Testing · hey andrew (page 1)

killacross @ 8/9/2001 12:51 AM
when does the # of posts change for a user. Do you add to the recorded # of posts only when you post a new topic, or does it change whenever you make a post?? thanks
Andrew @ 8/9/2001 8:07 AM
when does the # of posts change for a user. Do you add to the recorded # of posts only when you post a new topic, or does it change whenever you make a post?? thanks

Should be whenever you post anything...is it working correctly for you?
killacross @ 8/9/2001 12:51 PM
thanks for responding. Im not sure if its working right, i dont think my # always increases. Oh well if it works it works, if it doesnt it doesnt. Ill keep checking my # to see if it changes. Thanks for responding so quickly.
killacross @ 8/9/2001 12:52 PM
i dont think it works, look at this thread. my first message, i had 11 posts, my second post in this topic it still says 11.
killacross @ 8/9/2001 1:03 PM
i o get it... after every post the # of posts change for every message. I thought that after a post, the number by ur name says what # post that was for a person. sorry for the spamming. Feel free to erase this thread

Andrew @ 8/9/2001 1:03 PM
i dont think it works, look at this thread. my first message, i had 11 posts, my second post in this topic it still says 11.

I see. It actually is working, just not the way you think it is. Your post count next to you name always reflects the current number of posts you have. You have 11 now, and if you post a new message, all of the counts in the forum posts next to your name will increase to 12.
BasketballJones @ 1/21/2015 12:00 AM
This one goes to 11.
jrodmc @ 1/21/2015 11:19 AM
i still see playa2 logged on. And he has more posts than me.
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