Knicks · How Mark Jackson lose his job on his day off? (page 2)

martin @ 11/16/2023 9:30 AM
Nalod wrote:I hope clyde sticks for a while for sure.
How does knicks fire a guy that never got hired?
He was to call the games on this road trip from what I read.
So there must have been some form of agreement? The whole thing is bizzare.
I get it was “reported” he was to call the games, but never fully announced.
I get the incident in GSW with Erman was a mess that left both of them fired.

So, it does make sense. The last part of that agreement is that announcers travel and stay with team at hotels.

Mark would be on the plane and bus with Knicks assistant Darren Erman. No way coaches, players would allow that, cause they gotta stick up for their dude (MSG should have known this would happen). And the players LOVE Erman. So that's the divide right there.

Mark is getting his ESPN money and then any MSG money would offset that. It would be hard for Mark to not travel on bus/plan with team.

That is my guess at the sticking points.

Nalod @ 11/16/2023 11:51 AM
Post has lots to say today.
“Jackson could have chosen to fly commercial, stay in a different hotel and find a way to the arena, but it is arduous; especially with back-to-backs and without really being paid extra for his effort,” the report said.

Read the article. Seems like Jax who likely was used to good treatment saw that as a slight or below his standard that he got at ESPN. Can't say I blame him and it would cost him. But if he wanted back in the game that was the path.

None of us in the room where this happens so we don't know if Jax made more diva demands than reasonable or Knicks flat out were trying to low ball him. Knicks are a lot of things but cheap is not a common occurrence.

Either Erman won't let it goes or Jax. We don't know what he did with the recordings. He was fired with cause and they had to back their head coach that late in the season. GSW was doing very well. Jax was on the hot seat from what I recall issues between him and the FO.
Erman was employed within a month by the Celtics. That speaks volumes.

Jax is a prideful man and very accomplished NBA player and had a good run as coach. I suppose despite a good 3 year record there are reasons no team has picked him up. He does preach and keeps his private life under wraps. He had a messy pubic affair which did not help his image. NBA coaches are leaders of organizations and are very much public figures.

He was ROY and allstar his second year with Knicks. He was durable and played until age 38. He compiled a lot of assists landing 3 all time but that is not good enough for HOF. Not my standard, just is what it is by those who vote.

If Jax has something to say in his defense he should clear the air. Perhaps there are other sides to the story he prefer to just let stay.
If not, hiding behind the patina of morality does not fly with me. Maybe for others.
Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one.

LivingLegend @ 11/16/2023 12:40 PM
Nalod wrote:I hope clyde sticks for a while for sure.
How does knicks fire a guy that never got hired?
He was to call the games on this road trip from what I read.
So there must have been some form of agreement? The whole thing is bizzare.
I get it was “reported” he was to call the games, but never fully announced.
I get the incident in GSW with Erman was a mess that left both of them fired.

This is where I’m at - think there is more to story here and don’t believe either side fully as to true story.

blkexec @ 11/16/2023 1:23 PM
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:I hope clyde sticks for a while for sure.
How does knicks fire a guy that never got hired?
He was to call the games on this road trip from what I read.
So there must have been some form of agreement? The whole thing is bizzare.
I get it was “reported” he was to call the games, but never fully announced.
I get the incident in GSW with Erman was a mess that left both of them fired.

So, it does make sense. The last part of that agreement is that announcers travel and stay with team at hotels.

Mark would be on the plane and bus with Knicks assistant Darren Erman. No way coaches, players would allow that, cause they gotta stick up for their dude (MSG should have known this would happen). And the players LOVE Erman. So that's the divide right there.

Mark is getting his ESPN money and then any MSG money would offset that. It would be hard for Mark to not travel on bus/plan with team.

That is my guess at the sticking points.

I agree, from what I read. And he has that right to agree or disagree. This smells like a NY post or media problem.

I’m also curious if Jax was the only one who had to fly commercial. Also the timing did not work with Jax. A much better story now and I’m glad he spoke up, before Knick fans create an inaccurate picture of the details.

I met Jax and his wife personally. His wife and my sister was in a broadway play together. Outstanding couple from what I remember (20 plus yrs ago). Hope everything works out for Jax.

Chandler @ 11/16/2023 1:59 PM
pay backs are a bitch

he was a lousy coach and worse announcer. c'mon man. his analysis is "hand down, man down". Besides being dumnb (and i assume some reference to gun violence) it's not very insightful

he was also kind of a lousy ex-Knick. I thought he got a lot of love when here but he seemed to be a dick to us in his playing career (contrast that to KP)

BigDaddyG @ 11/16/2023 3:03 PM
EwingsGlass @ 11/16/2023 3:57 PM
I mean, I like Wally better anyway.
Nalod @ 11/16/2023 8:10 PM
blkexec wrote:
martin wrote:
Nalod wrote:I hope clyde sticks for a while for sure.
How does knicks fire a guy that never got hired?
He was to call the games on this road trip from what I read.
So there must have been some form of agreement? The whole thing is bizzare.
I get it was “reported” he was to call the games, but never fully announced.
I get the incident in GSW with Erman was a mess that left both of them fired.

So, it does make sense. The last part of that agreement is that announcers travel and stay with team at hotels.

Mark would be on the plane and bus with Knicks assistant Darren Erman. No way coaches, players would allow that, cause they gotta stick up for their dude (MSG should have known this would happen). And the players LOVE Erman. So that's the divide right there.

Mark is getting his ESPN money and then any MSG money would offset that. It would be hard for Mark to not travel on bus/plan with team.

That is my guess at the sticking points.

I agree, from what I read. And he has that right to agree or disagree. This smells like a NY post or media problem.

I’m also curious if Jax was the only one who had to fly commercial. Also the timing did not work with Jax. A much better story now and I’m glad he spoke up, before Knick fans create an inaccurate picture of the details.

I met Jax and his wife personally. His wife and my sister was in a broadway play together. Outstanding couple from what I remember (20 plus yrs ago). Hope everything works out for Jax.

Knick announcers travel with the team. Im sure once upon a time they didn’t? When WOR had the tv rights? But his is now.

I met OJ and nicole at a ny restaurant. SPoke to him for a few minutes. Nice couple. She was beutiful!
We all know how that ended.
Jax? He preached family, religion, morality, etc. Tax cheat and adulterer.

Philc1 @ 11/19/2023 6:08 AM
Remember when we had Marv Albert AND Clyde calling Knicks games every night? Too bad the teams sucked
Philc1 @ 11/19/2023 6:10 AM
EwingsGlass wrote:I mean, I like Wally better anyway.

You know who doesn’t like Wally? Tyrese Halliburton

blkexec @ 11/19/2023 8:34 AM
“I think everyone deserves a second chance, and he will eventually get another chance,” Bogut said during an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. “But the well-noted church within a locker room, I think, hurts his job prospects.”

Is this why he was fired?

Plus the owner is a homosexual and Jax made a homephobic statement. Then the owner wanted to add different coaching personnel’s to Jax coaching staff.

Sounds like Jax wasn’t a fit personality wise. I haven’t heard anything about Jax the coach. Seems like a players coach all the GS players liked. The hate from NY fans doesn’t make since to me. Outside of NY I get it. Living outside of NY we are hated on a lot. Too bold, too brash, too cocky. All stigmas we all have to deal with (outside of NYC).

Again I don’t get the hate and I wish him well.
Kerr not winning all those chips if it wasn’t for Mark Jackson.

Nalod @ 11/19/2023 9:29 AM
blkexec wrote:“I think everyone deserves a second chance, and he will eventually get another chance,” Bogut said during an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. “But the well-noted church within a locker room, I think, hurts his job prospects.”

Is this why he was fired?

Plus the owner is a homosexual and Jax made a homephobic statement. Then the owner wanted to add different coaching personnel’s to Jax coaching staff.

Sounds like Jax wasn’t a fit personality wise. I haven’t heard anything about Jax the coach. Seems like a players coach all the GS players liked. The hate from NY fans doesn’t make since to me. Outside of NY I get it. Living outside of NY we are hated on a lot. Too bold, too brash, too cocky. All stigmas we all have to deal with (outside of NYC).

Again I don’t get the hate and I wish him well.
Kerr not winning all those chips if it wasn’t for Mark Jackson.

Perhaps you share his views on things and its why your sympathetic and “don’t get it”?
How old was the bogut quote?
I recall Steph Curry said nice things about him helping him develop into a great player.
Rare dies a player not say nice things about a coach fired. Always best to take the high road.
At the end of the day he did not get another chance to coach. Perhaps in interviews he proclaimed he would not back down and would preach it as he speaks the word from the heart. I can admire that if you a coach on a religious based team. Not NBA.

He did get another chance, he had a very long and I assume lucrative run with ESPN as head analyst and he did not cross the line publically.

I mean look at you saying GSW don’t win the chips without Mark Jax? THats a hell of a support statement by an unabashed fanboy? They don’t win without Steph evolving into a bonafide superstar. David Lee signed as Free agent actually started the turn around by new owners who injected money and energy in the franchise. Jax had the coaching chops, that I won’t deny. Obviously there is more to being an NBA coach.

Not a thing wrong with having personal views that don’t jive with the environment. Owner is gay and thus wanted him gone? What about a toxic work environment for others who have gay family member or not a evangelical christian? This is an entertainment business and its not about liberal values, its about selling a product to a very wide audiance and they live in a very liberal enclave city. Dumb hire actually. LEts give them all the benefit of the doubt and have to think Jax stepped over the of the line.
Good coach? Perhaps. Was the roster improved in his tenure? Very much. He gets some cred for sure.
And think how bad he must have been to get fired after his 3 year improvement? And not get another gig in the aftermath? Public corp. buy tickets and advertise with the NBA. Women matter in the office, they buy tickets, and they run companies.

What don’t you get?

ToddTT @ 11/19/2023 12:44 PM
Nalod wrote:
blkexec wrote:“I think everyone deserves a second chance, and he will eventually get another chance,” Bogut said during an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. “But the well-noted church within a locker room, I think, hurts his job prospects.”

Is this why he was fired?

Plus the owner is a homosexual and Jax made a homephobic statement. Then the owner wanted to add different coaching personnel’s to Jax coaching staff.

Sounds like Jax wasn’t a fit personality wise. I haven’t heard anything about Jax the coach. Seems like a players coach all the GS players liked. The hate from NY fans doesn’t make since to me. Outside of NY I get it. Living outside of NY we are hated on a lot. Too bold, too brash, too cocky. All stigmas we all have to deal with (outside of NYC).

Again I don’t get the hate and I wish him well.
Kerr not winning all those chips if it wasn’t for Mark Jackson.

Perhaps you share his views on things and its why your sympathetic and “don’t get it”?
How old was the bogut quote?
I recall Steph Curry said nice things about him helping him develop into a great player.
Rare dies a player not say nice things about a coach fired. Always best to take the high road.
At the end of the day he did not get another chance to coach. Perhaps in interviews he proclaimed he would not back down and would preach it as he speaks the word from the heart. I can admire that if you a coach on a religious based team. Not NBA.

He did get another chance, he had a very long and I assume lucrative run with ESPN as head analyst and he did not cross the line publically.

I mean look at you saying GSW don’t win the chips without Mark Jax? THats a hell of a support statement by an unabashed fanboy? They don’t win without Steph evolving into a bonafide superstar. David Lee signed as Free agent actually started the turn around by new owners who injected money and energy in the franchise. Jax had the coaching chops, that I won’t deny. Obviously there is more to being an NBA coach.

Not a thing wrong with having personal views that don’t jive with the environment. Owner is gay and thus wanted him gone? What about a toxic work environment for others who have gay family member or not a evangelical christian? This is an entertainment business and its not about liberal values, its about selling a product to a very wide audiance and they live in a very liberal enclave city. Dumb hire actually. LEts give them all the benefit of the doubt and have to think Jax stepped over the of the line.
Good coach? Perhaps. Was the roster improved in his tenure? Very much. He gets some cred for sure.
And think how bad he must have been to get fired after his 3 year improvement? And not get another gig in the aftermath? Public corp. buy tickets and advertise with the NBA. Women matter in the office, they buy tickets, and they run companies.

What don’t you get?


GustavBahler @ 11/19/2023 12:48 PM
Jackson was a good coach with GS. Gave them a defensive presence that they did'nt have before. They had two talented next level ISO players, and some early success. But the league was trending away from ISO ball and more towards ball movement, 3pt plays. Which Kerr brought in.

I dont believe it was how Jax wore his faith on his sleeve. Its that we found out his personal life was 180 degrees from what he was literally preaching. That and how he treated the people under him.

Its always been a mixed bag with Mark. Took the league and NY by storm when he won the ROY. But came back the following training camp fat, for lack of a better word. You have to take the good and the bad. The FO decided they didnt want the drama. Their fault for bringing Jackson in and putting in conditions on his employment that would clearly put him in a bad light.

Mark Jackson should have a job calling games in the NBA somewhere. Has the knowledge and experience. But NY wasnt a great idea, under the circumstances.

blkexec @ 11/20/2023 7:03 PM
ToddTT wrote:
Nalod wrote:
blkexec wrote:“I think everyone deserves a second chance, and he will eventually get another chance,” Bogut said during an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. “But the well-noted church within a locker room, I think, hurts his job prospects.”

Is this why he was fired?

Plus the owner is a homosexual and Jax made a homephobic statement. Then the owner wanted to add different coaching personnel’s to Jax coaching staff.

Sounds like Jax wasn’t a fit personality wise. I haven’t heard anything about Jax the coach. Seems like a players coach all the GS players liked. The hate from NY fans doesn’t make since to me. Outside of NY I get it. Living outside of NY we are hated on a lot. Too bold, too brash, too cocky. All stigmas we all have to deal with (outside of NYC).

Again I don’t get the hate and I wish him well.
Kerr not winning all those chips if it wasn’t for Mark Jackson.

Perhaps you share his views on things and its why your sympathetic and “don’t get it”?
How old was the bogut quote?
I recall Steph Curry said nice things about him helping him develop into a great player.
Rare dies a player not say nice things about a coach fired. Always best to take the high road.
At the end of the day he did not get another chance to coach. Perhaps in interviews he proclaimed he would not back down and would preach it as he speaks the word from the heart. I can admire that if you a coach on a religious based team. Not NBA.

He did get another chance, he had a very long and I assume lucrative run with ESPN as head analyst and he did not cross the line publically.

I mean look at you saying GSW don’t win the chips without Mark Jax? THats a hell of a support statement by an unabashed fanboy? They don’t win without Steph evolving into a bonafide superstar. David Lee signed as Free agent actually started the turn around by new owners who injected money and energy in the franchise. Jax had the coaching chops, that I won’t deny. Obviously there is more to being an NBA coach.

Not a thing wrong with having personal views that don’t jive with the environment. Owner is gay and thus wanted him gone? What about a toxic work environment for others who have gay family member or not a evangelical christian? This is an entertainment business and its not about liberal values, its about selling a product to a very wide audiance and they live in a very liberal enclave city. Dumb hire actually. LEts give them all the benefit of the doubt and have to think Jax stepped over the of the line.
Good coach? Perhaps. Was the roster improved in his tenure? Very much. He gets some cred for sure.
And think how bad he must have been to get fired after his 3 year improvement? And not get another gig in the aftermath? Public corp. buy tickets and advertise with the NBA. Women matter in the office, they buy tickets, and they run companies.

What don’t you get?


Sorry but I disagree. And thank God for Stephen A. Smith who keeps it real. Just read his article so that I don’t have to repeat what he already said.

BigDaddyG @ 11/20/2023 7:22 PM
blkexec wrote:
ToddTT wrote:
Nalod wrote:
blkexec wrote:“I think everyone deserves a second chance, and he will eventually get another chance,” Bogut said during an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. “But the well-noted church within a locker room, I think, hurts his job prospects.”

Is this why he was fired?

Plus the owner is a homosexual and Jax made a homephobic statement. Then the owner wanted to add different coaching personnel’s to Jax coaching staff.

Sounds like Jax wasn’t a fit personality wise. I haven’t heard anything about Jax the coach. Seems like a players coach all the GS players liked. The hate from NY fans doesn’t make since to me. Outside of NY I get it. Living outside of NY we are hated on a lot. Too bold, too brash, too cocky. All stigmas we all have to deal with (outside of NYC).

Again I don’t get the hate and I wish him well.
Kerr not winning all those chips if it wasn’t for Mark Jackson.

Perhaps you share his views on things and its why your sympathetic and “don’t get it”?
How old was the bogut quote?
I recall Steph Curry said nice things about him helping him develop into a great player.
Rare dies a player not say nice things about a coach fired. Always best to take the high road.
At the end of the day he did not get another chance to coach. Perhaps in interviews he proclaimed he would not back down and would preach it as he speaks the word from the heart. I can admire that if you a coach on a religious based team. Not NBA.

He did get another chance, he had a very long and I assume lucrative run with ESPN as head analyst and he did not cross the line publically.

I mean look at you saying GSW don’t win the chips without Mark Jax? THats a hell of a support statement by an unabashed fanboy? They don’t win without Steph evolving into a bonafide superstar. David Lee signed as Free agent actually started the turn around by new owners who injected money and energy in the franchise. Jax had the coaching chops, that I won’t deny. Obviously there is more to being an NBA coach.

Not a thing wrong with having personal views that don’t jive with the environment. Owner is gay and thus wanted him gone? What about a toxic work environment for others who have gay family member or not a evangelical christian? This is an entertainment business and its not about liberal values, its about selling a product to a very wide audiance and they live in a very liberal enclave city. Dumb hire actually. LEts give them all the benefit of the doubt and have to think Jax stepped over the of the line.
Good coach? Perhaps. Was the roster improved in his tenure? Very much. He gets some cred for sure.
And think how bad he must have been to get fired after his 3 year improvement? And not get another gig in the aftermath? Public corp. buy tickets and advertise with the NBA. Women matter in the office, they buy tickets, and they run companies.

What don’t you get?


Sorry but I disagree. And thank God for Stephen A. Smith who keeps it real. Just read his article so that I don’t have to repeat what he already said.

Article was nothing. What rumors. If he can't elaborate on what they are, then he should keep his mouth shut
Nalod @ 11/21/2023 9:22 AM
I like SAS. GOod entertainer.
Love the rants.
He brings no facts. Even says “If they are true, why don’t people move on”.

Well, speaks to the man and the interviews. Why he asks? Well, if in an interview you don’t satisfy the team who is interested in you or double down then your not going to get the gig. Period.
Is that what happend? I don’t know. But if you ask why, and its a good point because Jason Kidd and Ime Udoka got tossed for being an asshole, but Kidd also proved as an assistant coach he had evolved his “situation” to great reviews.
Kenny smith, we all love and is great had interviewd to be a GM. Never worked in a front office. Never got a chance. His choice. Pat Ewing was given the chance to come back to knicks and coach Gleague. Turned it down. Eventually after years he got a chance to coach Georgetown. College is also about recruiting so I can’t say it was his chops or personality. HE was a good assistant in the nba. How do I know? He was there a long time and got opportunities.
If Jax wanted it so bad he had to reboot. Others have done it. It was his choice.
I like how SAS does not include his first year win total which was 23 wins to embelish the rant. Nalod gives Jax his coaching chops due but GM’s likely are going to look at the roster he got, the roster when he got it, and in the aftermath. That team was destined to do good things with or without him. So what did he do that was so bad and unforgiven? What has he done to demonstrate he would not do that again? How do you validate change? How do you in an ingterview show you won’t do that again?
I nor SAS was not in those interviews so its on Jax.

Thank god for SAS? . WE are Truly Blessed.

Chandler @ 11/21/2023 10:58 AM

Mark Jackson was not, and is not, a good coach. (I wouldn't label him a bad coach either -- more in the lot of mediocre; though unfortunately he probably thinks he was star caliber)

Kerr with no prior head coaching experience took the same team and added 16 wins to Jackson's best season. That's pretty damning

And for all of the money teams pay to put a competitive team on the floor, do we really think that a team wouldn't offer Jackson a ton of money to coach if they thought he was any good.

He is the worst kind of hypocrite, espousing holier than though views and then hooking up with strippers

BigDaddyG @ 11/21/2023 11:55 AM
Chandler wrote:
Mark Jackson was not, and is not, a good coach. (I wouldn't label him a bad coach either -- more in the lot of mediocre; though unfortunately he probably thinks he was star caliber)

Kerr with no prior head coaching experience took the same team and added 16 wins to Jackson's best season. That's pretty damning

And for all of the money teams pay to put a competitive team on the floor, do we really think that a team wouldn't offer Jackson a ton of money to coach if they thought he was any good.

He is the worst kind of hypocrite, espousing holier than though views and then hooking up with strippers

People make mistakes. Mark paid the price for his infidelities with his marriage. I won't hold that against him. The weird locker room stuff is troubling, but Phil Jackson, Larry Brown and Pat Reilly have done stuff as weird. The real issue is his ability as a coach. He seems like a good motivator and I give him credit for that. But his in game strategy seems kind of lacking and it looks worse when you consider how the team took off under Kerr. You can get away with the stuff Jax did when you have a HOF resume. A lot different when you're mediocre. Why put up with the baggage?

Chandler @ 11/21/2023 12:26 PM
BigDaddyG wrote:
Chandler wrote:
Mark Jackson was not, and is not, a good coach. (I wouldn't label him a bad coach either -- more in the lot of mediocre; though unfortunately he probably thinks he was star caliber)

Kerr with no prior head coaching experience took the same team and added 16 wins to Jackson's best season. That's pretty damning

And for all of the money teams pay to put a competitive team on the floor, do we really think that a team wouldn't offer Jackson a ton of money to coach if they thought he was any good.

He is the worst kind of hypocrite, espousing holier than though views and then hooking up with strippers

People make mistakes. Mark paid the price for his infidelities with his marriage. I won't hold that against him. The weird locker room stuff is troubling, but Phil Jackson, Larry Brown and Pat Reilly have done stuff as weird. The real issue is his ability as a coach. He seems like a good motivator and I give him credit for that. But his in game strategy seems kind of lacking and it looks worse when you consider how the team took off under Kerr. You can get away with the stuff Jax did when you have a HOF resume. A lot different when you're mediocre. Why put up with the baggage?

We all make mistakes. I get that. But i am not in the camp of not holding it against him, or simply dismissing this stuff as if it's wrong to judge things. I do hold it against him (while also realizing people aren't perfect). We are talking about a stripper and an on-going affair while he's preaching all holier than though stuff. So when you're assessing his character, it's not some momentary, regrettable act (e.g., too much liquor or whatever). it's that he's a big fat phony

and i agree. at the end of the day he's mediocre with a lot of baggage. He also wasn't the nicest ex-Knick so i hold that against him too (call me petty if you want)

BigDaddyG @ 11/21/2023 12:38 PM
Chandler wrote:
BigDaddyG wrote:
Chandler wrote:
Mark Jackson was not, and is not, a good coach. (I wouldn't label him a bad coach either -- more in the lot of mediocre; though unfortunately he probably thinks he was star caliber)

Kerr with no prior head coaching experience took the same team and added 16 wins to Jackson's best season. That's pretty damning

And for all of the money teams pay to put a competitive team on the floor, do we really think that a team wouldn't offer Jackson a ton of money to coach if they thought he was any good.

He is the worst kind of hypocrite, espousing holier than though views and then hooking up with strippers

People make mistakes. Mark paid the price for his infidelities with his marriage. I won't hold that against him. The weird locker room stuff is troubling, but Phil Jackson, Larry Brown and Pat Reilly have done stuff as weird. The real issue is his ability as a coach. He seems like a good motivator and I give him credit for that. But his in game strategy seems kind of lacking and it looks worse when you consider how the team took off under Kerr. You can get away with the stuff Jax did when you have a HOF resume. A lot different when you're mediocre. Why put up with the baggage?

We all make mistakes. I get that. But i am not in the camp of not holding it against him, or simply dismissing this stuff as if it's wrong to judge things. I do hold it against him (while also realizing people aren't perfect). We are talking about a stripper and an on-going affair while he's preaching all holier than though stuff. So when you're assessing his character, it's not some momentary, regrettable act (e.g., too much liquor or whatever). it's that he's a big fat phony

and i agree. at the end of the day he's mediocre with a lot of baggage. He also wasn't the nicest ex-Knick so i hold that against him too (call me petty if you want)

Let me ask you a question. What if he Coach Spo was the guy in this situation? Would that stop you from hiring him? Personally, I wouldn't care if Spo cheated on his wife during monthly orgies with Miami strippers. He's a top tier coach and that's all I'm asking for. Cheating on your wife isn't the most reprehensible in the world. I'd have more of an issue if he were billing church funds or banging underage congregants.
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