Posted by Silverfuel:
girls and beer. nothing better.
There is a lot to be said for jello as well...
Silver, #2 is all yours.
Posted by MaTT4281:
Silver, #2 is all yours.
Thank you sir. The gesture is much appreciated. I have no pictures ready so here:
2 FUKING DAYS TILL WE ELECT A NEW PRESIDENT.Thanks for the thread MaTT! The countdown has given me a chance to read some really fun stories from you, Marv and martin. Mostly about drinking and mostly hilarious! Got to read some really awesome articles and watch some really funny videos on this thread too. Martin's youtube tags took it to the next level. I think your girl joined in on the countdown a couple of times too right? Still dating her?
I remember reading some crazy shit here. Martin is a party animal and when he posts at 5:30 AM, he is getting in not getting up. And that the lucky bastard takes unbelievably cool vacations! That Marv sometimes guards the door at night so that no one sneaks in/out. And that Marv can add some seriously awesome content to the thread like:
Btw I was in a pub in County Cork, Ireland, when a pig race outside went off-course and the pigs went screaming into the pub followed by a bunch of poeple trying to corral them!
In the last 4 years, I got through 2 years of grad school, 3 gf's, 2 jobs, 2 cars, 4 st. patty's days and a boatload of liquor. Goddamn Matt! That's some serious amount of days to countdown. Good job dude.
^ good summary!
Matt, we await some killer posts from you over the next few days! Get the vote out! Get the Bushes out!!!
It's crazy Silver. When this began, we were watching a Knicks team of Penny Hardaway, Mo Taylor, and Tim Thomas (that actually began the year 16-13). Hurricane Katrina was nearly a year away from hitting New Orleans, and John Paul II was still the pope.
We've gone 1,460 days into this countdown and now there's finally
Other #1's:
Number of minutes into the Bush presidency it took to get a migraine.
Number of people who still believe W is a competent human being (and unfortunately happens to be my roommate).
Number of cleaning ladies Bush has attempted to nominate to the Supreme Court.
Number of pretzels needed to incapacitate a president.
Number of people who know even less about U.S. politics than W.

It has truly been a pleasure to share this countdown with you guys - but we are about to be in much better shape with this thread coming to an end.
George, as much as we complain about your actions, insult and question your intelligence, or curse your existence, there is one thing left to be said:
Matt, ere you really waiting by your computer to post this at exactly 12:00 AM? Who exactly did you think would steal your thunder? The last 2 days on the countdown (1 and 0) are yours.
Posted by GKFv2:
Matt, ere you really waiting by your computer to post this at exactly 12:00 AM? Who exactly did you think would steal your thunder? The last 2 days on the countdown (1 and 0) are yours.
Guilty, I did wait all of 2 minutes before clicking post. But no - it's the last day before the election and I wanted to wait and get the update in before studying, not to secure my thunder.
Hey, though Im Spanish, all my support go to the Democrats! I hope Obama wins. Anyway whats always important is that people go out and vote whatever they want! So go out and do it!
awesome post MaTT! I cannot believe we vote tomorrow. Its here man! 108 pages later, its here! Man you are going to feel amazing tomorrow morning when you post something like, countdown over. get the fuck out and go fucking vote! good times.
Go Matt!! Drink that last frikking bottle on the wall.
Marv!!!! You're here! Holy shit! What's up man?
Posted by Bonn1997:
Marv!!!! You're here! Holy shit! What's up man?
bonn i'm good - hope same for you.
give a holla for the final countdown
Yup, I'm teaching at a liberal arts college down in Alabama. It's a lot of work but I (usually!) enjoy it.
dudes. it's all happening tomorrow!!! i'm mad excited. and a little nervous.
Posted by Marv:
dudes. it's all happening tomorrow!!! i'm mad excited. and a little nervous.
I have to catch the 6:50 to Penn Station so I have to leave around 6:20, go vote and then get on the train! I am pumped. Like the 1999 Knicks game after LJ's 4 point play. Lets see what MaTT brings at midnight. some crazy motivational thing to convince people to vote?