alice in wonderland 3d- better than i thought. highly entertaining however it is much different from the book as it is supposed to kind of be a sequel. think of it as an adult wonderland but not to the extreme of mcgee's alice. the movie was visually stunning and depp performed well like always. matter of fact, everyone did well performance wise. recommended.
cabin fever 2- loved the first movie, tho it took a couple of viewings to get to that point because i have to get used to the eccentric characters and dialogue of a roth movie. this one was similar tho it steers more towards a comedy than a horror movie. humor and over the top gore propels this movie and does it decently. the story of this kind is typical with little surprises but the gore and shock value is pretty high. decent for fans of this movie or horror but still not a polished movie. be warned.
stepfather- very generic and not nearly as good as the original. the performances are adequate but i would rate amber heard above all the other actors. not only does she look hot, she gave a convincing performance that rises above this formula that is too familiar. a better movie was done a few years ago: disturbia. not really recommended.
law abiding citizen- started out really engaging and great performance by butler tho foxx was just going through the motions imo in this movie. great concept but similar to the dark knight in some aspects. however, the ending was totally ridiculous and seemed like they painted themselves in a corner and just used a cliche to get out. decent movie but could have been so much better.
Finestrg@ 3/11/2010 4:03 PM
Really looking forward to this Clash of the Titans remake. Love the original -- just picked it up for $10 at BJs. Included was a coupon for $7.50 off one ticket to go see the remake in the theater. Can't beat that.
Release the Kraken!
TMS@ 3/11/2010 5:23 PM
word, that movie looks like 5 bukkake stars
skeng@ 3/13/2010 5:32 PM
SupremeCommander wrote:Did anyone here see "The Fall"? I don't knwo why that film just popped into my head, but it did, and it is my favorite film of the past few years. Anyway, the main character tells this girl this great fairy tale in the hospital... you hate why he is telling the story but you want him to finish because of the cinematgraphy and the grandeur of the story. Very, very interesting
Yeah, I liked that movie too.. The colours in that movie are ridiculously beautiful. Check out Stardust if you want a similar type of movie. They both have a more mature kind of wit and are both mature fairy tales.
NYKBocker@ 3/17/2010 11:44 AM
Just saw "Up in tha air". Very good movie. Might not be a good movie in the current financial climate but Clooney did not disappoint. Vera Farmiga's arse looks phenomenal.
OasisBU@ 3/17/2010 12:45 PM
jazz74 wrote:alice in wonderland 3d- better than i thought. highly entertaining however it is much different from the book as it is supposed to kind of be a sequel. think of it as an adult wonderland but not to the extreme of mcgee's alice. the movie was visually stunning and depp performed well like always. matter of fact, everyone did well performance wise. recommended.
I second this - saw Alice last weekend and thought it was excellent. If you are a fan of Tim Burton you will like this - Depp and Co. did a fantastic job.
TMS@ 3/17/2010 1:00 PM
this looks good too
NYKBocker@ 3/22/2010 8:32 AM
Just Shutter Island. eh. Wasn't too impressed. I am curious if Marv saw this flick already and what is his review on it.
OasisBU@ 3/22/2010 9:53 AM
NYKBocker wrote:Just Shutter Island. eh. Wasn't too impressed. I am curious if Marv saw this flick already and what is his review on it.
I had been looking forward to this for a long time - I thought it was good but not great. The ending was predictable, and I felt the acting was a little hollow with now real emotional connections but it wasn't awful - just not as good as I expected considering it was a Scorcese (sp?) and DiCaprio film.
NYKBocker@ 3/22/2010 10:35 AM
OasisBU wrote:
NYKBocker wrote:Just Shutter Island. eh. Wasn't too impressed. I am curious if Marv saw this flick already and what is his review on it.
I had been looking forward to this for a long time - I thought it was good but not great. The ending was predictable, and I felt the acting was a little hollow with now real emotional connections but it wasn't awful - just not as good as I expected considering it was a Scorcese (sp?) and DiCaprio film.
I agree. I kinda figured out the ending early in the movie. Cinematography I thought was good in that it had a feel of the old thriller movies. The little role by Rorschach was very good. Jackie Earle Haley is fast becoming one of my favorite actors.
Good not great. Question: If this wasn't a Scorcese film, would you be swayed for crap or better than expected?
Nalod@ 3/22/2010 11:08 AM
Saw 2012. With the recent earthquates makes you wonder.
IM building an ark.
Question is do I put DLee on it or wait until summer?
TMS@ 3/22/2010 12:10 PM
Nalod wrote:Saw 2012. With the recent earthquates makes you wonder.
IM building an ark.
Question is do I put DLee on it or wait until summer?
a bit cheesy w/some of the action sequences, but visually the effects were awesome... really gave u a feel of what the apocalypse might actually look like... the plot was sorta like Deep Impact & the Poseidon Adventure combined into 1 storyline.
i thought Danny Glover as the President did a pretty good job & the chick who played his daughter in the movie was definitely bukkake worthy... John Cusack was good in the role, originally i thought they might have went w/a bigger name but i thought he fit the main character's role perfectly.
Finestrg@ 3/28/2010 4:49 PM
Run don't walk to go see Hot Tub Time Machine guys. F'in hysterical man. Saw it last night and I pissed my pants the whole way through!!! Everyone's great in it -- John Cusack, Craig Robinson, the kid from Sex Drive...But Rob Corddry is the best. Absolutely hilarious!
TMS@ 3/28/2010 5:43 PM
hmm, looked sorta cheesy on the trailers, but if u think it's worth a watch i'll check it out... was it better than The Hangover?
Finestrg@ 3/28/2010 8:52 PM
TMS wrote:hmm, looked sorta cheesy on the trailers, but if u think it's worth a watch i'll check it out... was it better than The Hangover?
Yeah I think so. Bro, I've been quoting it non stop since last night. It's right there with The Hangover, Old School, Wedding Crashers..If you're a nut like me that likes shit like that, you'll love this..Rob Corddry is the absolute man in this. I can't wait for video - for me this is a definitely buy.
TMS@ 3/28/2010 8:59 PM
awesome! i love movies like that... that new one with Tracy Morgan, Martin Laurence & Chris Rock looks funny too.
"yo that was messed up how your dad fell outta that casket like a dead fish... he was BLAOW! i was like DAAAAYAAM!"
Finestrg@ 3/28/2010 9:14 PM
TMS wrote:awesome! i love movies like that... that new one with Tracy Morgan, Martin Laurence & Chris Rock looks funny too.
"yo that was messed up how your dad fell outta that casket like a dead fish... he was BLAOW! i was like DAAAAYAAM!"
Yeah, we saw the trailer for this before Hot Tub and were dying. I'll be there for this one too.
Finestrg@ 4/3/2010 8:07 AM
Just curious if anyone saw Clash of the Titans yet...I heard it's good but the 3D's a joke (something that wasn't intended originally and was only added in post production just to cash in on Avatar's success) and you're better off seeing it in 2D. Ebert actually said the 2D looks fantastic. Another reviewer said the same thing: "Skip the glasses and just get a bigger bucket of popcorn." Gonna go check this out tonight I think.
Yo I read in yesterday's Newsday that they're actually remaking Red Dawn. Can you guys believe that shit?? I was like WTF, no way! WOLVERINES!!!!! LOL! Of all the movie to be remade man. Red f'in Dawn?? How the hell is that gonna work?? Like most of us I'm sure, I actually have a soft spot for the original, however implausible it may have seemed at the time (I guess in 1984, right in the thick of all the Cold War paranoia, it probably wasn't all that implausible). I used to watch it all the time when I was a kid... LOL, I dunno man -- this time instead of Russian & Cuban invaders I read that China's the main aggressor now with some help from the Russians. I just can't see for the life of me how they could make this even remotely believable. Obviously China's capable of amassing a huge army, but come on seriously, how would they be able to even get all their troop transports, equipment etc. past our navy, our airforce? And that's only the 1st question I have...Crazy idea for a remake no?
TMS@ 4/3/2010 11:59 AM
maybe they'll have the North Koreans invade this time?
NYKBocker@ 4/3/2010 8:56 PM
Maybe Red Dawn will be set in the 80s.
But...I can't wait to see this movie.
The Expendables.
bitty41@ 4/4/2010 6:22 PM
TMS wrote:awesome! i love movies like that... that new one with Tracy Morgan, Martin Laurence & Chris Rock looks funny too.
"yo that was messed up how your dad fell outta that casket like a dead fish... he was BLAOW! i was like DAAAAYAAM!"
The original is hilarious! Just saw it for the first time a few months ago rent it!