Unfortunately Kiwi had surgery this year and will likely be done for the year (probably no chance to make a miraculous return for the playoffs).
We should know more about Jacobs hamstring later. Hopefully he doesn't miss more than a week, but I wouldn't surprise if they are cautious.
that was a good win. very important game. it had good/bad. the bad: i didn't like the many mistakes and penalties they were making. it was a little reminiscent of last week. for three years now they seem to play more careless after the by-week. however that leads me to the good: despite the many errors they recovered and played to win. for the past two years, a game like this would have been a sure defeat as the mistakes became a snowball effect. this is an important step in being a good team. mark my words: this is definately not our year. however we have the pieces and scheme to get better. so 2008 and most assuredely 2009 will be the year the giants are among the elite teams.
I don't like to complain about refs but that was an unsually bad game with regards to officiating. First of all, Kitna got away with intentional grounding a couple times. I didn't realize you could just spike the ball into the ground while being wrapped up to avoid sacks. Then, that call against Tuck for roughing the passer was an absolute travesty. Are you saying you can't even tackle the QB these days? It obviously wasn't late and it wasn't even intentionally malicious or anything- he was straight trying to go for the sack. And thirdly, the non-call/flag pick up when Toomer had his jersey grabbed was questionable. Obviously they thought there was enough there to throw the flag in the first place. So what made them change their minds.
That being said, Detroit jumped offsides a few more times than we did.
The thing I like about this years team is that it has made those timely INT's at the end of ballgames to seal victory. They did it against SF and the Jets and did it again against Detroit. While they have still dropped a few picks, the last 4-5 seasons was pretty much an epidemic of guys failing to make the big play.
what a pathetic showing by the Gints, especially from Eli... if he could complete passes to our receivers instead of the guys in Viking Purple, we'd be 8-3 right now & in full control of the WC spot... now it's gonna come down to the wire like it always seems to around here... when is this guy finally going to take that final leap to join the elite QB's in the NFL? disgraceful!
I knew the Giants would be medocre. Good enough to maybe make the playoffs, but not one of the contenders. There was only one chance to change my mind and that's when they lost for a second time to the Cowgirls. The Giants aren't exactly as bad as the Jets though, who I am thouroughly dissapointed in. MG! How many times does a team need to start all over again?
Posted by 4949:
I knew the Giants would be medocre. Good enough to maybe make the playoffs, but not one of the contenders. There was only one chance to change my mind and that's when they lost for a second time to the Cowgirls. The Giants aren't exactly as bad as the Jets though, who I am thouroughly dissapointed in. MG! How many times does a team need to start all over again?
yeah, they definately played like the knicks sunday. however, i think they can and will bounce back in chicago. this year should be different from the past two years. manning has to have a good game and stop his yearly second half slump. he does need to grow up. nevertheless, this team won't make noise this year but they definately have something to build on for the next few years.
It was about as a bad a game as they could play, period. After Eli threw the pick down in our own endzone for the TD, my friend and I exited and I joked with him that we were gonna miss another INT. As we were exiting the spiral we could here the announcer say "Interception, Touchdown Minnesota." Too bad it wasn't really funny.
I've been as big an Eli supporter as anyone, but that was just plain brutal. He has to bounce back, or its just the same old crap.
Posted by VDesai:
It was about as a bad a game as they could play, period. After Eli threw the pick down in our own endzone for the TD, my friend and I exited and I joked with him that we were gonna miss another INT. As we were exiting the spiral we could here the announcer say "Interception, Touchdown Minnesota." Too bad it wasn't really funny.
I've been as big an Eli supporter as anyone, but that was just plain brutal. He has to bounce back, or its just the same old crap.
I was down on Eli at the end of last year. And I've been up and down with him general. Yesterday was terrible. And most of it was Eli. But would it hurt to get the kid a legit 3rd WR?
Posted by eViL:
Posted by VDesai:
It was about as a bad a game as they could play, period. After Eli threw the pick down in our own endzone for the TD, my friend and I exited and I joked with him that we were gonna miss another INT. As we were exiting the spiral we could here the announcer say "Interception, Touchdown Minnesota." Too bad it wasn't really funny.
I've been as big an Eli supporter as anyone, but that was just plain brutal. He has to bounce back, or its just the same old crap.
I was down on Eli at the end of last year. And I've been up and down with him general. Yesterday was terrible. And most of it was Eli. But would it hurt to get the kid a legit 3rd WR?
Eli & Gross-Man will be duking it out, seeing who the worst is. Actually Gross-Man has been doing much better the last couple games, Gee, just in time to play the Giants'. What are the odds? Zero!
I think Eli's fate is pretty much tied with Plax- Plax is feeling the effects of his injury and hasn't played well. Meanwhile Eli has gone into the tank.
I love Amani Toomer, but he can't get open anymore. Sinorice Moss is garbage and Steve Smith has been hurt.
The thing I don't understand is why they aren't more creative in freeing up Shockey. Under Fassel they used to split him wide, use him on screens, send him deep over the middle...all to take advantage of his size/speed. I feel like we haven't been taking advantage the same way.
the Vikes were getting too much pressure on Eli so they had to keep him in for pass blocking & that in effect neutralized his #1 option after Plax... i was really disappointed by the Giants O-Line as well as in Eli's horrible reads of blitz & coverages that day.
Wow, what a comeback after what was looking like a disastrous game. The defense was amazing in the 2nd half, and Eli shook off the mistakes and led two huge drives at the end. He is so inconsistent, its really unbelievable, but he still keeps finding a way to step up right when you want to write him off.
Really have to give credit to Toomer today. He was clutch. And Tyree came out of no where to make some big plays. Derrick Ward had a sick day running the ball despite the two fumbles, but unfortunately it looks like he is now out for the year. That hurts is b/c our strength is the outside running game and Droughnns just can't get outside. We need to work in Bradshaw while Jacobs continues to miss time.
Michael Strahan has proven once again the he still is the best DE in the game. Only got credit for one sack today but he lived behind the line of scrimmage. Its amazing, after the hold out he still has 9 sacks despite the slow start. Justin Tuck was a monster once again today.
the defense carried this game... Strahan, Osi, Robbins, Tuck & Mitchell made some huge plays & kept Chicago from running effectively all day... our secondary didn't have a great day but to be fair Grossman was making some sick throws to his receivers against pretty good coverage... the rookie Safety Johnson made a huge tackle down the stretch to keep them from getting a big play too off a screen pass... that was big.
Eli was pathetic once again, but he pulled out a couple late game drives to save the headlines from bashing him tomorrow... if he'd played this way against a stronger offensive team, we lose by a wide margin.
Derek Ward, big day running but that first fumble cost us bigtime... why guys continue to carry the ball tucked under their elbows & not tucked up against their chest like Tiki did the past couple years is beyond me... if you're not used to carrying it that way, GET used to it, cuz we cannot afford to be fumbling the ball away when we start to play playoff calibre teams & still expect to win.
Derek Ward out for the year w/a broken fibula... first Kiwanuka, now Ward... ouch! this kid was our only real viable backup option to Brandon Jacobs... Ruben Droughns is not an everydown RB in my eyes.
let's hope Jacobs is back healthy next week & can stay healthy for the rest of the year, or else this team's in big trouble if they're gonna put the season exclusively on Eli's shoulders.
[Edited by - TMS on 12-03-2007 03:22 AM]
I absolutely loved this win!

Way to make my week Giants.
good win but not a good game. eli raised more questions in my eyes. he made some passes and errors that veterans for three years shouldn't make. granted the field and weather weren't ideal but still if he had lost that game, the defense would have had a "soap party" in his honor. ward played terrific but i had a feeling he was going to get hurt because they ran him ragged. true, they had no choice with manning's performance in the first half. but they literally ran him in the ground. the defense came up BIG. they stuck with the game plan in pressuring grossman and it worked. grossman had a good game though but the g-men did all the right things to minimize any damage. next week is key. they have to win against a struggling but confident eagle team that felt that they should have won the last two games. mcnabb should be back and he loves carving the giants. sure we sacked him a lot the last game but we didn't have westbrook to worry about either. big game.
It is strange how two NY quarterbacks went south, after being so promising. Eli & Chad. What are the chances? Zero!
Posted by TMS:
Derek Ward out for the year w/a broken fibula... first Kiwanuka, now Ward... ouch! this kid was our only real viable backup option to Brandon Jacobs... Ruben Droughns is not an everydown RB in my eyes.
let's hope Jacobs is back healthy next week & can stay healthy for the rest of the year, or else this team's in big trouble if they're gonna put the season exclusively on Eli's shoulders.
[Edited by - TMS on 12-03-2007 03:22 AM]
I agree. Bradshaw needs to learn pass protection(blitz pickup) asap so we can use his running abilities. Rueben is just simply a short yardage specialist now. BJac needs blood from Claire or Adam to heel quickly.
It looks like Jacobs might be practicing this week, so he could be ready for the Eagle game.