Knicks · 2019 NBA Draft was sorta like a blessing in disguise. (page 1)

mattshaw78 @ 5/15/2023 12:27 PM
Remember the 2019 NBA draft where we were like damn we got screwed in the draft order. Well in hindsight you think about it, Zion and his weight issues and now Ja Morant with his guns blazing.
Philc1 @ 5/15/2023 7:36 PM
On an inferior messageboard they were calling it a two player draft and mocking the Knicks for having the third pick
KnickDanger @ 5/15/2023 8:00 PM
The narrative was the Knicks “failed” with the ping pong balls. This was at the height of Knicks clowning. Anyway I’ve said it before - so glad we ended up with RJ regardless of the talent of Zion (who doesn’t play) and Ja (jerk off supreme who may also not play for a good bit).
GustavBahler @ 5/15/2023 8:24 PM
It was a blessing that the FO didnt get cute with the pick. Which was what some fans wanted before, and after the draft.

Some posters were concerned about Zion's weight issues. They're right, to this point. Maybe Zion should go for less Bolo, and more Bruce Lee. It would make him harder to catch up with.

Morant's biggest problem is that he has some real morons for "friends". I use that term loosely. If they were Ja's friend, they would be helping him protect his brand, his finances, his rep. And most importantly his life.

These instagram Live posts are what you would see from a dead rapper,who thought he was a gangster. I really hope Ja has his "come to Jesus" moment. And realizes he needs a better crew. A smarter crew.

ESOMKnicks @ 5/16/2023 3:13 AM
What's with all this Morant hate? I don't get it. You can hardly find a Hollywood movie that does not have a firearm in it, yet a guy flashes a pistol that he lawfully owns for a fraction of a second, and it's like the universe is collapsing.
If he violated NBA rules by taking a firearm to team or league premises or functions - punish him under league rules. If not - leave him alone. I am sure that if we did not already have JB, half the board would be drooling about getting Ja.

I still think that RJ was a great pick up for us in the draft, however. He may never become another Kobe, but he is a nice young player who will still improve.

Knixkik @ 5/16/2023 4:19 AM
The narrative was funny because I remember when it was a 3 person draft until the Knicks got the 3rd pick then it became a 2 person draft.
KnickDanger @ 5/16/2023 5:45 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:What's with all this Morant hate? I don't get it. You can hardly find a Hollywood movie that does not have a firearm in it, yet a guy flashes a pistol that he lawfully owns for a fraction of a second, and it's like the universe is collapsing.
If he violated NBA rules by taking a firearm to team or league premises or functions - punish him under league rules. If not - leave him alone. I am sure that if we did not already have JB, half the board would be drooling about getting Ja.

I still think that RJ was a great pick up for us in the draft, however. He may never become another Kobe, but he is a nice young player who will still improve.

There’s a lot more than him flashing a gun (for the second time after much public apology drama). There’s beating up teenagers, bringing his posse to a mall to confront an employee, his posse aiming lasers at the Pacers bus…do you really feel there should be no reaction to all this?

But even if we feel it’s all good, the money boys in the NBA and their ESPN type associates do not. It’s about the marketing above all.

Nalod @ 5/16/2023 7:09 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:What's with all this Morant hate? I don't get it. You can hardly find a Hollywood movie that does not have a firearm in it, yet a guy flashes a pistol that he lawfully owns for a fraction of a second, and it's like the universe is collapsing.
If he violated NBA rules by taking a firearm to team or league premises or functions - punish him under league rules. If not - leave him alone. I am sure that if we did not already have JB, half the board would be drooling about getting Ja.

I still think that RJ was a great pick up for us in the draft, however. He may never become another Kobe, but he is a nice young player who will still improve.

The world is hating on him because his stupidity of self destruction. Throwing away the sponserships, and the money that comes fast and can leave fast is just stupid. For what? Self adulation and arrogance?
There are rules in the entertainment business and guarding your reputation matters. Actors, actresses, and models get fired for getting fat. Its not illegal. They are paid to perform and look a certain way. Athletes are paid to perform but they are also paid entertainers who are part of a business that sells tickets and sponsorship's for companies. Flashing guns and spewing foul language on intstagram so they can get “likes” defies the image he is paid to portray. Beating up teens and being a bad man in a mall is not how its done.
Players are taught before they are drafted what the deal is. They sign contracts voluntarily to be employed by the league and its rules. Nobody is denying his second amendment rights or first of free speech. He can change his line of work and be all he wishes to be publically outside the NBA.
Nike and What ever sports drink did not sign this shit head to represent them this way.

What he did is not awful but we live in a world that looks to judge very quickly. Business is judged harsh. Don’t support LBGT your called out. Support LBGT and another group will boycott you. Have to protect the brand and employees and the consumer at the same time.
The NBA is a multi billion dollar business with many many facets to it. There are owners who put up money, networks that pay for its rights, apparel, nostalgia, pensions, salary worksers, vendors, and the people that work in the arena. There are tax payers who help fund arenas and the business districts around it.
The NBA is a big brand. Ja was cool. Had a sneaker, sponserships, and a really great game. No all NBA, $39mil. Sponserhips and maybe half a season? Cha Ching.

Philc1 @ 5/16/2023 7:50 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:What's with all this Morant hate? I don't get it. You can hardly find a Hollywood movie that does not have a firearm in it, yet a guy flashes a pistol that he lawfully owns for a fraction of a second, and it's like the universe is collapsing.
If he violated NBA rules by taking a firearm to team or league premises or functions - punish him under league rules. If not - leave him alone. I am sure that if we did not already have JB, half the board would be drooling about getting Ja.

I still think that RJ was a great pick up for us in the draft, however. He may never become another Kobe, but he is a nice young player who will still improve.

He’s a fake gangster. 50 Cent would call him a wanksta

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