Knicks · Hey what’s up guys, new to this forum (page 3)

martin @ 1/3/2024 11:57 AM
KnickDanger wrote:Welcome (once Young) Stuna. I spent time at PSD where I semi-retired after taking too much s#!t for arguing merits of KP trade - maybe with you! Still think it put us in position for current respectability but that’s old news! I will only add that there was a thread here expressing some trepidation over certain types of PSD personalities coming here after the shut down. I think those that have come and stayed have been welcome additions - knowledgeable and reasonable. Even Stilla was here briefly - maybe he left because there wasn’t enough drama! Although I think we have just the right amount…..

Having CheerleaderGPT helps smooth things over

Moonangie @ 1/3/2024 2:38 PM
Welcome Stuna! Looking forward to your posts. You picked a solid year to join UK, since our team has finally built an identity and have at least one cornerstone player in JB, maybe a handful (being generous).
joec32033 @ 1/3/2024 9:22 PM
martin wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
Stuna117 wrote:Thanks!

The post count thing is weird, seems to start at 20000 lol

This has been a thing going on almost 20 years. If I remember correctly one poster was bragging about his post count so Martin went ahead and just gave everyone 20,000 posts right off the bat.

Martin, am I remembering correctly or or should I be making arrangements at the home?

Well technically uk is almost a home LOL

And yes… Bippity?

Bip. Wow. Yeah. You are 100% right (I say this because I actually have no idea)

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