Off Topic · OT:Fasting & detoxification (page 1)
EnySpree @ 8/5/2008 11:59 PM
Anyboy ever do this for any reason?
I'm in a positive frame of mind and I want to take this opportunity to cleanse my body and get intense spiritually during this time period.
I been reading up on some things.......anybody ever fast? Religious fasts? Health fasts? Cutting weight for sports? Detox?
Share some knowledge and experiences if any.
I'm in a positive frame of mind and I want to take this opportunity to cleanse my body and get intense spiritually during this time period.
I been reading up on some things.......anybody ever fast? Religious fasts? Health fasts? Cutting weight for sports? Detox?
Share some knowledge and experiences if any.
arkrud @ 8/6/2008 12:07 AM
Any extream is bad Eny... 

4949 @ 8/6/2008 12:18 AM
I have family who participate in such things. I too wanna get involved with it one day, but the time has to come to me. Look into things like The Dali Lama. There are many cultures all over the world, even American Indian cultures, who practice deep meditation, breathing and spiritual experiences. I tried yoga, loved it, but hurt my arm. I'm thinking of taking it up again soon. In the world of yoga, you meet a lot of people and you'll learn a lot about it. I'm serious when I say it gives you a whole different perspective on life.
There are many different ways to detox also. Green tea is a very popular thing to do. I have a friend who spent some time in China and studied the old cultures there. She says the pure green teas are from there and that you have to bid for it, like an auction. But she says if you can get it, it's some of the best stuff for you.
That's cool Eny, but you know that to live that life, you must also avoid all toxins like cigarette smoking (up to 4,000 chemicals in those things. Not even tobacco really) and drinking. I do believe 'you are a drinker'? I used to drink, not heavy but just enough. And one day it started to become no more fun. I was getting angry and pushed my girl friend away. I thought I hurt her, scared the shit out of me, so next day that was it. Quit cold turkey man and haven't touched it in nine years now. Don't need it. So if you want to detox, you'll have to seriously think about quiting.
Best things to do about it. Read about it, talk to people who are involved in it and you will learn things you didn't know before. I'm really big on these things myself and always glad to run into people who do these things. As a matter of fact, if you wanna be a Green person, that's a good way to go. Contribute.
Best of luck dude.
There are many different ways to detox also. Green tea is a very popular thing to do. I have a friend who spent some time in China and studied the old cultures there. She says the pure green teas are from there and that you have to bid for it, like an auction. But she says if you can get it, it's some of the best stuff for you.
That's cool Eny, but you know that to live that life, you must also avoid all toxins like cigarette smoking (up to 4,000 chemicals in those things. Not even tobacco really) and drinking. I do believe 'you are a drinker'? I used to drink, not heavy but just enough. And one day it started to become no more fun. I was getting angry and pushed my girl friend away. I thought I hurt her, scared the shit out of me, so next day that was it. Quit cold turkey man and haven't touched it in nine years now. Don't need it. So if you want to detox, you'll have to seriously think about quiting.
Best things to do about it. Read about it, talk to people who are involved in it and you will learn things you didn't know before. I'm really big on these things myself and always glad to run into people who do these things. As a matter of fact, if you wanna be a Green person, that's a good way to go. Contribute.
Best of luck dude.
BlueSeats @ 8/6/2008 1:00 AM
Eny, I have "juice fasted" a few times for periods ranging from 3 to 10 days. I find it excellent for mental and physical well being. For some a juice fast might not be considered stringent enough, but I think it's the way to go as it keeps vitamins and minerals flushing through your system while still allowing the toxins and bulk to pass.
By "juice" I mean that I have an electric juicer and I put all kinds of fruits and vegetables through it and drink it. Call it a liquid diet if you like, but these are fresh juices teaming with nutrients, enzymes, etc, not bottled juice/sugar-water which has all the life boiled out of it. The other thing I'll make is vegetable broth soup. The juices get you a bit racey, but the broth really calms and settles you down. You also want to drink a spoonful of psyllium seed in juice two or three times a day for fiber to keep your bowels moving, which is an important component of the detoxification.
The one thing you need to know about fasting is that the first 3 days or so suck because 1) you are breaking your addictions and the body rebels (for me it's headaches and tiredness from giving up coffee; but for others it's alcohol, dairy, nicotine or carbohydrate addictions) and 2) some feel you take a hit from the toxins as they are "brought to the surface" and exit the body.
That's why 3 days is the low end for my fasts - it takes that long to get to the good side.
After 3 days though you start feeling really good and you feel like you could keep going for a long time. Unfortunately, some social occasion entailing eating and drinking would always be looming in the near future which would compel me to break the fast. And you want to break your fast cleanly and slowly. Like don't plan on breaking a fast with a burger. You'll want to break it with like one piece of bread, or one fruit, or a few nuts, or best of all are all those veggies from your broth that you had been avoiding during the fast. Oh, that first bit of soft overcooked potato is to die for. Suddenly the simplest of foods taste so damn good. Your first day or two off the fast should be quite sparse.
But yes, it can lead to feelings of clarity, elation, euphoria, increased energy, etc, and some weight loss. I've lost 10 lbs on the 8-10 day fasts, but you know it's harder to keep it off than to lose it. All I can say about that is exercise is the best way to keep it off, but who am I to say? But I'm working on that too.
Definitely give it a go, but maybe take off a few days from work, especially at the beginning. The first 3 days are the worst of it. Oh, and the other trick is (obviously) not to hang around other people while they eat. You really need to be ready to socially "retreat" a bit. And I've never been so lucky, but maybe get a friend or family member to come along for the ride. Moral support could be a big help. The problem is if they quit you might too. I usually fly solo and the wife knows she's on her own for meals while the fast is on.
Lemme know if you have anymore questions.
By "juice" I mean that I have an electric juicer and I put all kinds of fruits and vegetables through it and drink it. Call it a liquid diet if you like, but these are fresh juices teaming with nutrients, enzymes, etc, not bottled juice/sugar-water which has all the life boiled out of it. The other thing I'll make is vegetable broth soup. The juices get you a bit racey, but the broth really calms and settles you down. You also want to drink a spoonful of psyllium seed in juice two or three times a day for fiber to keep your bowels moving, which is an important component of the detoxification.
The one thing you need to know about fasting is that the first 3 days or so suck because 1) you are breaking your addictions and the body rebels (for me it's headaches and tiredness from giving up coffee; but for others it's alcohol, dairy, nicotine or carbohydrate addictions) and 2) some feel you take a hit from the toxins as they are "brought to the surface" and exit the body.
That's why 3 days is the low end for my fasts - it takes that long to get to the good side.
After 3 days though you start feeling really good and you feel like you could keep going for a long time. Unfortunately, some social occasion entailing eating and drinking would always be looming in the near future which would compel me to break the fast. And you want to break your fast cleanly and slowly. Like don't plan on breaking a fast with a burger. You'll want to break it with like one piece of bread, or one fruit, or a few nuts, or best of all are all those veggies from your broth that you had been avoiding during the fast. Oh, that first bit of soft overcooked potato is to die for. Suddenly the simplest of foods taste so damn good. Your first day or two off the fast should be quite sparse.
But yes, it can lead to feelings of clarity, elation, euphoria, increased energy, etc, and some weight loss. I've lost 10 lbs on the 8-10 day fasts, but you know it's harder to keep it off than to lose it. All I can say about that is exercise is the best way to keep it off, but who am I to say? But I'm working on that too.
Definitely give it a go, but maybe take off a few days from work, especially at the beginning. The first 3 days are the worst of it. Oh, and the other trick is (obviously) not to hang around other people while they eat. You really need to be ready to socially "retreat" a bit. And I've never been so lucky, but maybe get a friend or family member to come along for the ride. Moral support could be a big help. The problem is if they quit you might too. I usually fly solo and the wife knows she's on her own for meals while the fast is on.
Lemme know if you have anymore questions.
Paladin55 @ 8/6/2008 1:14 AM
Used to lose a lot of weight for wrestling in HS and College, and cut back on my eating, but I am not sure that I was doing things the most healthy way, and as a wrestling coach today, I am always telling my kids not to starve themselves or completely dehydrade to make weight.
I drink a lot of green tea- organic- but not the type you would bid on. My favorite is green tea with roasted brown rice. I actually have an automatic shipment plan with Amazon for this tea. Green tea has held up under medical scrutiny for over 10 years, even as other "health foods" have been proven to have no value. I take pills, as well as drink it.
Some folks go on juice fasts, where they only drink that liquid for an extended period of time, but you are taking in sugars no matter what juice you drink, and a lot of people frown upon any kinds of sugars during a true fast.
I would think that a lot of people associated with fasting and detox are vegetarians, and will point out that you are what you put into yourself. At the very least, vegetarian diets are usually higher in fiber, and are probably healthier because of this fact.
Don't want to get into it, but some believe that enemas- the kind you go to a place for- are beneficial.
4949 put down some good things- what I really got from him, though, is that you have to make a lifestyle change if these things are to stick.
If I were to fast, I might want to make sure that I had a free weekend to really concentrate on doing what you have to do. I might also make sure that in the days leading up to the fast I took in a lot of water and high fiber food, which might help evacuate your system. Don't know exactly what kinds of fluids you would want to drink during the fasting, but at the very least you want to be drinking a lot of water. I think that yoga would be a good thing to get into, and I think that there is now a type where you are doing things in some pretty hot temperatures, which might help you to sweat things out of your system.
You just have to look around and talk to people about ideas. You also have to remember that there are a lot of fanatics out there, who think their way is the only way. They are usually to be avoided.
One other thing. During your fast you CANNOT think about the Isiah Thomas years, or you will completely negate the gains you make through fasting.
I drink a lot of green tea- organic- but not the type you would bid on. My favorite is green tea with roasted brown rice. I actually have an automatic shipment plan with Amazon for this tea. Green tea has held up under medical scrutiny for over 10 years, even as other "health foods" have been proven to have no value. I take pills, as well as drink it.
Some folks go on juice fasts, where they only drink that liquid for an extended period of time, but you are taking in sugars no matter what juice you drink, and a lot of people frown upon any kinds of sugars during a true fast.
I would think that a lot of people associated with fasting and detox are vegetarians, and will point out that you are what you put into yourself. At the very least, vegetarian diets are usually higher in fiber, and are probably healthier because of this fact.
Don't want to get into it, but some believe that enemas- the kind you go to a place for- are beneficial.
4949 put down some good things- what I really got from him, though, is that you have to make a lifestyle change if these things are to stick.
If I were to fast, I might want to make sure that I had a free weekend to really concentrate on doing what you have to do. I might also make sure that in the days leading up to the fast I took in a lot of water and high fiber food, which might help evacuate your system. Don't know exactly what kinds of fluids you would want to drink during the fasting, but at the very least you want to be drinking a lot of water. I think that yoga would be a good thing to get into, and I think that there is now a type where you are doing things in some pretty hot temperatures, which might help you to sweat things out of your system.
You just have to look around and talk to people about ideas. You also have to remember that there are a lot of fanatics out there, who think their way is the only way. They are usually to be avoided.
One other thing. During your fast you CANNOT think about the Isiah Thomas years, or you will completely negate the gains you make through fasting.
CrushAlot @ 8/6/2008 1:17 AM
There is a diet thru Bally's that is not religious but is very healthy and you drop alot of weight. Alot of body builders do it before competition. I have heard it called the six pack diet. Essentially it cuts out salts and sugars. If you do it and stick to it and do 20-30 minutes of cardio daily you will lose about a pound a day. The diet is designed to be done for a month but I did it for two weeks and lost 12 pounds. The weight stayed off for about 20 months and never totally came back. The diet is easy as far as menus go but is hard to stick to if you have any sort of a night life. Essentially, you have oatmeal without sugar for breakfast, you can have raisins with your oatmeal. You have two portions during the day of grilled chicken ( prepared with spices that contain no sugar or sodium), and a cup of cooked rice. The chicken should be about the size of a deck of cards. You have a third portion of chicken and rice for dinner and add a frozen or fresh green vegetable to this portion. You also are supposed to have a salad later made of romain lettuce and other fresh vegetables, other than carrots. The dressing is one teaspon of olive oil and two teaspoons of balsamic vinegar. You can have as much salad as you want. The diet is easy, healthy and works. You are supposed to space your meals out thru out the day to balance your metabolism. If you last the two weeks you are supposed to switch from grilled chicken to grilled orange roughy. I did not make it that far and you have to determine if you want to keep losing weight. You will not be having alcohol or any bad foods for the entire time you are on this diet if you stick to it. It is not a hard diet to plan for menu wise but it cramps your social life. You also need to drink plenty of water. I believe that it is recommended that you drink close to 2 gallons of water a day. Other than coffee or tea, you will only be drinking water.
This info is provided only because you have the best fantasy basketball league I have ever been involved with.
This info is provided only because you have the best fantasy basketball league I have ever been involved with.
Cookdcokehop @ 8/6/2008 1:33 AM
I think I posted here earlier about the Lemonade diet. This is a very hard diet to do. You have to be really mentally strong. The cravings will kill you. You sense of smell will become heightened. I lost a lot of weight with that diet however my body started breaking down on me. After I finished the diet I rushed back into eating ( I missed food so much) regular foods which is exactly what your not supposed to do. The diet stripped me of some muscle mass and after I started eating again everything turned into straight fat. I got very sick. About a month after this diet ended I am back to square on only w/o some of my muscle. This diet can work it's just that I fucked up. If you want to lose weight which would be fat and muscle then I recomend this diet. I am going to do this again only I am going to take Multivitamins and work out as well. Hopefully I don't kill myself. The best way to do this diet is to keep a journal. If you go on youtube you see alot of people that has their video journals and the changes are inspiring.
CrushAlot @ 8/6/2008 1:42 AM
Regarding the chicken and rice diet. You need to take a multivitamin and at least 500mg of vitamin c daily.
martin @ 8/6/2008 2:19 AM
oh my, sometimes these off-season OT topics bring out some interesting stuff.
EnySpree @ 8/6/2008 2:36 AM
Good stuff fellas......thanks for the support also.
Anybody here study/practice Islam? I've always respected the fast associated with Ramadan. Its a daylight fast of food, drink and sexual intercourse. Lots of rules, prayer and discipline.
My fast is more spiritually motivated than anything. As I said I am feeling a lot of positive energy right now and would like to channel it positively. To me fasting at this time seems like a good idea. I will attempt to "juice fast" and take in liquids and abstaining from sodas and coffee. I'm gonna buy this detox tea I used to drink(I'll try to see if I can post a pic of it later) and still supplement bcaa's, a multi vitamin, and protien shake. Its not a true fast but I'm just exploring at this time.
I would appreciate any knowledge and personal experience on Ramadan and its fast. Here is one of the links I been reading today:
Also if you guys practice any other religions where you may fast at times, please share some info.
Btw fyi, Isiah Thomas is a flamin cocksucker. Thank you.
Anybody here study/practice Islam? I've always respected the fast associated with Ramadan. Its a daylight fast of food, drink and sexual intercourse. Lots of rules, prayer and discipline.
My fast is more spiritually motivated than anything. As I said I am feeling a lot of positive energy right now and would like to channel it positively. To me fasting at this time seems like a good idea. I will attempt to "juice fast" and take in liquids and abstaining from sodas and coffee. I'm gonna buy this detox tea I used to drink(I'll try to see if I can post a pic of it later) and still supplement bcaa's, a multi vitamin, and protien shake. Its not a true fast but I'm just exploring at this time.
I would appreciate any knowledge and personal experience on Ramadan and its fast. Here is one of the links I been reading today:
Also if you guys practice any other religions where you may fast at times, please share some info.
Btw fyi, Isiah Thomas is a flamin cocksucker. Thank you.
EnySpree @ 8/6/2008 2:42 AM
Posted by martin:
oh my, sometimes these off-season OT topics bring out some interesting stuff.
I'm just trying to keep this sight from dying of boredum. The guys here show time and time again that they know a lot about a lot of things and can engage in conversation without threatening to explode in an flaming bitch out all the time.
ramtour420 @ 8/6/2008 3:41 AM
I'd just like to add to this discussion. Personally i cannot truly fast as i am a diabetic and my blood sugar goes crazy even if i skip 1 meal. However i have done a great deal of research on fasting and here are some things:
After 2nd or 3rd day of true fasting(nothing but water) the body goes into a detox mode. The digestive system starts to work the opposite- expelling stuff rather than absorbing. There are groups out there that believe that we get sick because of excess flegm and while fasting thgat stuff has a chance to exit the body. these guys swim in lakes during the winter and do all sorts of crazy stuff in subzero temperatures and don't get sick. Their philosophy is that we catch a cold cause of excess flegm and we expell it by catching a cold. Fasting is another way to do it and we get rid of a massive amounts of of that stuff while fasting. Once u have no xtra flegm your body literally has no reson to catch a cold so they are able to do some amazing things if they fast consistently. They even collect the urine and let it evaporate after a week or so of fasting just too see all the gunk that leaves our body.
The personal testemonials show thats its at least an incredible way to get rid of ulsers since the stomach stops producing acid together with some other factortors that come into play while fasting. Supposedly u'll never catch a cold if you fast and also a great way to get rid of one( cold or common flue) is by getting rid of as much flegm as possible( blowing the nose and spitting it out as well when u do get sick). There are other benefits to fasting as well many of which only a handful of ppl are able to reach.
One of the most important things during a fast is refraining from any negative thoghts and emotions. When u fast your senses are hightened and any negativity as well as positive thoughts are multiplied. Its also an ideal time to pray and meditate since we are more receptive and it carries xtra meaning when u fast. Overall it has incredible benefits even for ppl that are not professionals at it. So if you are planning to fast be strong and try to gather as much positive energy during that time as u can. Also, fasting will not rob you of much energy(suprasingly) so u can work and do your daily activities as normal- as long as u are not gonna go for a marathon run :)
After 2nd or 3rd day of true fasting(nothing but water) the body goes into a detox mode. The digestive system starts to work the opposite- expelling stuff rather than absorbing. There are groups out there that believe that we get sick because of excess flegm and while fasting thgat stuff has a chance to exit the body. these guys swim in lakes during the winter and do all sorts of crazy stuff in subzero temperatures and don't get sick. Their philosophy is that we catch a cold cause of excess flegm and we expell it by catching a cold. Fasting is another way to do it and we get rid of a massive amounts of of that stuff while fasting. Once u have no xtra flegm your body literally has no reson to catch a cold so they are able to do some amazing things if they fast consistently. They even collect the urine and let it evaporate after a week or so of fasting just too see all the gunk that leaves our body.
The personal testemonials show thats its at least an incredible way to get rid of ulsers since the stomach stops producing acid together with some other factortors that come into play while fasting. Supposedly u'll never catch a cold if you fast and also a great way to get rid of one( cold or common flue) is by getting rid of as much flegm as possible( blowing the nose and spitting it out as well when u do get sick). There are other benefits to fasting as well many of which only a handful of ppl are able to reach.
One of the most important things during a fast is refraining from any negative thoghts and emotions. When u fast your senses are hightened and any negativity as well as positive thoughts are multiplied. Its also an ideal time to pray and meditate since we are more receptive and it carries xtra meaning when u fast. Overall it has incredible benefits even for ppl that are not professionals at it. So if you are planning to fast be strong and try to gather as much positive energy during that time as u can. Also, fasting will not rob you of much energy(suprasingly) so u can work and do your daily activities as normal- as long as u are not gonna go for a marathon run :)
firefly @ 8/6/2008 5:25 AM
Well, Im an orthodox jew, so I fast quite a few times a year. No eating or drinking for 25 hours straight.
Im not into the whole detox, weight loss thing. Im blessed with a fast metabolism, so at this stage in my life, its not something I need to concern myself with.
I will agree though that by the end, you do kinda feel like your body is fresh, and the next thing you put into it will define how you feel for the next 24 hours.
A few things about real fasting.
1. It makes you really hungry. No, I mean really really hungry! You know when you walk past the local KFC and you think "I could just murder a bucket right about now". Well thats nothing compared to the thoughts of food you get while fasting. Everything looks delicious. I have walked past dumpsters while fasting with week-old pizza boxes hanging out and thought "Damn that looks good!".
2. Never, ever, ever, ever go shopping while fasting!!! This is important!! Unless you have an unlimited credit card and a huge trust fund, DO NOT go shopping for food while fasting. You will buy everything!! And you wont be able to stop yourself. As you pile the last 17 insta-meals from the frozen food section on top of the dozen mega-size chips, 42 salsas, salami, sausage and pickles already in your cart, you wont even be able to imagine not eating it all immediately. Its like psychological munchies in overdrive.
3. Blueseats is right. What you eat first after the fast is vital. Not sure about the detox values, but your stomach has shrunk over the fast, and if you try eating a big meal first off, you will not be able to. Oh, you'll still be starving, but you will be physically full long before you normally are. Start with a piece of fruit or cake and some juice, give it 20 minutes or so and then chow down.
Personally, a lot of the full-day fasts I do are spent praying a lot of the day, and because you are doing nothing for yourself, there is a tremendous feeling of existing for a higher purpose for a whole 24 hour period, and that can be pretty exhilarating.
Theres a big one coming up on sunday to commemorate the destruction of the Temple, and if your interested Eny, I can get you the timing details.
Good luck.
Im not into the whole detox, weight loss thing. Im blessed with a fast metabolism, so at this stage in my life, its not something I need to concern myself with.
I will agree though that by the end, you do kinda feel like your body is fresh, and the next thing you put into it will define how you feel for the next 24 hours.
A few things about real fasting.
1. It makes you really hungry. No, I mean really really hungry! You know when you walk past the local KFC and you think "I could just murder a bucket right about now". Well thats nothing compared to the thoughts of food you get while fasting. Everything looks delicious. I have walked past dumpsters while fasting with week-old pizza boxes hanging out and thought "Damn that looks good!".
2. Never, ever, ever, ever go shopping while fasting!!! This is important!! Unless you have an unlimited credit card and a huge trust fund, DO NOT go shopping for food while fasting. You will buy everything!! And you wont be able to stop yourself. As you pile the last 17 insta-meals from the frozen food section on top of the dozen mega-size chips, 42 salsas, salami, sausage and pickles already in your cart, you wont even be able to imagine not eating it all immediately. Its like psychological munchies in overdrive.
3. Blueseats is right. What you eat first after the fast is vital. Not sure about the detox values, but your stomach has shrunk over the fast, and if you try eating a big meal first off, you will not be able to. Oh, you'll still be starving, but you will be physically full long before you normally are. Start with a piece of fruit or cake and some juice, give it 20 minutes or so and then chow down.
Personally, a lot of the full-day fasts I do are spent praying a lot of the day, and because you are doing nothing for yourself, there is a tremendous feeling of existing for a higher purpose for a whole 24 hour period, and that can be pretty exhilarating.
Theres a big one coming up on sunday to commemorate the destruction of the Temple, and if your interested Eny, I can get you the timing details.
Good luck.
firefly @ 8/6/2008 5:32 AM
Another thing.
In 1860, Joseph Lister introduced the idea that infections were not caused by internal "miasmas" but by external micro-organisms. Lister's ideas have been credited with the invention of antiseptics (Lister was the first to use bromide in a hospital setting) and bringing hospital deaths down by 90%.
So, Ramtour, Im sorry to say but your phlegm theory sounds like complete crud. Mucus is a natural bodily lubricant, and its when the mucus is fighting micro-organisms in your body that it gets all green and snotty.
In 1860, Joseph Lister introduced the idea that infections were not caused by internal "miasmas" but by external micro-organisms. Lister's ideas have been credited with the invention of antiseptics (Lister was the first to use bromide in a hospital setting) and bringing hospital deaths down by 90%.
So, Ramtour, Im sorry to say but your phlegm theory sounds like complete crud. Mucus is a natural bodily lubricant, and its when the mucus is fighting micro-organisms in your body that it gets all green and snotty.
VDesai @ 8/6/2008 8:46 AM
You really wanna feel better? Don't eat fried foods for a month. You'll probably drop 10 pounds and you're arteries will be the better for it too.
martin @ 8/6/2008 9:19 AM
Posted by EnySpree:Posted by martin:
oh my, sometimes these off-season OT topics bring out some interesting stuff.
I'm just trying to keep this sight from dying of boredum. The guys here show time and time again that they know a lot about a lot of things and can engage in conversation without threatening to explode in an flaming bitch out all the time.
Oh yeah.
So Eny, where all this positive energy coming from? Is it cause we haven't heard a peep from Isiah?

oohah @ 8/6/2008 9:19 AM
I'm going to try the "Fried Foods Fast" where you fry everything you eat for up to 8 weeks. Unlimited portions.
Markji @ 8/6/2008 9:23 AM
Wow - I had no idea so many people on this site were into fasts and spiritual things.
I had done a number of fasts years ago for detox. BLUESEATS is right on with his descriptions. I would re-read it and follow it. Fresh juice is an excellent way to go. It gives you basic nutrients and natural sugars and helps flush out the toxins. In addition to the juices, drinking lots of water - real spring water, bottled, also helps flush out the toxins. And coming off of the fast is key. Come off slowly.
If this is your 1st time fasting then maybe 3 to 5 days is enough, followed by 2 days coming off with broth, etc. So that is a week total. Then light eating. Don't go out for pizza and beer. And VDesai's advice to stay away from fried foods is also a great suggestion. Eat properly (and I prefer organic foods when possible) and you wont have to detox so much.
Heavy exercise during a fast should be avoided. But walking for an hour in a park, forest is fine. Doing other light activities is also fine. Try yoga (asanas) during the fast. They should be done gently, not like exercising. I do yoga(asanas) and meditation (Transcendental Meditation) daily and that is also great for spiritual growth. Mind and body are interconnected and both have to be cultured.
Again, for the fast - re-read BlueSeats. Give it a try....Good Luck.
[Edited by - markji on 08-06-2008 08:47 AM]
I had done a number of fasts years ago for detox. BLUESEATS is right on with his descriptions. I would re-read it and follow it. Fresh juice is an excellent way to go. It gives you basic nutrients and natural sugars and helps flush out the toxins. In addition to the juices, drinking lots of water - real spring water, bottled, also helps flush out the toxins. And coming off of the fast is key. Come off slowly.
If this is your 1st time fasting then maybe 3 to 5 days is enough, followed by 2 days coming off with broth, etc. So that is a week total. Then light eating. Don't go out for pizza and beer. And VDesai's advice to stay away from fried foods is also a great suggestion. Eat properly (and I prefer organic foods when possible) and you wont have to detox so much.
Heavy exercise during a fast should be avoided. But walking for an hour in a park, forest is fine. Doing other light activities is also fine. Try yoga (asanas) during the fast. They should be done gently, not like exercising. I do yoga(asanas) and meditation (Transcendental Meditation) daily and that is also great for spiritual growth. Mind and body are interconnected and both have to be cultured.
Again, for the fast - re-read BlueSeats. Give it a try....Good Luck.
[Edited by - markji on 08-06-2008 08:47 AM]
martin @ 8/6/2008 10:23 AM
Posted by oohah:
I'm going to try the "Fried Foods Fast" where you fry everything you eat for up to 8 weeks. Unlimited portions.
AKA Big Game pre-game meal.
Cookdcokehop @ 8/6/2008 12:44 PM
For thos eof you that want good health and a lean looking body without fasting or juiceing yourself to death, I reccomend you buy "The Men's Health Hard Body Plan"
djsunyc @ 8/6/2008 1:02 PM
What is a Juice Fast?
A juice fast is a type of detox diet. A juice fast involves the short-term intake of raw vegetable and fruit juice and water only. Proponents of juice fasting use juice because it's thought to be a good source of vitamins and antioxidants.
A juice fast is considered an extreme form of detoxification because no solid food is consumed. More moderate detox methods, such as the detox diet include solid food.
Who Shouldn't Try a Juice Fast?
* Pregnant or nursing women or children shouldn't try a juice fast.
* People with diabetes, low blood sugar, eating disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, malnutrition, addictions, underweight, anemia, impaired immune function, infection, nutritional deficiency, low blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, cancer, terminal illness, epilepsy, or other chronic conditions shouldn't try a juice fast or should do so only under strict medical supervision.
* People shouldn't try a juice fast before or after surgical procedures.
* A juice fasting can reduce blood proteins and change the way prescription drugs react in the body. People taking prescription medications should consult a health professional skilled in detoxification before trying a juice fast, and should never discontinue or reduce their medications on their own.
It's important to consult a qualified health professional before trying a juice fast.
Possible Side Effects of a Juice Fast
Common temporary side effects of a juice fast include headaches, tiredness, hypoglycemia, constipation, acne, increased body odor, and bad breath.
Other side effects of a juice fast can include fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, weight loss, hunger, vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney problems. If these side effects occur, there is a worsening of symptoms, or new symptoms appear, the fast should be discontinued and it should prompt an immediate visit to a qualified health professional.
Another possible side effect of a juice fast is diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss.
If continued for a longer time, juice fasting can lead to nutrient deficiencies, particularly protein and calcium deficiency.
Grapefruit juice should not be used during a juice fast, especially by people taking certain prescription drugs. A compound in grapefruit can change the way certain prescription drugs are metabolized in the body. Recent evidence suggests that pomegranate juice may also have the same effect.
How Long Does a Juice Fast Typically Last?
A juice fast typically lasts for one to three days. A longer fast requires medical supervision and possibly monitoring to ensure that nutrient deficiencies don't result.
What Does a Typical Juice Fast Involve?
* Proponents of juice fasting suggest fasting only during the warmer months of the year. Spring is thought to be the best time of the year for juice fasting.
* Seven or more days before the fast, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, dairy, wheat, animal meat, fish, and eggs are typically reduced or eliminated from the diet. This preparation diet often consists mainly of organic fruits, vegetables, and beans.
* Between 32 and 64 ounces of juice is usually recommended per day during the fast. The juice is sipped throughout the day. Typical fruits and vegetables include celery, carrot, kale, cabbage, apple, pineapple, cranberry, spinach, beet, and greens. Citrus fruits are often avoided.
* Approximately 6 glasses of room temperature or warm filtered water is often recommended in addition to the juice.
* Organic fruits and vegetables are usually recommended. If organic produce isn't available, practitioners suggest peeling the skin off fruits and vegetables or washing vegetables with a non-toxic produce cleaner, usually available at health food stores.
* Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are preferred, but if unavailable, practitioners suggest buying it from the health food store or juice bar as fresh as possible.
* Green vegetables and sprouts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which juice proponents believe are especially beneficial during a juice fast.
* A combination of fruits and vegetables is recommended.
* Variations on the strict juice fast include eating one meal a day in addition to the juice.
# Certain fruits and vegetables and their parts should not be juiced, such as the pits of peaches, apricots, cherries, and other fruits, apple seeds, citrus peels, carrot and rhubarb tops, tough skins (such as kiwi, pineapple, mangoes), and bananas and avocados.
Breaking a Fast
Proponents of fasting recommend gradually introducing solid foods back into the diet to avoid adverse reactions.
Here is an example:
* Day 1
Two pieces of fruit. Each piece of fruit is divided in half so there are four servings for that day.
* Day 2
Lightly steamed non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach.
* Day 3
Brown rice, fresh salad.
* Day 4
Organic yogurt, unflavored and unsweetened. Eggs.
* Day 5
Meat, chicken, fish, tofu, if eaten.
* Day 6
Beans, other grains may be introduced, if eaten.
* Day 7
Other foods, as desired.
# When introducing foods back into the diet, proponents of fasting suggest: chewing food well so they are more easily digested
# not overeating
# noting any food reactions as new foods are introduced, such as energy, digestion, cravings, and other symptoms.
# transitioning to a healthier long-term diet. Trying new, healthy foods.
A juice fast is a type of detox diet. A juice fast involves the short-term intake of raw vegetable and fruit juice and water only. Proponents of juice fasting use juice because it's thought to be a good source of vitamins and antioxidants.
A juice fast is considered an extreme form of detoxification because no solid food is consumed. More moderate detox methods, such as the detox diet include solid food.
Who Shouldn't Try a Juice Fast?
* Pregnant or nursing women or children shouldn't try a juice fast.
* People with diabetes, low blood sugar, eating disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, malnutrition, addictions, underweight, anemia, impaired immune function, infection, nutritional deficiency, low blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, cancer, terminal illness, epilepsy, or other chronic conditions shouldn't try a juice fast or should do so only under strict medical supervision.
* People shouldn't try a juice fast before or after surgical procedures.
* A juice fasting can reduce blood proteins and change the way prescription drugs react in the body. People taking prescription medications should consult a health professional skilled in detoxification before trying a juice fast, and should never discontinue or reduce their medications on their own.
It's important to consult a qualified health professional before trying a juice fast.
Possible Side Effects of a Juice Fast
Common temporary side effects of a juice fast include headaches, tiredness, hypoglycemia, constipation, acne, increased body odor, and bad breath.
Other side effects of a juice fast can include fainting, dizziness, low blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, weight loss, hunger, vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney problems. If these side effects occur, there is a worsening of symptoms, or new symptoms appear, the fast should be discontinued and it should prompt an immediate visit to a qualified health professional.
Another possible side effect of a juice fast is diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss.
If continued for a longer time, juice fasting can lead to nutrient deficiencies, particularly protein and calcium deficiency.
Grapefruit juice should not be used during a juice fast, especially by people taking certain prescription drugs. A compound in grapefruit can change the way certain prescription drugs are metabolized in the body. Recent evidence suggests that pomegranate juice may also have the same effect.
How Long Does a Juice Fast Typically Last?
A juice fast typically lasts for one to three days. A longer fast requires medical supervision and possibly monitoring to ensure that nutrient deficiencies don't result.
What Does a Typical Juice Fast Involve?
* Proponents of juice fasting suggest fasting only during the warmer months of the year. Spring is thought to be the best time of the year for juice fasting.
* Seven or more days before the fast, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, dairy, wheat, animal meat, fish, and eggs are typically reduced or eliminated from the diet. This preparation diet often consists mainly of organic fruits, vegetables, and beans.
* Between 32 and 64 ounces of juice is usually recommended per day during the fast. The juice is sipped throughout the day. Typical fruits and vegetables include celery, carrot, kale, cabbage, apple, pineapple, cranberry, spinach, beet, and greens. Citrus fruits are often avoided.
* Approximately 6 glasses of room temperature or warm filtered water is often recommended in addition to the juice.
* Organic fruits and vegetables are usually recommended. If organic produce isn't available, practitioners suggest peeling the skin off fruits and vegetables or washing vegetables with a non-toxic produce cleaner, usually available at health food stores.
* Freshly juiced fruits and vegetables are preferred, but if unavailable, practitioners suggest buying it from the health food store or juice bar as fresh as possible.
* Green vegetables and sprouts contain the pigment chlorophyll, which juice proponents believe are especially beneficial during a juice fast.
* A combination of fruits and vegetables is recommended.
* Variations on the strict juice fast include eating one meal a day in addition to the juice.
# Certain fruits and vegetables and their parts should not be juiced, such as the pits of peaches, apricots, cherries, and other fruits, apple seeds, citrus peels, carrot and rhubarb tops, tough skins (such as kiwi, pineapple, mangoes), and bananas and avocados.
Breaking a Fast
Proponents of fasting recommend gradually introducing solid foods back into the diet to avoid adverse reactions.
Here is an example:
* Day 1
Two pieces of fruit. Each piece of fruit is divided in half so there are four servings for that day.
* Day 2
Lightly steamed non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach.
* Day 3
Brown rice, fresh salad.
* Day 4
Organic yogurt, unflavored and unsweetened. Eggs.
* Day 5
Meat, chicken, fish, tofu, if eaten.
* Day 6
Beans, other grains may be introduced, if eaten.
* Day 7
Other foods, as desired.
# When introducing foods back into the diet, proponents of fasting suggest: chewing food well so they are more easily digested
# not overeating
# noting any food reactions as new foods are introduced, such as energy, digestion, cravings, and other symptoms.
# transitioning to a healthier long-term diet. Trying new, healthy foods.
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