Knicks · The NovaKnicks Brotherhood and some sappy ****..... (page 1)

Nalod @ 5/9/2024 12:02 PM
And its wonderful!!!

Randle started it all few years ago. "We Here" was a team coming together with its coach.
This team with the 3 Novas with Randle takes it to a new level. The Nova's have a bond that is deep. They play for each other.
Randle has that, and OG seems to have the right personality to fit in. iHart very much there.
These guys are playing in pain and get it done. The aggregate of this talent yields greater results than what is logical.
OG first half and the tear he was on when he got hurt was him giving everything he had. Not just for his mates, or his coach, or the fans, but for all of it.
Josh playing the minutes and performing has he does is not logical at any level. Jalen? We been shaking our heads for two seasons now and he keeps upping the level.
This is a special group doing some special things. Remember not how it ends but the journey.
I hope it never ends and we win a chip, but if we reach the breaking point it will hurt, some of you will look to blame something, someone will call the minutes police, and the blame game is on.

This run don't happen without the minutes. It don't happen without this "brotherhood" thing. These guys are pulling in something deep to pull out these games.

I never begrudge a player taking money but hope at the end of the day this group wants to be together and play for each other going forward. That iHart gets his 16mil and not seek more. Maybe he does it for family reasons to play in another city becuase his wife has family there, but I hope he stays.
That Jalen and Randle extend when they can and they too want to play for something greater than the money. It seems thats whats happening now.

No TNT broadcast, Steven A smith Nonsense, or Barkley Street Meat humor can derail my take. Its all part of the circus. I usually DVR the games, fast forward thru the pregame, the half time and the commercials. So I don't get the noise.

If this run ends it won't be from a lack of effort. We have a lot of talent on the injury list now.

VDesai @ 5/9/2024 12:06 PM
All I know is Jay Wright is an all time great coach. He has put some high IQ bulldogs in the NBA who are mentally tough leaders.

EDIT: And BTW so is Thibs. Thibs is NBA's Belichick without the cheating stuff. Luck is the residue of design they say. We gave Thibs the kinds of players he wants/needs and the team is a living embodiment of the way he approaches the game. Never stop working, never stop learning, never give in.

Nalod @ 5/9/2024 12:21 PM
VDesai wrote:All I know is Jay Wright is an all time great coach. He has put some high IQ bulldogs in the NBA who are mentally tough leaders.

EDIT: And BTW so is Thibs. Thibs is NBA's Belichick without the cheating stuff. Luck is the residue of design they say. We gave Thibs the kinds of players he wants/needs and the team is a living embodiment of the way he approaches the game. Never stop working, never stop learning, never give in.

Thibs also had to prove he has modernized a bit, gain the confidence of Leon and WWW over and above. It has not always been a smooth ride but really the vide of "we here" with the Nova guys is special. Deliberate or not, there is a chemistry.

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