LivingLegend wrote:Having watched alls these cats like many of you I say….Melo - a big NO
Houston - No
Sprewell - No
Bernard - Yes —- just the efficiency, tenacity, the teams he dragged on his back and what could have been
Not sure if Starks is retired but I’d give it to him over 1st 2 guys simply for the heart/effort he brought and big moments he was a part of
Barnard: Can’t retire numbers on “what could have been”. It was too brief.
Starks, 8 seasons, one all star game and many memories.
Both gave it their all.
Have to draw a line on the sentimental/subjective vs. a standard. If you redraw it, then so be it.
Sprewell. We'd be the only team in the NBA to have a coach-choking player with a retired jersey. I say we go for it.