Knicks · Pacers submit 78 calls....cite hostile environment! (page 2)

MaTT4281 @ 5/9/2024 9:54 AM
Was listening to ESPN radio this AM. Guys on Unsportsmanlike were going OFF on Carlisle.

You are simultaneously:
Throwing stones at the validity of the league
Making excuses for the loss(es)
Sending a message to your team that what they've given you is enough, instead of focusing on what needs to be improved (DEFENSE)
Ignoring all of the opportunities your team did not take advantage of (Brunson/OG mid game injuries)

To that last point, loved the call out that Knicks, at various points last night, did not have availability due to injury for: Brunson/Bogey/OG/Randle/Mitch - which is a playoff team in and of itself!!!

Waiting for the fine...

VDesai @ 5/9/2024 10:44 AM
The worst part of his bellyaching is you can point to obvious coaching errors that have lost the games. There have been defensive lapses. Guys are committing fouls before the ball is inbounded and getting technicals. He has kept the two most effective players on the bench in crunch time. If you are looking at why Indiana is losing with games it starts with coaching.
Nalod @ 5/9/2024 11:40 AM
Media will have fun with him but he got thrown out and will give his 79 reasons because its his job to advocate for his team and try to get some sympathy calls and get a win at home.
He gets paid to win games and do what he can. End of the day Im sure he like many was wrong about Brunson and wishes he knew what we all know now.
His pressor after game one was ok. Took it like a man. Last night he is in a hole.

LOL at our main man Perk slamming TNT for its Reggie Miller centric broadcast. Thing is national viewers can't handle what knicks are doing. No mania, no boy band thing, and no romantic notions. They talk about renewing "Rivalry", thats way in the past. Knicks playing important games with meaning are creating new ones.
Maybe this one turns out that way, but the TNT show is getting stale and they have to create content. Breen and Clyde don't.
I thought Reggie was pretty balanced last night as was SVG. Don't mean they were 100% accurate, they are just running out of things to say about Josh and knicks knack of offensive rebounding.

That shit rolls off me. Knicks win by winning!!!!

KnickDanger @ 5/9/2024 12:07 PM
Wow. Obviously we are biased - to the extreme - but beyond the crybabyness of this I just don't see how making excuses helps your team. If the Knicks can weather the storm in Indy in say the first half of the next game, I think the Pacers might be ripe for a stepping on the neck.
VDesai @ 5/9/2024 12:11 PM
I don't want to feed the crybaby, but can anyone point out the play he is bellyaching about where Josh Hart "shoves" Haliburton in the back? Is he talking about the box out that was called a loose ball foul? I mean that was a normal play in a basketball game and they got their call so what's the complaint. Does he really think Josh cheapshotted Tyrese? Its well documented that Jalen, Josh and Tyrese became good friends during the Team USA time this summer. They have an active group text and they even referred to him as replacement Donte according to their pod!
MaTT4281 @ 5/9/2024 12:53 PM
VDesai wrote:I don't want to feed the crybaby, but can anyone point out the play he is bellyaching about where Josh Hart "shoves" Haliburton in the back? Is he talking about the box out that was called a loose ball foul? I mean that was a normal play in a basketball game and they got their call so what's the complaint. Does he really think Josh cheapshotted Tyrese? Its well documented that Jalen, Josh and Tyrese became good friends during the Team USA time this summer. They have an active group text and they even referred to him as replacement Donte according to their pod!

In Rick's defense, I did see that live and thought we were lucky it wasn't called a foul. But nothing egregious. Carlisle seems to think it should've been a flagrant 2. Hope Indy doesn't draw Philly or Miami in a series next year.

VDesai @ 5/9/2024 1:05 PM
MaTT4281 wrote:
VDesai wrote:I don't want to feed the crybaby, but can anyone point out the play he is bellyaching about where Josh Hart "shoves" Haliburton in the back? Is he talking about the box out that was called a loose ball foul? I mean that was a normal play in a basketball game and they got their call so what's the complaint. Does he really think Josh cheapshotted Tyrese? Its well documented that Jalen, Josh and Tyrese became good friends during the Team USA time this summer. They have an active group text and they even referred to him as replacement Donte according to their pod!

In Rick's defense, I did see that live and thought we were lucky it wasn't called a foul. But nothing egregious. Carlisle seems to think it should've been a flagrant 2. Hope Indy doesn't draw Philly or Miami in a series next year.

Yeah not even sure what's happening here but it doesnt knock Haliburton down and he doesn't even react to it or lose possession and its not even in the 3rd Q. Sure prob should be a foul and maybe a take foul, but seems like a major overrecation.

My favorite part is the twitter replies where they call it so incredibly dirty/egregious and at the same time complain that Tyrese should have flopped in order to sell it. Logic doesn't even make sense.

Nalod @ 5/9/2024 1:19 PM
That shove was a foul. I get that it was not a "basketball move" as he was not gong for the ball. He was trying to foul him??? stop the play.
Hali does get propelled forward. No harm. Nobody was hurt. Not a flagrant in my opinion but a foul.
I don't think Carlisle is saying his team was denied a win, just not getting calls that should be.
Nurse seemed to freak out over everything.
ON the double dribble maybe he was thinking Thibs had to burn a time out to get a challange?
What I saw was his team not poised to execute the last 3 minutes. We beat them on the boards. iHart and precious ere great.
VDesai @ 5/9/2024 2:16 PM
Nalod wrote:That shove was a foul. I get that it was not a "basketball move" as he was not gong for the ball. He was trying to foul him??? stop the play.
Hali does get propelled forward. No harm. Nobody was hurt. Not a flagrant in my opinion but a foul.
I don't think Carlisle is saying his team was denied a win, just not getting calls that should be.
Nurse seemed to freak out over everything.
ON the double dribble maybe he was thinking Thibs had to burn a time out to get a challange?
What I saw was his team not poised to execute the last 3 minutes. We beat them on the boards. iHart and precious ere great.

Double dribble cannot be challenged, but the refs quickly huddled after the call and changed the call. That happens all the time and the point being is that wasn't a replay review, that was one ref overturning another ref. Was awkward because they called it an "inadvertant whistle" when the ref who called it made a clear signal.

Twitter freakout cite a double standard, asking why the refs didn't huddle to overturn the kickball. That seems to ignore that with the naked eye in real time, that looked like a Kickball to practically everyone, and it was extremely difficult to have seen that it hit Nesmith's hand. Its not really a comparable situation, but internet rage/cognitive dissonance is the definition of the new age.

blkexec @ 5/9/2024 2:18 PM
Hes doing what any savvy coach would do to save his azz. Get the attention away from his awful coaching.
Rookie @ 5/9/2024 2:21 PM
This is the same dude that is walking the sideline spitting tobacco in a cup the entire game. What a horrible role model for a coach.
VDesai @ 5/9/2024 3:44 PM
Also want to remind everyone that Carlisle deliberately tripped Latrell Sprewell in the 2000 playoffs

And besides that, Indiana LED THE NBA in fouls.

grillco @ 5/9/2024 4:42 PM
Remember all those playoff series in the '90s when Phil started complaining about the refs and suddenly the Knicks couldn't play any real defense against the Bulls without a whistle? Is this Rick's tactic or is he just a whiny bish?
Rookie @ 5/9/2024 5:01 PM
NBA needs to set up a referee complaint hot line. They could have healing voices available 24/7 in season
Chandler @ 5/9/2024 7:43 PM
KnickDanger wrote:Wow. Obviously we are biased - to the extreme - but beyond the crybabyness of this I just don't see how making excuses helps your team. If the Knicks can weather the storm in Indy in say the first half of the next game, I think the Pacers might be ripe for a stepping on the neck.

This man is wise. Though i would prefer going right at those guys

If thibs wants to pump them up they should show video of how they’re grabbing and roughing up JB and then juxtapose with crybaby Carlisle

Chandler @ 5/9/2024 7:52 PM
I thought the pacers were very handsy on defense. Lots of grabbing, not playing with their feet. It’s very easy for the refs to see this and start to get a quick whistle because they’re in the flow of the game.

Josh’s hands were on tyrese back but if that was a shove it was a weak ass shove. Membhard and nesmith have been much rougher on JB including when he reentered the game limping

Pacers should be embarrassed and to borrow chucks phrase i hope the knicks stomp their ass in game 3 without OG

EwingsGlass @ 5/9/2024 8:42 PM
Chandler wrote:
KnickDanger wrote:Wow. Obviously we are biased - to the extreme - but beyond the crybabyness of this I just don't see how making excuses helps your team. If the Knicks can weather the storm in Indy in say the first half of the next game, I think the Pacers might be ripe for a stepping on the neck.

This man is wise. Though i would prefer going right at those guys

If thibs wants to pump them up they should show video of how they’re grabbing and roughing up JB and then juxtapose with crybaby Carlisle

Pacers are playing intense but fair. I don’t see any Knicks being overly aggressive or bad. The Hart push might be the worst I’ve seen from us. After he got pushed in Philly, I think guys are testing the thresholds a bit.

Games are tough but I don’t see any Embiid level attempts to hurt people or any Lowry level holds.

VDesai @ 5/10/2024 1:45 PM
VDesai @ 5/10/2024 2:34 PM
Nalod @ 5/10/2024 2:38 PM
Rick got fined 35 large! LOL.
He just doing what he can. His team needs to do better ON THE COURT!
jaydh @ 5/10/2024 3:44 PM
MaTT4281 wrote:
VDesai wrote:I don't want to feed the crybaby, but can anyone point out the play he is bellyaching about where Josh Hart "shoves" Haliburton in the back? Is he talking about the box out that was called a loose ball foul? I mean that was a normal play in a basketball game and they got their call so what's the complaint. Does he really think Josh cheapshotted Tyrese? Its well documented that Jalen, Josh and Tyrese became good friends during the Team USA time this summer. They have an active group text and they even referred to him as replacement Donte according to their pod!

In Rick's defense, I did see that live and thought we were lucky it wasn't called a foul. But nothing egregious. Carlisle seems to think it should've been a flagrant 2. Hope Indy doesn't draw Philly or Miami in a series next year.

Sure, it could have been a foul, as well as anytime a player reaches in from behind (like Obi did). The push to the back wasn't intentional. It's not as egregious as they are making it out.

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