Knicks · NBA analyst Zach Lowe gone from ESPN, the reactions are strong (page 2)

Rookie @ 9/27/2024 5:30 PM
martin wrote:
Rookie wrote:
martin wrote:I dont know if I have aged out or what but I haven't watched ESPN with any regularity for about a decade outside of the clips. I thought they used to have a good balance of both content and personality.

It's all personality and cilckbaits? Is that what makes money these days?

I agree with you Martin. The last personality I liked and would tune in to see was Chris Herman. That seems like ages ago.

.....'Rumblin, Bumbling, Stumblin'

He was an OG for ESPN

lol, I don’t know who Chris Herman is, I meant Chris Berman…..Woooop!

gradyandrew @ 9/28/2024 3:17 AM
Nalod wrote:Really I only know Lowe from the podcast.
Outrage at ESPN is old news. They never had the journalistic relevance. They were the only game in town for a while other than regional.
Nobody misses Berman or the Daily news. Beat writers are a thing of the past. It was nice. Players and writers traveled together. That got lost a long time ago.
Want stories? You have players now doing their own thing. Jalen and Josh for example. JJ reddick did a great job, got Arenas and Jackson blasting off.

Oh man. That socks that you never read his stuff. Bill Simmons blew up at ESPN 15 years ago, to the point they had to give him his own site thegrantland. A lot of their stuff was juvenile, but Zach Lowe was a diamond, to the point that when ESPN fired Simmons for criticizing goodell and the NFL, they kept Lowe. Lowe had the fans love of the game, relevant stats, great access, and the all important humility. Just a great column, to the extent that Saturday mornings I'd always go out for breakfast just to be able to sit and read it in peace. So this is kind of going to fuck up my weekend.

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