My Amazing Journey -- Dwight Howard
Getting to the NBA is not easy. Of the millions of kids playing basketball around the world today, only a very small percentage will make it to the Association. Along the way, there will be highs and lows, ups and downs.
As they prepare for the 2007-08 season, 30 current players reflect back on their journey to the NBA and some of the things they went through to fulfill their dream of playing basketball for a living.

I would sacrifice my life to play basketball - I love it that much." DWIGHT HOWARD
Finish this sentence: Growing up, the basketball court was my ......
Dwight Howard: Sanctuary.
What was the biggest obstacle you overcame to reach the NBA?
DH: I have overcome a lot of obstacles to make it in the NBA.
To what lengths would you go for a chance to play basketball, even if it were to just shoot around?
DH: I would sacrifice my life to play basketball - I love it that much.
Who was your basketball hero and why?
DH: Kevin Garnett, because he was the first person to come straight out of high school to the NBA in my era of growing up.
What is your favorite childhood basketball memory?
DH: Winning the state championship is high school was my favorite basketball memory growing up.
Best piece basketball advice I received was...
DH:I've had a lot of good advice given to me throughout the years, but the best was to not let anyone ever tell you that you can't do something.
What advice would you give to someone who aspires to play in the NBA?
DH: The same advice I received - to not let anyone ever tell you that you can't do something.
How old were you when you received your first basketball and what did it feel like to have your very own?
DH: I received my first basketball when I was 2 years old. It felt like it just belonged in my hands and I didn't ever want to let it go!
When did you realize you had serious game?
DH: I still don't think I have serious game yet, but I guess the first time I really thought I could play basketball was in high school.
I entertained thoughts of playing in the NBA at age ...
DH: I entertained thoughts of playing in the NBA at age 15. I've wanted to play in the NBA ever since high school.
Did it ever strike you in the middle of a game in front of a packed house, 'Man, I can't believe I'm here.
DH: Yeah, all the time. Every game when they do the starting lineups and the announcer says, 'And now, your center, Dwiiiight Howard' I think that thought every time.
[Edited by - playa2 on 02-10-2007 21:03]