Knicks · OT: Trump Trial Predictions (page 4)

ToddTT @ 5/30/2024 6:54 PM
gradyandrew @ 5/30/2024 7:30 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:Trump is being re-elected. I have a coworker who is super Maga and in the past I used to debate with him. Yet, in the last year or so I have been very mellow with my coworker as far as Trump convincing him I'm impartial and independent. Why ? Because I fear the US being a utter dictatorship under Trump along the lines of Right wing Argentina and Chile. So since I don't want to be disappeared because of a tip by a co-worker or neighbor, which is what happened in South America during those regimes I keep my politics unspecified with others. Scary times ahead

Why do you think a second term will be much different than the first?

Because I paid attention to what Trump was doing at the ending of his Presidency when he appointed folks who were unqualified to positions in places like the Pentagon and other places in government to support his goal to remain in power despite the election results. His attempt to have officials in various States and his vice President to eliminate the results naming Biden as President. Then supporting a insurrection to eliminate enemies like Dems on the Hill and to kill Pence. You might not have noticed that being in China. Now he has his loyalists with years of perfecting their strategies going forward. When someone tells you they are going to be a tyrant I believe em

WTF man? lol
Unless some of you guys work for the Peace Corps, you have to trust that I have done FAR more to advocate for America than any of you. Just this evening I lectured a bu
The of 3rd graders how when the chips were down for China, the US was the only country that was actively helping them fight against the Japanese. It's total bullshit for you to attack me because I live overseas.

All of Trump's schemes failed in comedic fashion. I don't expect this guy to get his shit together anymore in a second term. He couldn't even get his signature campaign promise passed.

I have been a model US citizen since my birth, I have worked for the Federal Government for 28 years, paid my taxes, voted, and donated to various charities and done volunteer work. Am I to say you have done more to advocate for the US then me or anyone here ? That's a silly take. I know I support democracy and if your minimizing the threat to ours I advise you to look closer. Things are bad here on a level I never imagined it could be. The US has fallen under a cult of personality so obnoxious and contaminated by the worst impulses of a self righteous mob of hypocrites who just try to out do the next mob members right wing nonsense. Yes, Trump had failed in some areas in the past but he has had years to reflect on his failures and has had cadres of his loyalists perfect the schemes they will employ the second time around. Hey, Hitler messed up big im his first go around when he was jailed for leading a failed revolt only to return and get named Chancellor and ready to exact his revenge and plans when he could. Other despots in history have done the same losing and regaining power or influence.

Good stuff. I'm not denigrating your life. I hope you can realize a.qualitative difference between that and say spending a month in a village explaining to foreigners how the Department of Agriculture works and that for all the faults of US foreign policy, price supports are a pretty cool thing. Or to 50-100 parents that while gun violence (or rampant COVIID) aren't fun, dropping 200k to have your child learn in a free and diverse university environment is a good thing for your kid. Or convincing local police that the American in front of you is mentally ill and it's better for him to be allowed back home rather than sentenced to a foreign prison. Again, I'm not saying I'm a better PERSON than anyone here- probably much worse (I don't give to charity). All I'm saying is that by dint of my life I spend a lot more time advocating and explaining the US to people who might be inclined to hate it.

Alpha1971 @ 5/30/2024 7:36 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:Trump is being re-elected. I have a coworker who is super Maga and in the past I used to debate with him. Yet, in the last year or so I have been very mellow with my coworker as far as Trump convincing him I'm impartial and independent. Why ? Because I fear the US being a utter dictatorship under Trump along the lines of Right wing Argentina and Chile. So since I don't want to be disappeared because of a tip by a co-worker or neighbor, which is what happened in South America during those regimes I keep my politics unspecified with others. Scary times ahead

Why do you think a second term will be much different than the first?

Because I paid attention to what Trump was doing at the ending of his Presidency when he appointed folks who were unqualified to positions in places like the Pentagon and other places in government to support his goal to remain in power despite the election results. His attempt to have officials in various States and his vice President to eliminate the results naming Biden as President. Then supporting a insurrection to eliminate enemies like Dems on the Hill and to kill Pence. You might not have noticed that being in China. Now he has his loyalists with years of perfecting their strategies going forward. When someone tells you they are going to be a tyrant I believe em

WTF man? lol
Unless some of you guys work for the Peace Corps, you have to trust that I have done FAR more to advocate for America than any of you. Just this evening I lectured a bu
The of 3rd graders how when the chips were down for China, the US was the only country that was actively helping them fight against the Japanese. It's total bullshit for you to attack me because I live overseas.

All of Trump's schemes failed in comedic fashion. I don't expect this guy to get his shit together anymore in a second term. He couldn't even get his signature campaign promise passed.

I have been a model US citizen since my birth, I have worked for the Federal Government for 28 years, paid my taxes, voted, and donated to various charities and done volunteer work. Am I to say you have done more to advocate for the US then me or anyone here ? That's a silly take. I know I support democracy and if your minimizing the threat to ours I advise you to look closer. Things are bad here on a level I never imagined it could be. The US has fallen under a cult of personality so obnoxious and contaminated by the worst impulses of a self righteous mob of hypocrites who just try to out do the next mob members right wing nonsense. Yes, Trump had failed in some areas in the past but he has had years to reflect on his failures and has had cadres of his loyalists perfect the schemes they will employ the second time around. Hey, Hitler messed up big im his first go around when he was jailed for leading a failed revolt only to return and get named Chancellor and ready to exact his revenge and plans when he could. Other despots in history have done the same losing and regaining power or influence.

Good stuff. I'm not denigrating your life. I hope you can realize a.qualitative difference between that and say spending a month in a village explaining to foreigners how the Department of Agriculture works and that for all the faults of US foreign policy, price supports are a pretty cool thing. Or to 50-100 parents that while gun violence (or rampant COVIID) aren't fun, dropping 200k to have your child learn in a free and diverse university environment is a good thing for your kid. Or convincing local police that the American in front of you is mentally ill and it's better for him to be allowed back home rather than sentenced to a foreign prison. Again, I'm not saying I'm a better PERSON than anyone here- probably much worse (I don't give to charity). All I'm saying is that by dint of my life I spend a lot more time advocating and explaining the US to people who might be inclined to hate it.

Grady get over yourself. We all have our roles in life to play. I'm done spending time on a insurrectionist, can we talk about whether Jacob Toppin has a place on the team for situational minutes if any rotation player is out.

KnickDanger @ 5/30/2024 7:46 PM
It is my intention to think about Jacob Toppin whenever Trump's name comes up...right now for instance....
markvmc @ 5/30/2024 8:15 PM
ToddTT speaks for me on this.
Alpha1971 @ 5/30/2024 9:12 PM
KnickDanger wrote:It is my intention to think about Jacob Toppin whenever Trump's name comes up...right now for instance....

Thumb 👍👍👍👍👍 all the way up.

ToddTT @ 5/30/2024 9:14 PM
You all think Toppin is gonna crack the lineup??? Fake news!
gradyandrew @ 5/30/2024 9:18 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:Trump is being re-elected. I have a coworker who is super Maga and in the past I used to debate with him. Yet, in the last year or so I have been very mellow with my coworker as far as Trump convincing him I'm impartial and independent. Why ? Because I fear the US being a utter dictatorship under Trump along the lines of Right wing Argentina and Chile. So since I don't want to be disappeared because of a tip by a co-worker or neighbor, which is what happened in South America during those regimes I keep my politics unspecified with others. Scary times ahead

Why do you think a second term will be much different than the first?

Because I paid attention to what Trump was doing at the ending of his Presidency when he appointed folks who were unqualified to positions in places like the Pentagon and other places in government to support his goal to remain in power despite the election results. His attempt to have officials in various States and his vice President to eliminate the results naming Biden as President. Then supporting a insurrection to eliminate enemies like Dems on the Hill and to kill Pence. You might not have noticed that being in China. Now he has his loyalists with years of perfecting their strategies going forward. When someone tells you they are going to be a tyrant I believe em

WTF man? lol
Unless some of you guys work for the Peace Corps, you have to trust that I have done FAR more to advocate for America than any of you. Just this evening I lectured a bu
The of 3rd graders how when the chips were down for China, the US was the only country that was actively helping them fight against the Japanese. It's total bullshit for you to attack me because I live overseas.

All of Trump's schemes failed in comedic fashion. I don't expect this guy to get his shit together anymore in a second term. He couldn't even get his signature campaign promise passed.

I have been a model US citizen since my birth, I have worked for the Federal Government for 28 years, paid my taxes, voted, and donated to various charities and done volunteer work. Am I to say you have done more to advocate for the US then me or anyone here ? That's a silly take. I know I support democracy and if your minimizing the threat to ours I advise you to look closer. Things are bad here on a level I never imagined it could be. The US has fallen under a cult of personality so obnoxious and contaminated by the worst impulses of a self righteous mob of hypocrites who just try to out do the next mob members right wing nonsense. Yes, Trump had failed in some areas in the past but he has had years to reflect on his failures and has had cadres of his loyalists perfect the schemes they will employ the second time around. Hey, Hitler messed up big im his first go around when he was jailed for leading a failed revolt only to return and get named Chancellor and ready to exact his revenge and plans when he could. Other despots in history have done the same losing and regaining power or influence.

Good stuff. I'm not denigrating your life. I hope you can realize a.qualitative difference between that and say spending a month in a village explaining to foreigners how the Department of Agriculture works and that for all the faults of US foreign policy, price supports are a pretty cool thing. Or to 50-100 parents that while gun violence (or rampant COVIID) aren't fun, dropping 200k to have your child learn in a free and diverse university environment is a good thing for your kid. Or convincing local police that the American in front of you is mentally ill and it's better for him to be allowed back home rather than sentenced to a foreign prison. Again, I'm not saying I'm a better PERSON than anyone here- probably much worse (I don't give to charity). All I'm saying is that by dint of my life I spend a lot more time advocating and explaining the US to people who might be inclined to hate it.

Grady get over yourself. We all have our roles in life to play. I'm done spending time on a insurrectionist, can we talk about whether Jacob Toppin has a place on the team for situational minutes if any rotation player is out.

Well, you stop shit by not trying to have the last insult in a conversation.

EwingsGlass @ 5/30/2024 9:35 PM
gradyandrew wrote:I mean literally, the first hour of every conversation I have with someone for the first time is defending the USA.

Not sure about the rest of these guys but I like you, GradyAndrew. You shouldn’t have to defend yourself. I haven’t mentioned this before because I like to keep a low profile on the inter webs, but you aren’t too shy about giving out your personal details. We worked together in ‘94 and ‘95. You were my boss the summer of ‘95. You are a standup dude, and if you are ever back stateside near NYC, I’d love to grab a beer. -LH

Alpha1971 @ 5/30/2024 10:04 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:Trump is being re-elected. I have a coworker who is super Maga and in the past I used to debate with him. Yet, in the last year or so I have been very mellow with my coworker as far as Trump convincing him I'm impartial and independent. Why ? Because I fear the US being a utter dictatorship under Trump along the lines of Right wing Argentina and Chile. So since I don't want to be disappeared because of a tip by a co-worker or neighbor, which is what happened in South America during those regimes I keep my politics unspecified with others. Scary times ahead

Why do you think a second term will be much different than the first?

Because I paid attention to what Trump was doing at the ending of his Presidency when he appointed folks who were unqualified to positions in places like the Pentagon and other places in government to support his goal to remain in power despite the election results. His attempt to have officials in various States and his vice President to eliminate the results naming Biden as President. Then supporting a insurrection to eliminate enemies like Dems on the Hill and to kill Pence. You might not have noticed that being in China. Now he has his loyalists with years of perfecting their strategies going forward. When someone tells you they are going to be a tyrant I believe em

WTF man? lol
Unless some of you guys work for the Peace Corps, you have to trust that I have done FAR more to advocate for America than any of you. Just this evening I lectured a bu
The of 3rd graders how when the chips were down for China, the US was the only country that was actively helping them fight against the Japanese. It's total bullshit for you to attack me because I live overseas.

All of Trump's schemes failed in comedic fashion. I don't expect this guy to get his shit together anymore in a second term. He couldn't even get his signature campaign promise passed.

I have been a model US citizen since my birth, I have worked for the Federal Government for 28 years, paid my taxes, voted, and donated to various charities and done volunteer work. Am I to say you have done more to advocate for the US then me or anyone here ? That's a silly take. I know I support democracy and if your minimizing the threat to ours I advise you to look closer. Things are bad here on a level I never imagined it could be. The US has fallen under a cult of personality so obnoxious and contaminated by the worst impulses of a self righteous mob of hypocrites who just try to out do the next mob members right wing nonsense. Yes, Trump had failed in some areas in the past but he has had years to reflect on his failures and has had cadres of his loyalists perfect the schemes they will employ the second time around. Hey, Hitler messed up big im his first go around when he was jailed for leading a failed revolt only to return and get named Chancellor and ready to exact his revenge and plans when he could. Other despots in history have done the same losing and regaining power or influence.

Good stuff. I'm not denigrating your life. I hope you can realize a.qualitative difference between that and say spending a month in a village explaining to foreigners how the Department of Agriculture works and that for all the faults of US foreign policy, price supports are a pretty cool thing. Or to 50-100 parents that while gun violence (or rampant COVIID) aren't fun, dropping 200k to have your child learn in a free and diverse university environment is a good thing for your kid. Or convincing local police that the American in front of you is mentally ill and it's better for him to be allowed back home rather than sentenced to a foreign prison. Again, I'm not saying I'm a better PERSON than anyone here- probably much worse (I don't give to charity). All I'm saying is that by dint of my life I spend a lot more time advocating and explaining the US to people who might be inclined to hate it.

Grady get over yourself. We all have our roles in life to play. I'm done spending time on a insurrectionist, can we talk about whether Jacob Toppin has a place on the team for situational minutes if any rotation player is out.

Well, you stop shit by not trying to have the last insult in a conversation.

What insult ?? Claiming to be insulted to play a victim here ??? That's rather odd behavior. Unless your joking. I normally like your Knicks posts you usually agree with me but on this issue with Trump your as wrong as can be and also be more humble about your role in this world. You don't know what I do and to who I influence. We all do things that can benefit others and in my way I represent the US Govt in action. Maybe someone I influence will be President or someone that anyone else here does might inspire the next Gandhi or MLKjr. You don't impress me anymore or less then anyone else here but you seemingly want to impress me and others and that's indicative of some insecurities. So take that as far as you want.

gradyandrew @ 5/31/2024 12:19 AM
EwingsGlass wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:I mean literally, the first hour of every conversation I have with someone for the first time is defending the USA.

Not sure about the rest of these guys but I like you, GradyAndrew. You shouldn’t have to defend yourself. I haven’t mentioned this before because I like to keep a low profile on the inter webs, but you aren’t too shy about giving out your personal details. We worked together in ‘94 and ‘95. You were my boss the summer of ‘95. You are a standup dude, and if you are ever back stateside near NYC, I’d love to grab a beer. -LH

Oh snap Larry! We're having a reunion this summer July 13,14 arranged by Aaron. Kleppang is coming over from Scotland, Kremler from California, and a whole bunch of the other guys from back in the day. I just got off the phone with my brother making our final arrangements. Send me an email at

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

gradyandrew @ 5/31/2024 12:51 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:Trump is being re-elected. I have a coworker who is super Maga and in the past I used to debate with him. Yet, in the last year or so I have been very mellow with my coworker as far as Trump convincing him I'm impartial and independent. Why ? Because I fear the US being a utter dictatorship under Trump along the lines of Right wing Argentina and Chile. So since I don't want to be disappeared because of a tip by a co-worker or neighbor, which is what happened in South America during those regimes I keep my politics unspecified with others. Scary times ahead

Why do you think a second term will be much different than the first?

Because I paid attention to what Trump was doing at the ending of his Presidency when he appointed folks who were unqualified to positions in places like the Pentagon and other places in government to support his goal to remain in power despite the election results. His attempt to have officials in various States and his vice President to eliminate the results naming Biden as President. Then supporting a insurrection to eliminate enemies like Dems on the Hill and to kill Pence. You might not have noticed that being in China. Now he has his loyalists with years of perfecting their strategies going forward. When someone tells you they are going to be a tyrant I believe em

WTF man? lol
Unless some of you guys work for the Peace Corps, you have to trust that I have done FAR more to advocate for America than any of you. Just this evening I lectured a bu
The of 3rd graders how when the chips were down for China, the US was the only country that was actively helping them fight against the Japanese. It's total bullshit for you to attack me because I live overseas.

All of Trump's schemes failed in comedic fashion. I don't expect this guy to get his shit together anymore in a second term. He couldn't even get his signature campaign promise passed.

I have been a model US citizen since my birth, I have worked for the Federal Government for 28 years, paid my taxes, voted, and donated to various charities and done volunteer work. Am I to say you have done more to advocate for the US then me or anyone here ? That's a silly take. I know I support democracy and if your minimizing the threat to ours I advise you to look closer. Things are bad here on a level I never imagined it could be. The US has fallen under a cult of personality so obnoxious and contaminated by the worst impulses of a self righteous mob of hypocrites who just try to out do the next mob members right wing nonsense. Yes, Trump had failed in some areas in the past but he has had years to reflect on his failures and has had cadres of his loyalists perfect the schemes they will employ the second time around. Hey, Hitler messed up big im his first go around when he was jailed for leading a failed revolt only to return and get named Chancellor and ready to exact his revenge and plans when he could. Other despots in history have done the same losing and regaining power or influence.

Good stuff. I'm not denigrating your life. I hope you can realize a.qualitative difference between that and say spending a month in a village explaining to foreigners how the Department of Agriculture works and that for all the faults of US foreign policy, price supports are a pretty cool thing. Or to 50-100 parents that while gun violence (or rampant COVIID) aren't fun, dropping 200k to have your child learn in a free and diverse university environment is a good thing for your kid. Or convincing local police that the American in front of you is mentally ill and it's better for him to be allowed back home rather than sentenced to a foreign prison. Again, I'm not saying I'm a better PERSON than anyone here- probably much worse (I don't give to charity). All I'm saying is that by dint of my life I spend a lot more time advocating and explaining the US to people who might be inclined to hate it.

Grady get over yourself. We all have our roles in life to play. I'm done spending time on a insurrectionist, can we talk about whether Jacob Toppin has a place on the team for situational minutes if any rotation player is out.

Well, you stop shit by not trying to have the last insult in a conversation.

What insult ?? Claiming to be insulted to play a victim here ??? That's rather odd behavior. Unless your joking. I normally like your Knicks posts you usually agree with me but on this issue with Trump your as wrong as can be and also be more humble about your role in this world. You don't know what I do and to who I influence. We all do things that can benefit others and in my way I represent the US Govt in action. Maybe someone I influence will be President or someone that anyone else here does might inspire the next Gandhi or MLKjr. You don't impress me anymore or less then anyone else here but you seemingly want to impress me and others and that's indicative of some insecurities. So take that as far as you want.

For sure man. Whenever someone questions my patriotism I see red. I'm not sure if that was your intention. Apologies if it wasn't.

On reflection, I think you are in a tough spot. Trump has been pretty explicit about doing an ideological litmus test through the government and I feel for you. You have to watch what you say at work.

The last time we had a political talk here I expressed my view that the Roman Republic fell because Caesar was faced with the choice of facing charges for his illegal acts as consul and seizing the dictatorship. I'm not a Trump fan by any means;I just question the tactics of trying to charge him. If the court sentences him to jail time and because of appeals it gets delayed until after the election and potentially after he leaves office, it seems like a recipe for disaster.

And back to your original fear, I don't know man. I never worry about that even over here. I'd say have some faith in your fellow citizens that just like last go around when Pence, Raffensperger, Barr, and others stood up to him, other people will step up. Maybe that makes me a useful idiot.

Anyway, there's more to MAGA than Trump and grievance politics. There are lots of unhappy people who feel the government isn't working for them. I'm sure you are one of the good guys. One thing I have really taken away from this season is the Thibs mantra that the joy is in the work, not the result.

martin @ 5/31/2024 9:19 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:I'd go as far as saying that a second Trump term would pivot world politics - and particularly for the United States - in utterly the wrong direction for the health of everyone.

It's been bending that way for a while now, since the 80's.

Do you have any suggested reading on this? I listen to a lot of Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearscheimer. I also like David Stockman.

I do not.

Stockman is a Blackstone guy? Why do you like him?

He hasn't been there since 1999. He's definitely a Cassandra type, the next disaster is just around the corner according to him but he has a lot of good economic insights- ie Caterpillar orders as a measure of industrial capacity, total working hours as a measure of unemployment. He also hammers home a JQA foreign policy that America doesn't need to search for monsters abroad. The danger of a big military is that presidents will use it.

Generally, I do not know much about those that you had listed. Feel those guys may speak at a different stratosphere or philosophical/theoretical level (something in that range) than I typically spend time on on a regular basis.

Do even feel like suggested reading is tough. I'm more apt to read something closer to where the rubber meets road?

Our American politicians are pretty much getting paid by foreign entities and/or through PACs, so large companies or wealthy individuals. They are decidedly not independent even under the cloak of their own state and federal consitants, we are way past that. And there are obvious degrees to this.

One of our political parties just got usurped, literally taken over. I don't know how to describe that better than a hostile takeover.

Middle East, China, Russia, US. One of those is becoming more like the rest and not the other way around at the power base level.

newyorknewyork @ 5/31/2024 8:38 PM
2016 Election
Trump: if I lose its because its rigged.
Trump wins, no issue.
Russia collusion
Trump: this is a witch hunt they are trying to set me up.
Not enough evidence toward specifically Trump to bring him to trial, no issue.
2020 Election
Trump: If I lose its because its rigged.
Trump loses, this election was rigged fight like hell.
Court Trials
Trump: This is election interference
Trump being found guilty, this is persecution of a political opponent.

Anyone who believes the foul play angle. Seems more like when he won he won, when he lost he lost. When there wasn't enough evidence he didn't go to trial. When there was he was brought to trial and lost.

Nalod @ 5/31/2024 10:36 PM
He speaks like a child.
ESOMKnicks @ 6/1/2024 5:05 AM
I am not as scared of a Trump second term as I am scared of a Trump third term.

Alpha1971 @ 6/1/2024 5:44 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:I am not as scared of a Trump second term as I am scared of a Trump third term.

Oh that's nothing, I'm a afraid of President for life Trump leaving Don Jr in charge when he dies, Papa Doc and Baby Doc ring a bell ? Papa Don and Baby Don.

newyorknewyork @ 6/1/2024 10:56 AM
Nalod wrote:He speaks like a child.

While he does. U can tell majority of his talking points are from the PR team. Biden should sue for defamation. Force him to have to prove that he is behind it haha.

newyorknewyork @ 6/1/2024 10:57 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:I am not as scared of a Trump second term as I am scared of a Trump third term.

Oh that's nothing, I'm a afraid of President for life Trump leaving Don Jr in charge when he dies, Papa Doc and Baby Doc ring a bell ? Papa Don and Baby Don.

Any Trump term will have long lasting consequences. See our current Supreme Court.

Philc1 @ 6/1/2024 2:04 PM
I have to go to the bathroom to take a trump.
BigDaddyG @ 6/1/2024 5:12 PM
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