Knicks · OT: The ‘How to Spend Your Exile’ thread (page 4)

BigDaddyG @ 4/1/2020 12:43 PM
smackeddog wrote:I have no problem filling the day each one seems to fly by but weirdly the weeks are dragging! Feels like it's been months. It's awful seeing how bad things are and knowing this isn't even remotely the worst of it- we're just at the stage of a tsunami where the waters retreating on the beach

Thank f*** for tv as a distraction.

Leftovers season 2 is fantastic, honestly one of my favorite seasons of any tv show- this is such a surprise as I wasn't particularly impressed with season 1

Also watched that Knives Out movie. Going to watch Doctor Sleep next (terrible name, and I was against them making a sequel to the Shining, but it's meant to be good)

Anyone watched Uncut Gems yet?

I remember liking Doctor Sleep when I read it. The movie kind of snuck up on me and I didn't even realize it was theatres. The reviews looked good. I heard Uncut Gems is good, but man....Adam Sandlers has done some clunkers...not sure if I'm ready to take that leap of faith.

smackeddog @ 4/1/2020 3:39 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
smackeddog wrote:I have no problem filling the day each one seems to fly by but weirdly the weeks are dragging! Feels like it's been months. It's awful seeing how bad things are and knowing this isn't even remotely the worst of it- we're just at the stage of a tsunami where the waters retreating on the beach

Thank f*** for tv as a distraction.

Leftovers season 2 is fantastic, honestly one of my favorite seasons of any tv show- this is such a surprise as I wasn't particularly impressed with season 1

Also watched that Knives Out movie. Going to watch Doctor Sleep next (terrible name, and I was against them making a sequel to the Shining, but it's meant to be good)

Anyone watched Uncut Gems yet?

I remember liking Doctor Sleep when I read it. The movie kind of snuck up on me and I didn't even realize it was theatres. The reviews looked good. I heard Uncut Gems is good, but man....Adam Sandlers has done some clunkers...not sure if I'm ready to take that leap of faith.

Uncut gems is a stressful watch, Adam Sandler is good in it, definitely not one of his many clunkers!

BigDaddyG @ 4/2/2020 7:14 PM
Just finished Tiger King. No important commentary on our society or the safety of wild animals. Just a mesmerizing, unfolding trainwreck featuring narcissistic, disassociated clowns wearing their crazy flags for the world to see. Entertainment.
ramtour420 @ 4/2/2020 7:25 PM
Saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Such a letdown. Wow. Story nonexistent, no suspense , no action no nothing. The dog and the little girl did the best acting jobs. It's my own damn fault for having such high expectations. Not going to tell you all who haven't seen it what happens tho. Maybe Tarantino set the bar too high with his previous movies. Maybe
BigDaddyG @ 4/2/2020 7:35 PM
ramtour420 wrote:Saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Such a letdown. Wow. Story nonexistent, no suspense , no action no nothing. The dog and the little girl did the best acting jobs. It's my own damn fault for having such high expectations. Not going to tell you all who haven't seen it what happens tho. Maybe Tarantino set the bar too high with his previous movies. Maybe

Yeah, I've tried to watch it and it just didn't suck me in. I'll give it another try at some point.

GustavBahler @ 4/2/2020 7:42 PM
Watched the last Star Wars movie. Was good, wasnt any long dramatic lulls in the action. Like in the second trilogy. Thought it would be funny when they showed a brief montage of the dark sides' greatest villains, if they included Jar Jar Binks.
smackeddog @ 4/3/2020 3:54 AM
BigDaddyG wrote:
ramtour420 wrote:Saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Such a letdown. Wow. Story nonexistent, no suspense , no action no nothing. The dog and the little girl did the best acting jobs. It's my own damn fault for having such high expectations. Not going to tell you all who haven't seen it what happens tho. Maybe Tarantino set the bar too high with his previous movies. Maybe

Yeah, I've tried to watch it and it just didn't suck me in. I'll give it another try at some point.

I was bored and wanted to stop watching around about the first third of the film, but it became a lot better and I liked it in the end

Allanfan20 @ 4/3/2020 8:38 AM
I still haven’t seen the last Star Wars nor have I seen Rogue one. Is it worth it? I did see Mandalorian and I loved it.
martin @ 4/3/2020 11:42 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:I still haven’t seen the last Star Wars nor have I seen Rogue one. Is it worth it? I did see Mandalorian and I loved it.

Oh wow. Too simple for me, or just not my thing. Feel like if you liked Mandalorian you will like the others

Nalod @ 4/3/2020 12:05 PM
Allanfan20 wrote:I still haven’t seen the last Star Wars nor have I seen Rogue one. Is it worth it? I did see Mandalorian and I loved it.

Have not seen Mandalorian but the star wars stuff really quite boring. Its formulaic and visually not interesting as it once was unique. They are popular and have its fans. Saw the one with jah jah binks recently and it was just bloody awful.

Marv @ 4/3/2020 1:12 PM
ramtour420 wrote:Saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Such a letdown. Wow. Story nonexistent, no suspense , no action no nothing. The dog and the little girl did the best acting jobs. It's my own damn fault for having such high expectations. Not going to tell you all who haven't seen it what happens tho. Maybe Tarantino set the bar too high with his previous movies. Maybe

LOVED this movie. granted it covered my teenage years so it was highly nostalgic for me. and tarantino NAILED it.

smackeddog @ 4/3/2020 3:07 PM
Marv wrote:
ramtour420 wrote:Saw Once upon a time in Hollywood. Such a letdown. Wow. Story nonexistent, no suspense , no action no nothing. The dog and the little girl did the best acting jobs. It's my own damn fault for having such high expectations. Not going to tell you all who haven't seen it what happens tho. Maybe Tarantino set the bar too high with his previous movies. Maybe

LOVED this movie. granted it covered my teenage years so it was highly nostalgic for me. and tarantino NAILED it.

Ha, I understand both view points- up until the bit where Leonardo dicaprio had his meltdown in the trailer I was starting to think the film was a big disappointment, but that scene and beyond really picked the film up- loved the bit where Brad Pitt went to cults hangout, and the ending too. Good film!

Nalod @ 4/3/2020 5:12 PM
The movie was a fable, not a historical depiction. I loved it also. Never knew where it went.
The finish was magnificent. I can see how not everyone would like it.
ramtour420 @ 4/3/2020 5:50 PM
Well everyone's pencil box has different pencils in it. I am not saying it was total crap, but it did not hit on many notes for me.Pissed off Leo trailer scene? Meh. Brad pit visiting the Mansons hangout was anticlimactic after Fight Club. The scene with the blender of iced margaritas telling the " damn hippies" to get off his property was Leo at his best character, very convincing tho. Actress watching her own movie looking around at the audience reaction? I dunno. I started having real doubts after Bruce Lee parody. What the heck was Tarantino thinking? Baaaad. That's a slap in a face to anyone who likes martial arts even remotely. Especially after Kill Bill. The ending? That was supposed to be Rosemary's Baby meets Pulp Fiction. Instead we get vanilla alternate reality Tarantino losing his edge. That little knife in Brad Pits thigh is a symbol of how miserable the ending was. Flamethrower could not revive the anemic confrontation. Now if it somehow malfunctioned and it spilled the fuel on the operator who was supposed to be blind drunk then we would have ourselves something at least.
Marv @ 4/3/2020 8:44 PM
ramtour420 wrote:Well everyone's pencil box has different pencils in it. I am not saying it was total crap, but it did not hit on many notes for me.Pissed off Leo trailer scene? Meh. Brad pit visiting the Mansons hangout was anticlimactic after Fight Club. The scene with the blender of iced margaritas telling the " damn hippies" to get off his property was Leo at his best character, very convincing tho. Actress watching her own movie looking around at the audience reaction? I dunno. I started having real doubts after Bruce Lee parody. What the heck was Tarantino thinking? Baaaad. That's a slap in a face to anyone who likes martial arts even remotely. Especially after Kill Bill. The ending? That was supposed to be Rosemary's Baby meets Pulp Fiction. Instead we get vanilla alternate reality Tarantino losing his edge. That little knife in Brad Pits thigh is a symbol of how miserable the ending was. Flamethrower could not revive the anemic confrontation. Now if it somehow malfunctioned and it spilled the fuel on the operator who was supposed to be blind drunk then we would have ourselves something at least.

even tho i had a different reaction i love your take on it. “imagine . . . “ indeed!

NotInMyHouse @ 4/4/2020 8:17 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:
knicks1248 wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:
knicks1248 wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:Watching Breaking Bad for the first time. It’s not bad.

Best show you will ever see, then you need to watch Better call Saul

Everyone keeps saying that. Are those 2 in the same universe?

How far did you get in BB?

I got to the middle of season 2. I enjoyed it but it was also a bit slow for me so I took a break from it.

I almost quite BB quite a few times. It wasn't exactly enjoyable watching someone absolutely break down, in a bad way.
But the storytelling, overall writing, character development, etc. really pulled me in. Same with GOT.

In a different way, I've enjoyed Westworld. I'm on Season 2 now. 1 was for sure more "at the root" of things. (A bit like Matrix 1, vs 2.)
But there are still lots of good message overlays and things to think about regarding life, death, right & wrong, morals in general, etc.
Hopefully it doesn't go the way of The Walking Dead - great first few seasons, then - I can't quite describe the fall - meaningless fluff?

Stay Healthy, exercise, get sunshine, smile,

smackeddog @ 4/4/2020 11:42 AM
NotInMyHouse wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:
knicks1248 wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:
knicks1248 wrote:
Allanfan20 wrote:Watching Breaking Bad for the first time. It’s not bad.

Best show you will ever see, then you need to watch Better call Saul

Everyone keeps saying that. Are those 2 in the same universe?

How far did you get in BB?

I got to the middle of season 2. I enjoyed it but it was also a bit slow for me so I took a break from it.

I almost quite BB quite a few times. It wasn't exactly enjoyable watching someone absolutely break down, in a bad way.
But the storytelling, overall writing, character development, etc. really pulled me in. Same with GOT.

In a different way, I've enjoyed Westworld. I'm on Season 2 now. 1 was for sure more "at the root" of things. (A bit like Matrix 1, vs 2.)
But there are still lots of good message overlays and things to think about regarding life, death, right & wrong, morals in general, etc.
Hopefully it doesn't go the way of The Walking Dead - great first few seasons, then - I can't quite describe the fall - meaningless fluff?

Stay Healthy, exercise, get sunshine, smile,

I still love the Walking Dead, though I seem to be alone in that these days. I thought it got better after the first few seasons- I like the bleak tone of it and that it's not afraid to kill off popular characters

Nalod @ 4/4/2020 3:20 PM
ramtour420 wrote:Well everyone's pencil box has different pencils in it. I am not saying it was total crap, but it did not hit on many notes for me.Pissed off Leo trailer scene? Meh. Brad pit visiting the Mansons hangout was anticlimactic after Fight Club. The scene with the blender of iced margaritas telling the " damn hippies" to get off his property was Leo at his best character, very convincing tho. Actress watching her own movie looking around at the audience reaction? I dunno. I started having real doubts after Bruce Lee parody. What the heck was Tarantino thinking? Baaaad. That's a slap in a face to anyone who likes martial arts even remotely. Especially after Kill Bill. The ending? That was supposed to be Rosemary's Baby meets Pulp Fiction. Instead we get vanilla alternate reality Tarantino losing his edge. That little knife in Brad Pits thigh is a symbol of how miserable the ending was. Flamethrower could not revive the anemic confrontation. Now if it somehow malfunctioned and it spilled the fuel on the operator who was supposed to be blind drunk then we would have ourselves something at least.

Loved the scene with Bruce Lee. Fact or not. It was funny as hell. Acid trips are funny when bending history.

BigDaddyG @ 4/7/2020 1:23 AM
Westworld season 3 is even more insane the past seasons. One word...Yakuza! That's not even the craziest thing!
NotInMyHouse @ 4/7/2020 9:17 AM
BigDaddyG wrote:Westworld season 3 is even more insane the past seasons. One word...Yakuza! That's not even the craziest thing!

Looking forward! I'm on the last season 2 episode. It actually is turning out better than what I first thought.

BigDaddyG @ 4/7/2020 12:56 PM
NotInMyHouse wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:Westworld season 3 is even more insane the past seasons. One word...Yakuza! That's not even the craziest thing!

Looking forward! I'm on the last season 2 episode. It actually is turning out better than what I first thought.

Yeah, season two picks up momentum as it goes along. The earlier episodes do bear fruit tho...just not in the ways you expect.

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