Knicks · Good thing! Ja Morant isn't a KNICK: He's done, just a matter of time when he's finished (page 1)

DJMUSIC @ 5/20/2023 12:59 AM

Can't stand this story and in NBA for a kid a good/very great to be player Ja Morant.

Tired of his sh_*^&t

It will be a matter of time when he's done. I dont want to hear about his explainations
he don't care for NBA, team, family and pro sports representation.

BUT the As_s Morant sure cares for Guns Video
Millionaire kid Just born the other day with no big age'

DAMN man! what a bad for look on any people/ ethnic background
I could care less for what's his background race is.

BUT Ya know what? ? ? I am affected by these things its strictly DUMB
DUMB DUMB. Fool Morant got millions of kids , young fans and old looking up to this Morant
And what he does ? he flashes GUN as if it's SUCCESS.

GOOD RIDDANCE ! when & if he's out of league soon
I'd be MOST interested if the young man gets help, that would have me.
UNTIL then Morant is done!

Mark my words, its a matter of NBA / Pro sports which dictates when Ja is done
with his famed Pro NBA star career. Down the tubes its in hold state, may as well. Ja don't want help he wants GUNs
Sounds family ? in America USA eh?

Land of the Free / Home of the Brave

Disgusted DJmusic

blkexec @ 5/20/2023 7:17 AM
Philc1 @ 5/20/2023 9:55 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

blkexec @ 5/20/2023 10:17 AM
blkexec wrote:

With Ja’s history, and a recent apology. Then to repeat the same offense? That shows a serious sign of immaturity, regardless of race. Now there’s still a double standard in the nba / america. But Ja was raised better than this. Him trying to prove he’s some tough guy is impacting not just him but his great great grandkids.

I hope this is a learning lesson for young guys out there. Maturity is not an age thing, it’s how you live your life and who you surround yourself with. New levels new devils.

ToddTT @ 5/20/2023 10:28 AM
As a role model to millions of impressionable minds, Ja can go **** himself.

Also, congratulations on the financial repercussions.

What a monumental dumbass.

KnickDanger @ 5/20/2023 11:11 AM
Seeing some "Stalin was worse" arguments. Just focusing on Ja - yeah I don't need to burn him at the stake but he doesn't need a free pass either. There are consequences for one's actions. Time to become an adult or fade away.
Vmart @ 5/20/2023 11:21 AM
Self sabotage is a real thing. Great player but I think it stop right there for him. Once off the court looks like an immature person.
Alpha1971 @ 5/20/2023 11:27 AM
His behavior is going to get him killed. He going to roll around some one with nothing to lose who will drop him. You want to roll around with your boys with guns you will meet others doing the same. Memphis is not a safe City. I'm from the South Bronx, a place where people looking for trouble find it, so I know and have seen it all my life. Ja wants to act gangsta well real gangstas will find him and kill him or leave him severely injured cause that's what they live for. Boy is a fool.
Nalod @ 5/21/2023 12:16 PM
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

Good point!!!

Alpha1971 @ 5/21/2023 12:53 PM
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

You missing the point. Point is he is going to get himself killed. No one is saying he is as bad a murderer. He is, for no reason, acting like he is a hood in the ghetto. He is not poor, he is not from a broken home in the inner city. He is glamorizing a life style that is not his own cause he thinks it's cool. Thus, making that life of street violence cool for impressionable kids. Mark my words, when you play the street gangsta you will run into the real street gangstas who won't waste a second to empty their guns into him. If you have never been around these guys who he wants to pretend to be then your lucky. But trust me these type of gangstas don't live long and have no issue killing

Philc1 @ 5/21/2023 1:09 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

You missing the point. Point is he is going to get himself killed. No one is saying he is as bad a murderer. He is, for no reason, acting like he is a hood in the ghetto. He is not poor, he is not from a broken home in the inner city. He is glamorizing a life style that is not his own cause he thinks it's cool. Thus, making that life of street violence cool for impressionable kids. Mark my words, when you play the street gangsta you will run into the real street gangstas who won't waste a second to empty their guns into him. If you have never been around these guys who he wants to pretend to be then your lucky. But trust me these type of gangstas don't live long and have no issue killing

That’s a pretty big jump saying a person is going to get killed because they posted a video on instafacebook. Kid Rock has a video of him machine gunning a box of Bud light is he in similar danger?

KnickDanger @ 5/21/2023 1:48 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

You missing the point. Point is he is going to get himself killed. No one is saying he is as bad a murderer. He is, for no reason, acting like he is a hood in the ghetto. He is not poor, he is not from a broken home in the inner city. He is glamorizing a life style that is not his own cause he thinks it's cool. Thus, making that life of street violence cool for impressionable kids. Mark my words, when you play the street gangsta you will run into the real street gangstas who won't waste a second to empty their guns into him. If you have never been around these guys who he wants to pretend to be then your lucky. But trust me these type of gangstas don't live long and have no issue killing

That’s a pretty big jump saying a person is going to get killed because they posted a video on instafacebook. Kid Rock has a video of him machine gunning a box of Bud light is he in similar danger?

Kid Rock and Ja have at least two things in common - they like guns and they're jerk offs.

Nalod @ 5/21/2023 2:01 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

You missing the point. Point is he is going to get himself killed. No one is saying he is as bad a murderer. He is, for no reason, acting like he is a hood in the ghetto. He is not poor, he is not from a broken home in the inner city. He is glamorizing a life style that is not his own cause he thinks it's cool. Thus, making that life of street violence cool for impressionable kids. Mark my words, when you play the street gangsta you will run into the real street gangstas who won't waste a second to empty their guns into him. If you have never been around these guys who he wants to pretend to be then your lucky. But trust me these type of gangstas don't live long and have no issue killing

That’s a pretty big jump saying a person is going to get killed because they posted a video on instafacebook. Kid Rock has a video of him machine gunning a box of Bud light is he in similar danger?

Also good point. Kid rock is an entrepreneur. He does not have an endorsement deal with a complany like nike or participate in a revenue sharing deal with his employer (the NBA) and paid dozens of millions ever year.
personally i don’t care what he does or the consequences to him by those actions. This is were so many people are chiming in on in social media.
He is not breaking any laws is true. But he signed a contract with sponsers and his employer that specifies certain clauses.
Like I said, he is free to act about and express his first and second right amendments in any lawuful manner he deems fit. But he won’t be employed. nobody is denying his ability to earn a living but himself. He voluntarily signed those contracts and has chosen to not adhere to them for what ever reason.

Simple really. One might not agree with the conditions but it was him to either negotiate, deny, or accept the terms of those deals. In the end, he signed them. He broke them once then again weeks later.
He is not being punished. He simply is not providing like kind service to the terms of the contract. Part of it is to play basketball at a high level, take care of his body and improve his craft, and protect the image of the league and the public relations duties of the player.

Thats it. Pretty simple. That he is this stupid is quite shocking. perhaps in his pre draft interviews there was understanding of his immaturity but one hoped maturity would take hold and he’d understand these contracts come with responsibility. His incredibly talents worth the risk? Perhaps so. If you have two players of near equal status you tilt to the mature one. Thats easy.

GustavBahler @ 5/21/2023 2:28 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

You missing the point. Point is he is going to get himself killed. No one is saying he is as bad a murderer. He is, for no reason, acting like he is a hood in the ghetto. He is not poor, he is not from a broken home in the inner city. He is glamorizing a life style that is not his own cause he thinks it's cool. Thus, making that life of street violence cool for impressionable kids. Mark my words, when you play the street gangsta you will run into the real street gangstas who won't waste a second to empty their guns into him. If you have never been around these guys who he wants to pretend to be then your lucky. But trust me these type of gangstas don't live long and have no issue killing

That’s a pretty big jump saying a person is going to get killed because they posted a video on instafacebook. Kid Rock has a video of him machine gunning a box of Bud light is he in similar danger?

Riding around town in a moving vehicle, flashing a gun, is about being a "gunfighter". Not something unique to Ja's demographic. Bonnie and Clyde were doing it a century ago. Sends the same message.

I'm no fan of Kid Rock. What he's doing, and others like him, are a form of intimidation at everyone who isn't in his demographic.

Neither message sent by Morant or Rock is particularly appealing. But Ja driving around town, flashing a gun, could be seen by someone who wouldn't mind being famous for the wrong reasons, as was pointed out. Can't say the same thing about Rock's target audience. Not from what I have seen.

Alpha1971 @ 5/21/2023 5:19 PM
Kid Rock firing at Bud cans is the dumbest thing and yes it's meant to intimidate gays and trans. Makes me wonder how many guys he has had sex with that he is trying to cover that up. All those guys being homophobic are just guys with bones in the closet.
Alpha1971 @ 5/21/2023 5:25 PM watch this video. Guy got killed in LA by guys checking his Instagram while he posted himself with clues to his location with his jewelry. JA better pay attention. Pop Smoke could have escaped his past but didn't. His lyrics spoke a truth that claimed him. Thug life has no winners
KnickDanger @ 5/21/2023 6:46 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:Kid Rock firing at Bud cans is the dumbest thing and yes it's meant to intimidate gays and trans. Makes me wonder how many guys he has had sex with that he is trying to cover that up. All those guys being homophobic are just guys with bones in the closet.

Haha probably 😌

Philc1 @ 5/21/2023 7:55 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:Kid Rock firing at Bud cans is the dumbest thing and yes it's meant to intimidate gays and trans. Makes me wonder how many guys he has had sex with that he is trying to cover that up. All those guys being homophobic are just guys with bones in the closet.

Kid Rock is all man. He would never

Alpha1971 @ 5/21/2023 11:32 PM
Philc1 wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:Kid Rock firing at Bud cans is the dumbest thing and yes it's meant to intimidate gays and trans. Makes me wonder how many guys he has had sex with that he is trying to cover that up. All those guys being homophobic are just guys with bones in the closet.

Kid Rock is all man. He would never
Rock took up the behind, probably still does. His false over the top display just proves it. All these anti trans guys are just phonies. Most guys who are secure don't have any reactions to gays or trans. Some one go into Rocks twitter and let him know we all know he is just hiding. Can't wait for some one to come forward

DuckVader @ 5/22/2023 9:18 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:Geez, and I thought witch trials are so 1693.

Agree. I think Ja is an immature punk but people are going crazier over this than actual mass shooters blowing up Walmarts every other day

You missing the point. Point is he is going to get himself killed. No one is saying he is as bad a murderer. He is, for no reason, acting like he is a hood in the ghetto. He is not poor, he is not from a broken home in the inner city. He is glamorizing a life style that is not his own cause he thinks it's cool. Thus, making that life of street violence cool for impressionable kids. Mark my words, when you play the street gangsta you will run into the real street gangstas who won't waste a second to empty their guns into him. If you have never been around these guys who he wants to pretend to be then your lucky. But trust me these type of gangstas don't live long and have no issue killing

Yeah, I don't get the point, too. If I had Ja's money and expected future income, and I wanted cool toys, I'd go get a speedboat. Unless you have a personal, aching desire or need to off somebody, just hire a bodyguard.O r hire somebody to do it for you without anyone knowing. That's real power.

Moonangie @ 5/22/2023 9:51 AM
Maturity can develop, just like other aspects of being human. He deserves a solid suspension. Hopefully, that will accelerate his growth as a man. Canceling him is not in anyone's interest. But if he keeps doing this ish, then yeah...shitcan him.
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