Off Topic · Latest movies saw (page 26)

Allanfan20 @ 1/22/2010 12:24 AM
Just saw "Lovely Bones". Very good movie but pretty sad. Book of Eli is up next along with Legion.
orangeblobman @ 1/22/2010 1:59 AM
That's cute!

Book of Eli looks action packed!

TMS @ 1/28/2010 12:14 AM
any fans of foreign films might wanna check out these 2:

Swedish vampire movie called "Let the Right One In"... interesting storyline & original concept... not your run of the mill vampire flick.

Korean movie called "Old Boy" that won Cannes Film Festival award in '04... very inventive storyline... combines gangster fighting action with subject matter that keeps you guessing at the motivation behind the action that's revealed at the very end... if you liked the movie "Lucky Number Slevin" with Josh Hartnett, you will enjoy this movie even more.

TMS @ 1/29/2010 11:39 PM
any John Woo fans out there?

just re-watched 2 of his old school classics, "The Killer" & "A Better Tomorrow"... if you like movies with some good ol' fashioned ass kicking gun fights, you will love these movies (so what that the script & plots are so cheesy & the guns magically never seem to run out of bullets... that's not the point of John Woo movies) :

NYKBocker @ 1/31/2010 2:06 AM
Allanfan20 wrote:Just saw "Lovely Bones". Very good movie but pretty sad. Book of Eli is up next along with Legion.

Just saw "The Lovely Bones". It is a very good movie and as you say...very sad movie.

SupremeCommander @ 1/31/2010 4:09 PM
TMS wrote:Korean movie called "Old Boy" that won Cannes Film Festival award in '04... very inventive storyline... combines gangster fighting action with subject matter that keeps you guessing at the motivation behind the action that's revealed at the very end... if you liked the movie "Lucky Number Slevin" with Josh Hartnett, you will enjoy this movie even more.

That movie is phenomenal, but the plot components are completely fucked. I definitely recommend it too, but everyone be forewarned

TMS @ 1/31/2010 4:55 PM
SupremeCommander wrote:
TMS wrote:Korean movie called "Old Boy" that won Cannes Film Festival award in '04... very inventive storyline... combines gangster fighting action with subject matter that keeps you guessing at the motivation behind the action that's revealed at the very end... if you liked the movie "Lucky Number Slevin" with Josh Hartnett, you will enjoy this movie even more.

That movie is phenomenal, but the plot components are completely fucked. I definitely recommend it too, but everyone be forewarned

yeah, not for kids' viewing, let's just put it that way... whoever wrote it musta been high on some funky PCP or some sheit.

jazz74 @ 1/31/2010 10:09 PM
saw 6- i am not a huge saw fan but i knew the 5th movie was garbage and this movie needed to get back to basics. this movie did in a big way as one of the strongest entry of the series. the amazing thing is how sick are the writers for making these gruesome traps. it divulge the story with the right pace and the "game pieces" are unfolding in great fashion. very good with a good ending like the first three. this series is officially back.

whiteout- good but predictable murder mystery. the scenery and location of this movie is the real star as you can literally fell yourself frozen as the are walking in sub zero weather. the action and suspense is average and i figured out the ending in the middle of the story so nothing new. but kate beckinsale was great and convincing as the heroine ( not to mention gorgeous to look at). decent but not a must see.

halloween 2 ( zombies version)- i dont know why i wanted to see this when i was very disappointed with the first one but i did and this one was worse. first, the characters are all stereotypical trash that you really dont care what happens to them since they curse like crazy and annoy. only the sheriff is someone that you marginally care about because brad douriff gave a better performance than this movie deserves. you know, zobie as a director is awful. devils reject was the only decent movie and then he ruins this franchise with his warped trash image making micheal myers nothing more than a trailer park serial killer. unbelievable.

zack and miri makes a porno- kevin smith does it again. great movie with good characters. despite the title, this is a romance comedy that has so much heart and touching moments that it should be watched on valentines day. however, it is hilarious, especially the dialogue, though very vulgar in usual smith style. highly recommended.

jimimou @ 2/1/2010 12:18 PM
saw a few movies this wknd - Downloaded Sherlock Holmes and a Korean flick called Mother.

SH - movie was entertaining as hell. a bit of a deviation from the classic holmes character (ie: rbd jr plays SH on roids) - in the classic stories, holmes was never portrayed as the steven segal type who can kick your ass 500 different ways, but nontheless, the movie was fun and downey always turns in a good performance. andy garcia as blackwood was pretty cool too. cant waut for the sequel to find out who the hell moriarty is.

Mother - some folks on here may know Hye Ja Kim, she's a pretty famous korean actress and the director is Joon-Ho Bong, a well known korean director. this movie blew-up at Cannes and well worth the accolades it received. tragic story of a mother who raises a mentally ill child, who becomes accused of murder. since the police arent interestedin investigating, she takes it upon herself to find the real killer - classic story aof a mother's undying love for her son. i recommend it highly. if you download, download the english subtitles - unless you understand Korean of course.

downloaded The Road also - gonna watch that tonight. if it's half as good as the book and what some folks who have already seen it here say, im psyched.

NYKBocker @ 2/1/2010 12:45 PM
I can't wait to see this flick
The Losers
TMS @ 2/1/2010 4:55 PM
jimimou wrote:Mother - some folks on here may know Hye Ja Kim, she's a pretty famous korean actress and the director is Joon-Ho Bong, a well known korean director. this movie blew-up at Cannes and well worth the accolades it received. tragic story of a mother who raises a mentally ill child, who becomes accused of murder. since the police arent interestedin investigating, she takes it upon herself to find the real killer - classic story aof a mother's undying love for her son. i recommend it highly. if you download, download the english subtitles - unless you understand Korean of course.

hmm, never heard of it bro, but sounds interesting... will definitely check it out.

if y'all wanna watch a movie that'll make you miss your grandma & bring a tear to your eye, watch this movie:

SupremeCommander @ 2/2/2010 8:37 AM
Did anyone here see "The Fall"? I don't knwo why that film just popped into my head, but it did, and it is my favorite film of the past few years. Anyway, the main character tells this girl this great fairy tale in the hospital... you hate why he is telling the story but you want him to finish because of the cinematgraphy and the grandeur of the story. Very, very interesting
jusnice @ 2/2/2010 12:27 PM
anyone see Hurt Locker? Is it good? apologies if this flick has already been discussed...
NYKBocker @ 2/2/2010 8:12 PM
jusnice wrote:anyone see Hurt Locker? Is it good? apologies if this flick has already been discussed...

Saw it. Very good movie. There is a part that is very hard to watch. At least for me.

TMS @ 2/6/2010 12:49 AM
any fans of historical films, check out "Mongol" a movie about the life of Genghis Khan... awesome foreign film

& any fans of Jet Li will wanna check out 1 of his old school classics, "Fist of Legend"... 1 of the best martial arts movies i've ever seen

NYKBocker @ 2/6/2010 10:20 AM
I saw "Fists of Legend" awhile back and just an FYI to all that it is a remake of "Fists of Fury" by Bruce Lee. I agree one of the best martial arts movie I have ever seen as well.

I have Mongol but have not gotten a chance to watch it. I will try to see it. Thanks TMS.

TMS @ 2/6/2010 8:05 PM
NYKBocker wrote:I saw "Fists of Legend" awhile back and just an FYI to all that it is a remake of "Fists of Fury" by Bruce Lee. I agree one of the best martial arts movie I have ever seen as well.

I have Mongol but have not gotten a chance to watch it. I will try to see it. Thanks TMS.

it's a remake of Bruce Lee's "Chinese Connection", which was also known as "Fist of Fury", but "Fists of Fury" is a different movie, the US title of his first movie "The Big Boss"... the plot of "Fist of Legend" is the same premise as "Chinese Connection" but there are subtle differences... plus the Japanese chick in this one is pretty bukkake worthy IMO

NYKBocker @ 2/6/2010 10:19 PM
TMS wrote:
NYKBocker wrote:I saw "Fists of Legend" awhile back and just an FYI to all that it is a remake of "Fists of Fury" by Bruce Lee. I agree one of the best martial arts movie I have ever seen as well.

I have Mongol but have not gotten a chance to watch it. I will try to see it. Thanks TMS.

it's a remake of Bruce Lee's "Chinese Connection", which was also known as "Fist of Fury", but "Fists of Fury" is a different movie, the US title of his first movie "The Big Boss"... the plot of "Fist of Legend" is the same premise as "Chinese Connection" but there are subtle differences... plus the Japanese chick in this one is pretty bukkake worthy IMO

Yes indeed.

NYKBocker @ 2/6/2010 10:20 PM
I am not sure if any here likes to watch cartoons but I just watched "Planet Hulk" with my 2 sons and it was pretty entertaining.
NYKBocker @ 2/12/2010 10:54 AM
I just saw Daybreakers (TMS recommended in this thread) and it did not disappoint. A totally different take or path from the common vampire stories, at least from what I have seen. Very interesting but I thought they could have done a little more. It seemed Sam Neill's talent could have been exploited more, but it is a very good flick.
jazz74 @ 3/8/2010 7:29 AM
alice in wonderland 3d- better than i thought. highly entertaining however it is much different from the book as it is supposed to kind of be a sequel. think of it as an adult wonderland but not to the extreme of mcgee's alice. the movie was visually stunning and depp performed well like always. matter of fact, everyone did well performance wise. recommended.

cabin fever 2- loved the first movie, tho it took a couple of viewings to get to that point because i have to get used to the eccentric characters and dialogue of a roth movie. this one was similar tho it steers more towards a comedy than a horror movie. humor and over the top gore propels this movie and does it decently. the story of this kind is typical with little surprises but the gore and shock value is pretty high. decent for fans of this movie or horror but still not a polished movie. be warned.

stepfather- very generic and not nearly as good as the original. the performances are adequate but i would rate amber heard above all the other actors. not only does she look hot, she gave a convincing performance that rises above this formula that is too familiar. a better movie was done a few years ago: disturbia. not really recommended.

law abiding citizen- started out really engaging and great performance by butler tho foxx was just going through the motions imo in this movie. great concept but similar to the dark knight in some aspects. however, the ending was totally ridiculous and seemed like they painted themselves in a corner and just used a cliche to get out. decent movie but could have been so much better.

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