAYS blow up the budget. Trump is a National embarrassment and quite possibly worthy of impeachment. His administration is so full of rich people and the exact opposite of what his voters stand for.

Trump is the MOST divisive president in recent history, which is funny since the Republicans tried to say Obama was. There's so much that Trump has done wrong that it's impossible to keep up!!!

Knickoftime @ 10/1/2017 1:59 PM
martin wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
BRIGGS wrote:
smackeddog wrote:
BRIGGS wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
martin wrote:People respond to you all the time and you BARELY EVER RESPOND.

That's not true. He responds to black people all the time and tells them they've never experienced racism. And apparently that's okay.

Yeah I think it's ridiculous compared to those who really experienced racism and oppression.

Real quick my dad died when i was 8--fast story short--I started this life with nothing--way way way behind the 8 ball. I had to take responsibility at a very early age and with one of my best friends(who happens to be African American) we set up a monster paper route at the age of 11--and I snowballed from there in everything i did. I worked hard given nothing--went to Uconn where I played D1aa football as not a great athlete but a guy who gave effort. I made a fair amount of money very young and throughout my life have done nice things for the community my friends--my schools and many many people i have nEVER met. I once paid for an entire trip for kids--170 of them to go white water rafting--kids from all areas --I paid for 3 busses day passes lunch dinner for everyone(kids of every creed race color didnt matter and never mattered)--that is ONLY one example of things ive done as a person--I have a lifetime of helping hands whether you believe my word or not--I could care less.
Who the F are you to question my character?

You voted Trump, you wanted to kill millions of people in the Middle East and North Korea with nuclear weapons, you're racist, you believe all men sexually assault women and that that's okay, but hey, I'm sure those kids appreciated their trip!

Yes Im a racist sexual predator who likes to see people die--man you hit it on the head!

There's an important point to remain here. Not to you Briggs, you won't get it.

Briggs did clearly admit to what most reasonable people would consider sexual assault. This is not exaggeration, this is not putting words into anyone's mouth. He outright wrote that all men have grabbed women by the pussies, going so far as to say if they deny they ever have they are lying.

So what's happening HERE is an example of how Trump has been corrosive to the discourse. Under any other circumstances, that acknowledgment would and should be universally repudiated and get you kicked out of a community with any reasonable standards.

But not anymore, the very definition of what a sexual assault has been perversely twisted in a political way - whether grabbing a woman in the most invasive way possible is NO WAY a conservative versus liberal or democratic versus republican issue, yet somehow it now is. Somehow defending those actions and/or arguing with the definition is just an alternative viewpoint and it's important that we must hear from both sides, which of course is bullshit.

Think about it - what is sexual assault is no longer an objective thing - it falls along party lines.

And places like this forum is letting it happen.

What? You really think that? Give me a break man

What choice do I have to conclude otherwise?

He's incapable of participating in a discussion on the discussion forum. He's incapable of being part of a community in an online community. He regularly says bat-shit crazy things. He tells black people they've never experienced racism. He advocates genocide. He advocates sexual assault and accuses every male member of the form of having committed it. None of this is exaggeration, none of this is colored through a politically partisan lens.

You've previously asked what can you do about it. I think that answer is obvious. The message I receive is that a choice is being made. So I'll ask outright, what don't I do understand about the decision made?


Why is the discourse better with him than without him?

Knickoftime @ 10/1/2017 2:08 PM
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

newyorknewyork @ 10/1/2017 2:11 PM
martin @ 10/1/2017 2:33 PM
Knickoftime wrote:What choice do I have to conclude otherwise?

He's incapable of participating in a discussion on the discussion forum. He's incapable of being part of a community in an online community. He regularly says bat-shit crazy things. He tells black people they've never experienced racism. He advocates genocide. He advocates sexual assault and accuses every male member of the form of having committed it. None of this is exaggeration, none of this is colored through a politically partisan lens.

You've previously asked what can you do about it. I think that answer is obvious. The message I receive is that a choice is being made. So I'll ask outright, what don't I do understand about the decision made?


Why is the discourse better with him than without him?

People say stupid, disgraceful, repugnant, false, overly emotional, misleading (whether on purpose or not) things all the time, I am understanding of that. As a community, I am expecting people to respond to it accordingly. I am not here to read and respond to everything, just set up and help form a structure. We do have a path to asking people to move on, not perfect, never will be, some times slow, some times very quick.

I have not asked what I can do about it. I will however ask everyone to help us out.

newyorknewyork @ 10/1/2017 2:34 PM

Now why would anyone care about being a minority if everyone is equal and free?

arkrud @ 10/1/2017 2:35 PM
Knickoftime wrote:
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

I other words making people uncomfortable is a great way to make them help you course.
More you divide people more great results you will achieve.
More escalation is better.
Good luck man to get anything you want to achieve in life.
All of the above will help you greatly.

newyorknewyork @ 10/1/2017 3:55 PM
arkrud wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

I other words making people uncomfortable is a great way to make them help you course.
More you divide people more great results you will achieve.
More escalation is better.
Good luck man to get anything you want to achieve in life.
All of the above will help you greatly.

Its been said 1 millions times that the protest isn't about the flag or about disrespecting the military etc etc etc. So if ppl are offended over kneeling its because they choose to. If people want to ignore that its not about the flag or military etc. And want to ignore what causes ppl to even protest these things in the forst place then so be it.

If these issues were dealt with and taken seriously over the many years they have been an issue then there wouldnt be these protest.

reub @ 10/1/2017 4:15 PM
The problem with the left is that they are intolerant of any differing opinions. Look at Antifa at Berkeley. They would rather call you names and silence you than discuss things with you.
smackeddog @ 10/1/2017 4:16 PM
reub wrote:The problem with the left is that they are intolerant of any differing opinions. Look at Antifa at Berkeley. They would rather call you names and silence you than discuss things with you.

Where as the right would never do that

TheGame @ 10/1/2017 4:19 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:
arkrud wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

I other words making people uncomfortable is a great way to make them help you course.
More you divide people more great results you will achieve.
More escalation is better.
Good luck man to get anything you want to achieve in life.
All of the above will help you greatly.

Its been said 1 millions times that the protest isn't about the flag or about disrespecting the military etc etc etc. So if ppl are offended over kneeling its because they choose to. If people want to ignore that its not about the flag or military etc. And want to ignore what causes ppl to even protest these things in the forst place then so be it.

If these issues were dealt with and taken seriously over the many years they have been an issue then there wouldnt be these protest.

The real issue is that people either don't believe or don't care about police brutality against minorities, so in their minds the players are kneeling over nothing. but they don't want to just admit that, so they shift it to make it about disrespecting the flag, etc. trump is just a despicable person for hyping this issue. The man literally critized John McCain and said he was not a war hero because he got captured but now he is so offended about people kneeling.

martin @ 10/1/2017 4:21 PM
reub wrote:The problem with the left is that they are intolerant of any differing opinions. Look at Antifa at Berkeley. They would rather call you names and silence you than discuss things with you.

You just associated Antifa with the entirety of the left, as if they were one in the same.

No one would say, for example, that the KKK and the right are the same group.

I really know little about Antifa but know they are not the left nor do they represent anything but themselves.

TheGame @ 10/1/2017 4:21 PM
smackeddog wrote:
reub wrote:The problem with the left is that they are intolerant of any differing opinions. Look at Antifa at Berkeley. They would rather call you names and silence you than discuss things with you.

Where as the right would never do that

Lol. I guess the people making death threats against black players just want to talk about the issue. people fighting against white supremacist are fighting for the equality this country has always claimed but has never delivered.

reub @ 10/1/2017 4:23 PM
TheGame wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:
arkrud wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

I other words making people uncomfortable is a great way to make them help you course.
More you divide people more great results you will achieve.
More escalation is better.
Good luck man to get anything you want to achieve in life.
All of the above will help you greatly.

Its been said 1 millions times that the protest isn't about the flag or about disrespecting the military etc etc etc. So if ppl are offended over kneeling its because they choose to. If people want to ignore that its not about the flag or military etc. And want to ignore what causes ppl to even protest these things in the forst place then so be it.

If these issues were dealt with and taken seriously over the many years they have been an issue then there wouldnt be these protest.

The real issue is that people either don't believe or don't care about police brutality against minorities, so in their minds the players are kneeling over nothing. but they don't want to just admit that, so they shift it to make it about disrespecting the flag, etc. trump is just a despicable person for hyping this issue. The man literally critized John McCain and said he was not a war hero because he got captured but now he is so offended about people kneeling.

If we're going to kneel about things in their order of importance then why not kneel over all of the black on black murders in this country? That happens a LOT more than the intentional police murders of black people. I hesitate to go here because I know that the name calling and bans will start. I prefer to just discuss hoops but I just wanted to say this this one time. Will I be banned now or later?

TheGame @ 10/1/2017 4:33 PM
reub wrote:
TheGame wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:
arkrud wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

I other words making people uncomfortable is a great way to make them help you course.
More you divide people more great results you will achieve.
More escalation is better.
Good luck man to get anything you want to achieve in life.
All of the above will help you greatly.

Its been said 1 millions times that the protest isn't about the flag or about disrespecting the military etc etc etc. So if ppl are offended over kneeling its because they choose to. If people want to ignore that its not about the flag or military etc. And want to ignore what causes ppl to even protest these things in the forst place then so be it.

If these issues were dealt with and taken seriously over the many years they have been an issue then there wouldnt be these protest.

The real issue is that people either don't believe or don't care about police brutality against minorities, so in their minds the players are kneeling over nothing. but they don't want to just admit that, so they shift it to make it about disrespecting the flag, etc. trump is just a despicable person for hyping this issue. The man literally critized John McCain and said he was not a war hero because he got captured but now he is so offended about people kneeling.

If we're going to kneel about things in their order of importance then why not kneel over all of the black on black murders in this country? That happens a LOT more than the intentional police murders of black people. I hesitate to go here because I know that the name calling and bans will start. I prefer to just discuss hoops but I just wanted to say this this one time. Will I be banned now or later?

Reub, do you protest white on white crime, which occurs more than black crime. No, you are comparing apples to oranges. Citizens commit crimes against each other. Not much you can do about that other that try to improve the economics in low income communities. But when police trample on citizens rights that is state sponsored racism. That is the government acting against its minority citizens with all of the protections that the government affords. how can i protect myself or my child against some cop who thinks he has a license to kill minorities and who is acting under the authority of the government. That is what the players are protesting.

newyorknewyork @ 10/1/2017 4:47 PM
reub wrote:
TheGame wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:
arkrud wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:
arkrud wrote:But I personally new a lot of Americans who are very seriously offended by this while being very supportive and emphatical to minorities problems.

I think it's perfectly fair to question a commitment/engagement to the latter if it's exceeded by the former.

As explained to you many times already, the next time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable will be the first time someone comes up with a tidy form of protest that makes everyone feel good and comfortable.

Now they feel betrayed and disengaged.

Yes, because their feelings is really what's important here.

Also what you will say if some players will come waiving confederate flag? Do they have a right to have their point presented loud and clear on very popular platform?

Of course.

Your ridiculous false equivalency aside for a moment, did you expect any other answer?

I other words making people uncomfortable is a great way to make them help you course.
More you divide people more great results you will achieve.
More escalation is better.
Good luck man to get anything you want to achieve in life.
All of the above will help you greatly.

Its been said 1 millions times that the protest isn't about the flag or about disrespecting the military etc etc etc. So if ppl are offended over kneeling its because they choose to. If people want to ignore that its not about the flag or military etc. And want to ignore what causes ppl to even protest these things in the forst place then so be it.

If these issues were dealt with and taken seriously over the many years they have been an issue then there wouldnt be these protest.

The real issue is that people either don't believe or don't care about police brutality against minorities, so in their minds the players are kneeling over nothing. but they don't want to just admit that, so they shift it to make it about disrespecting the flag, etc. trump is just a despicable person for hyping this issue. The man literally critized John McCain and said he was not a war hero because he got captured but now he is so offended about people kneeling.

If we're going to kneel about things in their order of importance then why not kneel over all of the black on black murders in this country? That happens a LOT more than the intentional police murders of black people. I hesitate to go here because I know that the name calling and bans will start. I prefer to just discuss hoops but I just wanted to say this this one time. Will I be banned now or later?

"All murders matter"

Knickoftime @ 10/1/2017 4:49 PM
martin wrote:
Knickoftime wrote:What choice do I have to conclude otherwise?

He's incapable of participating in a discussion on the discussion forum. He's incapable of being part of a community in an online community. He regularly says bat-shit crazy things. He tells black people they've never experienced racism. He advocates genocide. He advocates sexual assault and accuses every male member of the form of having committed it. None of this is exaggeration, none of this is colored through a politically partisan lens.

You've previously asked what can you do about it. I think that answer is obvious. The message I receive is that a choice is being made. So I'll ask outright, what don't I do understand about the decision made?


Why is the discourse better with him than without him?

People say stupid, disgraceful, repugnant, false, overly emotional, misleading (whether on purpose or not) things all the time, I am understanding of that. As a community, I am expecting people to respond to it accordingly. I am not here to read and respond to everything, just set up and help form a structure. We do have a path to asking people to move on, not perfect, never will be, some times slow, some times very quick.

I have not asked what I can do about it. I will however ask everyone to help us out.

For months people have been responding to Briggs substantively, and little by little it's gotten him to expose who he really is. I think the community has done its part. Now we're asking you to help us out and show us all there is a minimum standard for discourse.

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