Knicks · Are we better off today than what we were a year ago? What if we had that same team now? a year older (page 2)

EwingPSD @ 5/24/2024 10:33 AM
Definitely, Brunson is an established super star and OG is a difference maker. So long as OG returns the Knicks have there highest ceiling since Melo's 53 win season.
EwingPSD @ 5/24/2024 10:38 AM
martin wrote:BTW I doubt the full MVP caliber Brunson makes an appearance with IQ, RJ. Too many high usage players.

I think he does if Randle goes down. Barrett demands some initiation reps but I don't think either of them or even the sum of them require the offense to stop and restart with them directing that much. DON'T take that to think I believe they would have been good. The team would have taken a significant hit if Randle got hurt and there was no OG even with those guys

blkexec @ 5/26/2024 6:49 AM
Either you guys are missing the point of this discussion or maybe it’s something that I’ve thought about, but glad this question came up.

First of all, let’s assume OG was coming here regardless. The real question is before JB and after JB.

I’ve gotten lots of kick back for this which is fine. But we had an early chance to start IQ and deuce as his backup. Instead of rolling with burks, if we took that route there’s no JB here in my opinion. IQ would be running the show and Randle would be top dog.

Now add OG to that team plus some small filler trades and I don’t think it’s that cut and dry. With no JB we would’ve used those funds on someone else. Now the financial contract police will jump in I’m sure but to me that’s the question, pre or post JB. It’s closer than you think assuming IQ and RJ would’ve grown more with the heavy minutes Thibs provides his starters.

Remove JB who (let’s be real) is less of a PG and more of an undersized SG. Yes an all star / superstar SG in the making sure, but at 6’0 tall who takes the most charges in the nba or top two?

For argument sake I can see this old team with IQ running the show and some minor trades including OG making it to the second round and losing just like the team before and the current team. Or if healthy, would’ve beat Indy in game 7, but that’s a stretch. So that’s my take. This unhealthy squad vs a healthy squad with our yoots and without JB.

With that said I’m still happy with the direction of this team and the future looks very bright. I’m not complaining at all. Good ole bar room talk.

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