I deferentially hate Dolan for making a mockery from my favorite sport team for many years. And his handling of Isiah years and culture at MSG was disturbing. But I cannot stand behind public people like this reporter or host of the show to runt with this kind of insults on anybody. It is not making Dolan look bad (which will be a good thing) but make her look bad. And as a results arms Dolan and people like him with weapons to fight back and deflect. This is the same thing as many Trump haters fall into. Instead of being respective and balanced they coming up with insults and rage ultimately helping Trump and Co to fight back with easy. Dumb and Dumber stuff...
BigDaddyG@ 8/11/2018 11:21 PM
Wow...I thought this song would sound a heck of lot better in studio...well, I'd rather having him singing than hovering around the Knicks basketball offices lol
Nalod@ 8/12/2018 5:59 PM
Hilarious? Not really. It’s old stuff. Nothing Dolan’s does is significant. His music is a joke. She needed a rant. Her language was a turn off. Same for Rappaport, it gets old and he is not really that bright.
meloshouldgo@ 8/12/2018 8:00 PM
Nalod wrote:Hilarious? Not really. It's old stuff. Nothing Dolan's does is significant. His music is a joke. She needed a rant. Her language was a turn off. Same for Rappaport, it gets old and he is not really that bright.
Why is calling Dolan out for mocking the me too movement old news and a turn off?
Nalod@ 8/13/2018 7:39 AM
Dolan’s music is irrelevant.
RicanHavok@ 8/13/2018 7:50 AM
So we're just going to ignore the 12 people that gave that video a thumbs up???
nykshaknbake@ 8/16/2018 8:14 AM
This is silly and over the top. CMB is an ok show, I guess they need the publicity.