Knicks · OT: The ‘How to Spend Your Exile’ thread (page 10)

BigDaddyG @ 10/5/2020 5:04 PM
GustavBahler wrote:
smackeddog wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Ordered some movies from the last few years that I missed. Watched "Predestination" with Ethan Hawke. Has to be the weirdest time travel movie, Ive ever seen. Found myself saying WTF throughout. Worth checking out for its originality.

Very underrated movie. Definitely needs to be viewed two, maybe three times. I think it came out the same year as Looper. Good time for time travel flicks. You really need to check out Tenet. Not as good as Inception, but still is a very enjoyable time travel flicks. Right now I'm watching The Boys and Utopia on Amazon. The Boys is as dark as ever. Utopia...I think I'm more invested in the concept and the overall plot than I am the actual characters. Have read from some that the original British version is better, so I might binge that and compare.

Anyone seen 'Upgrade' yet?

should be on streaming by now- great movie, didn't get the attention it deserved when it was released

Also Ex MAchina was good (came out years ago, but enjoyable if you like futuristic/sci-fi stuff, again should be on streaming by now:

"Upgrade" Also an underrated film. Liked Ex-Machina, liked "Annihilation" even better. Visually stunning. Just got the 4k version. Havent watched it yet.

Another good one from a few years back is "Pandorum".

I also like watching stuff thats so bad its good. "Solar Crisis" is a big budget Japanese produced film with American stars.

Another one is the TV series "The Starlost" with Keir Dullea. Check out the backstory on Wikipedia its fascinating.

BTW Watched the 4k transfer of 2001. All I can say ia holy sh*t. Cant say it makes it a different film, but it looks more different than I thought it would. Watch the bluray, then the 4k, the colors are much more vibrant.

Upgrade is a lot better than what I thought it would be going in. A better version of Bloodshot and it probably had half the budget. I'm on ep. 2 of Raised by Wolves. Ridley Scott only directed the first two episodes from what I've read. It has all the hallmarks of a Scott production, which is a plus.

GustavBahler @ 10/5/2020 5:51 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
smackeddog wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:Ordered some movies from the last few years that I missed. Watched "Predestination" with Ethan Hawke. Has to be the weirdest time travel movie, Ive ever seen. Found myself saying WTF throughout. Worth checking out for its originality.

Very underrated movie. Definitely needs to be viewed two, maybe three times. I think it came out the same year as Looper. Good time for time travel flicks. You really need to check out Tenet. Not as good as Inception, but still is a very enjoyable time travel flicks. Right now I'm watching The Boys and Utopia on Amazon. The Boys is as dark as ever. Utopia...I think I'm more invested in the concept and the overall plot than I am the actual characters. Have read from some that the original British version is better, so I might binge that and compare.

Anyone seen 'Upgrade' yet?

should be on streaming by now- great movie, didn't get the attention it deserved when it was released

Also Ex MAchina was good (came out years ago, but enjoyable if you like futuristic/sci-fi stuff, again should be on streaming by now:

"Upgrade" Also an underrated film. Liked Ex-Machina, liked "Annihilation" even better. Visually stunning. Just got the 4k version. Havent watched it yet.

Another good one from a few years back is "Pandorum".

I also like watching stuff thats so bad its good. "Solar Crisis" is a big budget Japanese produced film with American stars.

Another one is the TV series "The Starlost" with Keir Dullea. Check out the backstory on Wikipedia its fascinating.

BTW Watched the 4k transfer of 2001. All I can say ia holy sh*t. Cant say it makes it a different film, but it looks more different than I thought it would. Watch the bluray, then the 4k, the colors are much more vibrant.

Upgrade is a lot better than what I thought it would be going in. A better version of Bloodshot and it probably had half the budget. I'm on ep. 2 of Raised by Wolves. Ridley Scott only directed the first two episodes from what I've read. It has all the hallmarks of a Scott production, which is a plus.

Looking forward to watching that. Picard as well.

Another film worth seeing in spite of being flawed is "Sunshine" The Danny Boyle film. If just for the special effects. The cast is very good. Let down by the writing.

smackeddog @ 10/9/2020 12:27 PM
Finally got round to watching the first episode of 'Mr Robot' and also 'Preacher'- enjoyed both of them (needed some new tv shows now the bball season is almost over). Anyone watch 'The Expanse'? I've only watched the first few episodes, it's okay so far but does it get better?
BigDaddyG @ 10/9/2020 12:48 PM
smackeddog wrote:Finally got round to watching the first episode of 'Mr Robot' and also 'Preacher'- enjoyed both of them (needed some new tv shows now the bball season is almost over). Anyone watch 'The Expanse'? I've only watched the first few episodes, it's okay so far but does it get better?

I felt a bit underwhelmed by Preacher's season finale when I first saw it, but I've made peace with it. I'm glad the show made at it as long as it did with it's content. I still like the comic better. Just finished season 2 of The Boys and I give it a thumbs up. Can't wait for season 3.

smackeddog @ 10/9/2020 2:38 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
smackeddog wrote:Finally got round to watching the first episode of 'Mr Robot' and also 'Preacher'- enjoyed both of them (needed some new tv shows now the bball season is almost over). Anyone watch 'The Expanse'? I've only watched the first few episodes, it's okay so far but does it get better?

I felt a bit underwhelmed by Preacher's season finale when I first saw it, but I've made peace with it. I'm glad the show made at it as long as it did with it's content. I still like the comic better. Just finished season 2 of The Boys and I give it a thumbs up. Can't wait for season 3.

I read the Preacher comic so long ago, the only thing I could remember about it was Arseface! I’ll get round to The Boys at some point, but I’ll watch the HBO Watchmen series first

BigDaddyG @ 10/9/2020 3:56 PM
smackeddog wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
smackeddog wrote:Finally got round to watching the first episode of 'Mr Robot' and also 'Preacher'- enjoyed both of them (needed some new tv shows now the bball season is almost over). Anyone watch 'The Expanse'? I've only watched the first few episodes, it's okay so far but does it get better?

I felt a bit underwhelmed by Preacher's season finale when I first saw it, but I've made peace with it. I'm glad the show made at it as long as it did with it's content. I still like the comic better. Just finished season 2 of The Boys and I give it a thumbs up. Can't wait for season 3.

I read the Preacher comic so long ago, the only thing I could remember about it was Arseface! I’ll get round to The Boys at some point, but I’ll watch the HBO Watchmen series first

Don't go into the Watchmen TV series expecting the same feel that you had when you read the comic books. Yes, there are callbacks and the show deals with the ramifications caused be the characters' action in the book. But the show goes into bit's own direction. I liked it, but the ending definitely is definitely not in line with something Alan Moore would have written.
fwk00 @ 10/10/2020 6:06 PM
The Politician on Amazon Prime is a weird, David Lynch like production. Watched two seasons of it and its oddly addictive. Like watching entitlement Washington children grow up to inherit either party.
fwk00 @ 10/12/2020 5:49 PM
Watched "I'm thinking of Ending Things" a few nights ago. A very strange, long movie that's engaging enough to keep you going. Going where? Well, that's a different story.
GustavBahler @ 10/13/2020 10:50 PM
Been watching repeats of the Eric Andre show. Only had seen a couple of episodes. Off beat humor for off beat times.

The last episode I watched, was thinking that Andre destroying his sets before every show had a Hendrix like quality to it. The same attitude towards the status quo. Then (no joke) Andre starts stomping on guitar pedals and setting his mic on fire. What are the odds lol.

Nalod @ 10/14/2020 1:00 PM
Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.
fwk00 @ 10/14/2020 1:13 PM
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

Westworld was done really well. I am a sci-fi fan but too much of it is done badly. I highly recommend The Boys on Amazon. You kind of have to be a comic fan to really appreciate the subtlety of it.

smackeddog @ 10/14/2020 1:13 PM
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

I know it sounds weird, but honestly, there were too many bare bottoms in the first season- its all I remember! Just bare asses sat on seats every episode! (about to start season 2)

BigDaddyG @ 10/14/2020 2:16 PM
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

I thought season 1 was the best. None of the seasons were bad, but I though season 3 lost it's focus a few a episode. Season 1 was probably the tightest from a narrative standpoint. Season two had the potential to be bad, bad the writers did a good job of tying things up at the end. I feel the the show runners wrote themselves into a corner in season 3. The set up this antangonist as a Lex Luther level Mastermind and then continue to undermine his character by having him make the dumbest mistakes. Also, the fact that a certain character was deemed a good guy because he have sex with robots created for perverse sexual acts is a bit confusing. It's like saying that the one vegan guy is saint because he was the only one who didn't partake in meat that that was legally processed and distributed for human conaumption. That's quite a leap. That said, season 3 is my favorite from a visual standpoint.

BigDaddyG @ 10/14/2020 2:19 PM
fwk00 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

Westworld was done really well. I am a sci-fi fan but too much of it is done badly. I highly recommend The Boys on Amazon. You kind of have to be a comic fan to really appreciate the subtlety of it.

The "Girls get it done" dig at Marvel was hilarious. The Joss Whedon/DC dig was also funny. Show also gives a funny take on exploitive nature of corporate marketing in general. I think the show has elevated the material from the comicbooks.

Nalod @ 10/14/2020 2:47 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

I thought season 1 was the best. None of the seasons were bad, but I though season 3 lost it's focus a few a episode. Season 1 was probably the tightest from a narrative standpoint. Season two had the potential to be bad, bad the writers did a good job of tying things up at the end. I feel the the show runners wrote themselves into a corner in season 3. The set up this antangonist as a Lex Luther level Mastermind and then continue to undermine his character by having him make the dumbest mistakes. Also, the fact that a certain character was deemed a good guy because he have sex with robots created for perverse sexual acts is a bit confusing. It's like saying that the one vegan guy is saint because he was the only one who didn't partake in meat that that was legally processed and distributed for human conaumption. That's quite a leap. That said, season 3 is my favorite from a visual standpoint.

Good points. Two got a bit saucy (bloody). I found it best to not over think the plots too much and just go with it. The visuals on three were very good and the plot was good enough. I thought on TWO it was more "Vignette stories" that did not tie up a the end.
Most of all it did not point to a "Good guy/girl or bad guy/girl" . They all had some redeeming quality and deplorable ones at the same time. Its Sci-fi, they can do what ever they want for season 4.

BigDaddyG @ 10/14/2020 3:28 PM
Nalod wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

I thought season 1 was the best. None of the seasons were bad, but I though season 3 lost it's focus a few a episode. Season 1 was probably the tightest from a narrative standpoint. Season two had the potential to be bad, bad the writers did a good job of tying things up at the end. I feel the the show runners wrote themselves into a corner in season 3. The set up this antangonist as a Lex Luther level Mastermind and then continue to undermine his character by having him make the dumbest mistakes. Also, the fact that a certain character was deemed a good guy because he have sex with robots created for perverse sexual acts is a bit confusing. It's like saying that the one vegan guy is saint because he was the only one who didn't partake in meat that that was legally processed and distributed for human conaumption. That's quite a leap. That said, season 3 is my favorite from a visual standpoint.

Good points. Two got a bit saucy (bloody). I found it best to not over think the plots too much and just go with it. The visuals on three were very good and the plot was good enough. I thought on TWO it was more "Vignette stories" that did not tie up a the end.
Most of all it did not point to a "Good guy/girl or bad guy/girl" . They all had some redeeming quality and deplorable ones at the same time. Its Sci-fi, they can do what ever they want for season 4.

Yep. It came out during the early stages of the lockdown, so people had more time analyze than usual. Also the Nolan's are known for creating media that require repeat viewings. But at it's core, it's a science fiction show about sex, violence and robots. Season 3 easily reaches the mark when you consider the basic premise.
fwk00 @ 10/14/2020 9:08 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

Westworld was done really well. I am a sci-fi fan but too much of it is done badly. I highly recommend The Boys on Amazon. You kind of have to be a comic fan to really appreciate the subtlety of it.

The "Girls get it done" dig at Marvel was hilarious. The Joss Whedon/DC dig was also funny. Show also gives a funny take on exploitive nature of corporate marketing in general. I think the show has elevated the material from the comicbooks.

Yes, it really does elevate the genre in general. The pragmatism of the premises are just perfect.

May I also recommend an author, Trevanian. Shibumi and [Eiger, Loo,...] Sanction books are as good as it gets. Predates many copycat heroes.

BigDaddyG @ 10/14/2020 10:09 PM
fwk00 wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

Westworld was done really well. I am a sci-fi fan but too much of it is done badly. I highly recommend The Boys on Amazon. You kind of have to be a comic fan to really appreciate the subtlety of it.

The "Girls get it done" dig at Marvel was hilarious. The Joss Whedon/DC dig was also funny. Show also gives a funny take on exploitive nature of corporate marketing in general. I think the show has elevated the material from the comicbooks.

Yes, it really does elevate the genre in general. The pragmatism of the premises are just perfect.

May I also recommend an author, Trevanian. Shibumi and [Eiger, Loo,...] Sanction books are as good as it gets. Predates many copycat heroes.

Looks cool. I'll give Eiger Sanction a try on audiobook.
GustavBahler @ 10/17/2020 6:27 PM
To all Boxing fans...

Crush would have posted this first

ESPN 7:30pm EST..Lomachenko vs Lopez. Undercards, of course.

fwk00 @ 10/17/2020 9:17 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
fwk00 wrote:
Nalod wrote:Finished 3 Westworld seasons.
I sort of liked season 3 the best. Maybe seeing Delores in fight scenes and in modern clothes had something to do with it? Never been a huge Sci-Fi fan but this plot was executed fairly well.

Westworld was done really well. I am a sci-fi fan but too much of it is done badly. I highly recommend The Boys on Amazon. You kind of have to be a comic fan to really appreciate the subtlety of it.

The "Girls get it done" dig at Marvel was hilarious. The Joss Whedon/DC dig was also funny. Show also gives a funny take on exploitive nature of corporate marketing in general. I think the show has elevated the material from the comicbooks.

Yes, it really does elevate the genre in general. The pragmatism of the premises are just perfect.

May I also recommend an author, Trevanian. Shibumi and [Eiger, Loo,...] Sanction books are as good as it gets. Predates many copycat heroes.

Looks cool. I'll give Eiger Sanction a try on audiobook.

Shibumi is a stand-alone cult book. He wrote a few others - maybe a western or two. Really good stuff.

GustavBahler @ 10/18/2020 9:28 AM
GustavBahler wrote:To all Boxing fans...

Crush would have posted this first

ESPN 7:30pm EST..Lomachenko vs Lopez. Undercards, of course.

Wow, what an upset! Second half of the fight was a great bout. Never saw anyone beat Lomachenko with better footwork. Lopez is 23, has a bright future.

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