Kick some Demon Ass! make your lame ass demons your Byitch!
Demons love stoned out dukes cuz they easy prey. Make it easy to blame others and the system. You gonna promote your wellness or the right to legalize weed?
sebstar wrote:Nalod wrote:
Sebby, maybe you got to also look within and take some ownership over why this women felt like she was made the fool. Whose fault is not important than understanding what in the hell happened. My feeling is you never opened up and somehow boxed your emotions out and she flipped. That self defensive mechanism might have become a self fulfilling prophacy.
I don't know your parental situation or what your role models were growing up. I have not seen my biological father since I am nine and he started another family. My step father was a good man and while one let me down I learned about commitment from another. He was there not because I was his son but cuz he wanted to. This all made me a better husband and father. I want to be there. Not always easy mind you, but I know the outcome if I am. If you don't, then its hard to commit.
Damn, ya'll got me re-evaluating life and shyt.
Don't listen to these girly men.
nyk4ever wrote:sebstar wrote:Supreme, Nalod, Firefly...I appreciate ya'll's perspectives, but I'm from the camp that love doesnt exist. The heart is a useless organ only designed to set you up for the biggest of downfalls...Fool me once shame on you...Yeah, I'm not getting fooled again.
Just look at the majority of success stories --- the biggest a-holes. They dont care about anybody but themselves.
Kindness and empathy and compassion are seen as weaknesses. Its better to have not loved than to have loved and lost. I believe that. Even worse to get embarrassed and humiliated and made to feel --- well, I dont want to get too far into my personal but I cant do that shyt no more and I dont have the makeup to take it. Just gotta completely harden the heart and keep it moving.
Dont trust again and keep everyone at arms length and you cant be destroyed. I've learned the ultimate life lesson. You gotta take that lesson and react to the message. Thats what I'm doing.
I'm just going to go hard in life and if I check out before forty or even thirty, I'm more than fine with that. Just what needs to be done.
I'm good.
(hope this doesnt come across as whining or self-loathing, it just is what it is.)
right with you bro. ive had a girlfriend for the past 5 years (i'm 27) that i plan on proposing to on the 4th of july - she's a teacher whose doing a 1year masters course and her younger sister is getting married in august, so it's safe to say her life is pretty damn hectic and extremely stressful right now.
well 2 sundays ago she tells me she needs a break from us and can only tell me right now that she needs time and space to 'sort herself out.' her mom texts me on the daily making sure im good, so does her sister and my girl at this point won't even answer my texts or phonecalls. and meanwhile i'm left here to just wait for her and hope she comes to her senses, because i love her.
without getting too soft on ya'll, thats the shit i got going on now. yeah... fuck love.
I just wanted to chime in that nyk4ever you seem like a really good guy and I hope that whatever happens between you and your girl works out for the best.
bitty41 wrote:nyk4ever wrote:sebstar wrote:Supreme, Nalod, Firefly...I appreciate ya'll's perspectives, but I'm from the camp that love doesnt exist. The heart is a useless organ only designed to set you up for the biggest of downfalls...Fool me once shame on you...Yeah, I'm not getting fooled again.
Just look at the majority of success stories --- the biggest a-holes. They dont care about anybody but themselves.
Kindness and empathy and compassion are seen as weaknesses. Its better to have not loved than to have loved and lost. I believe that. Even worse to get embarrassed and humiliated and made to feel --- well, I dont want to get too far into my personal but I cant do that shyt no more and I dont have the makeup to take it. Just gotta completely harden the heart and keep it moving.
Dont trust again and keep everyone at arms length and you cant be destroyed. I've learned the ultimate life lesson. You gotta take that lesson and react to the message. Thats what I'm doing.
I'm just going to go hard in life and if I check out before forty or even thirty, I'm more than fine with that. Just what needs to be done.
I'm good.
(hope this doesnt come across as whining or self-loathing, it just is what it is.)
right with you bro. ive had a girlfriend for the past 5 years (i'm 27) that i plan on proposing to on the 4th of july - she's a teacher whose doing a 1year masters course and her younger sister is getting married in august, so it's safe to say her life is pretty damn hectic and extremely stressful right now.
well 2 sundays ago she tells me she needs a break from us and can only tell me right now that she needs time and space to 'sort herself out.' her mom texts me on the daily making sure im good, so does her sister and my girl at this point won't even answer my texts or phonecalls. and meanwhile i'm left here to just wait for her and hope she comes to her senses, because i love her.
without getting too soft on ya'll, thats the shit i got going on now. yeah... fuck love.
I just wanted to chime in that nyk4ever you seem like a really good guy and I hope that whatever happens between you and your girl works out for the best.
only thing you forgot to do was add your number and a sexxy pic
jimimou wrote:bitty41 wrote:nyk4ever wrote:sebstar wrote:Supreme, Nalod, Firefly...I appreciate ya'll's perspectives, but I'm from the camp that love doesnt exist. The heart is a useless organ only designed to set you up for the biggest of downfalls...Fool me once shame on you...Yeah, I'm not getting fooled again.
Just look at the majority of success stories --- the biggest a-holes. They dont care about anybody but themselves.
Kindness and empathy and compassion are seen as weaknesses. Its better to have not loved than to have loved and lost. I believe that. Even worse to get embarrassed and humiliated and made to feel --- well, I dont want to get too far into my personal but I cant do that shyt no more and I dont have the makeup to take it. Just gotta completely harden the heart and keep it moving.
Dont trust again and keep everyone at arms length and you cant be destroyed. I've learned the ultimate life lesson. You gotta take that lesson and react to the message. Thats what I'm doing.
I'm just going to go hard in life and if I check out before forty or even thirty, I'm more than fine with that. Just what needs to be done.
I'm good.
(hope this doesnt come across as whining or self-loathing, it just is what it is.)
right with you bro. ive had a girlfriend for the past 5 years (i'm 27) that i plan on proposing to on the 4th of july - she's a teacher whose doing a 1year masters course and her younger sister is getting married in august, so it's safe to say her life is pretty damn hectic and extremely stressful right now.
well 2 sundays ago she tells me she needs a break from us and can only tell me right now that she needs time and space to 'sort herself out.' her mom texts me on the daily making sure im good, so does her sister and my girl at this point won't even answer my texts or phonecalls. and meanwhile i'm left here to just wait for her and hope she comes to her senses, because i love her.
without getting too soft on ya'll, thats the shit i got going on now. yeah... fuck love.
I just wanted to chime in that nyk4ever you seem like a really good guy and I hope that whatever happens between you and your girl works out for the best.
only thing you forgot to do was add your number and a sexxy pic
do you think the next get together will have an open or cash bar? should I bring a suit or a tux?
NYKBocker wrote:
do {
if (hair) white_hair++;
} while(!dead)
That was too readable, which means it wasn't C++. ;)
My day is like this:
while (Hours::const_iterator hourIter = hours.begin(); hourIter != hours.end(); ++hourIter)
if (informationHasArrived)
bitty thanks for the kind words, i really appreciate it.
basically just to update everyone since you were all so nice to throw your two cents in..
not a whole lot has changed really. spoke to her friday to see if we could just meet face to face and talk our problems out, she said theres nothign i can say right now that i haven't said before she says she still needs more time and space to clear her head so we are still on a break. so now, im sad, mad, heated all at the same time so i've gone into no-contact mode and will not make any contact unless she initiates it. something i haven't done since she asked for her space. it's just such a un-characteristic move from her to act like this.. it's just seriously baffling. it's also just really sad to think that a 5 year relationship could end this way, basically out of left-field and with no chance to fix things up? damn and im left here feeling like absolute shit hoping and praying my phone rings. damn i feel softer than soft right now.
bro, this is exactly what happened to me (only mine was nowhere near a 5 year relationship so i can only imagine the level of frustration you must feel right now)... i'm telling u the best thing is just to forget her & act like it's over... i know it's easier said than done... just trying to forget my ex took me weeks & we only dated for a few months... girls don't have the heart to come right out & tell guys that they don't feel them anymore... they come up with this "I need space" bullcrap to ease their own guilt & reason to themselves that they just need to straighten things out in their heads, but really the moment that doubt enters into their heads, it's like a virus that spreads & it keeps getting worse & they start looking at other options... u don't deserve to be treated like that dude... if she really cares, she'll be woman enough to let u go so u can pursue happiness with someone else... leaving u hanging is very selfish on her part... i'm sorry to say these negative things about ur gf, especially since i don't know her at all, but don't like to see dudes i like get played.
i think not contacting her anymore is the best thing for you to do... don't be bitter, don't be angry... just forget her... if she wants you back, she will have to make the effort to WIN you back... don't be so readily accessible for her... make her make the effort to contact u...otherwise if she's not willing to do that, u don't want to be with a person that isn't willing to do that for u... u've already done all u can possibly do to show her u care... the ball is now in her court... if she doesn't wanna woman up & stop acting so selfish, then ur better off without her bro.
nyk4ever wrote:so i've gone into no-contact mode and will not make any contact unless she initiates it
some operational advice: email her number to yourself (if you don't know it by heart) and delete her number from your contact list. That way if things work out, you don't need to ask her for her number again. You're also can't look stare at her name in your phone and in a moment of weakness dial.
Everyone on this baord can tell you deserve better.
Keep on keepin on broski.
Move forward each day. Work out, eat right and treat your self good. Read a good book, take a walk, and don't slum it with another women.
This is going to take some time. Push the rock up the hill a little day by day and you will make progress. do things that build self esteem. Clean a closet, paint a room, change the oil in the car, build a deck, what ever. Small things. Don't drink, don't do weed, don't over eat.
Love yourself.
The hard thing about this is you don't know what is up and need closure. The truth may hurt on this one dude but you got to move FORWARD.
"Time heals the wounds that no one can see"
nalod, sc, tms, I really appreciate the words of advice and wisdom. i'm just trying each to do what i can to not think about her (impossible) and just hope for the best. i really really really appreciate the words of advice though, believe me.
nyk4ever wrote:bitty thanks for the kind words, i really appreciate it. basically just to update everyone since you were all so nice to throw your two cents in..
not a whole lot has changed really. spoke to her friday to see if we could just meet face to face and talk our problems out, she said theres nothign i can say right now that i haven't said before she says she still needs more time and space to clear her head so we are still on a break. so now, im sad, mad, heated all at the same time so i've gone into no-contact mode and will not make any contact unless she initiates it. something i haven't done since she asked for her space. it's just such a un-characteristic move from her to act like this.. it's just seriously baffling. it's also just really sad to think that a 5 year relationship could end this way, basically out of left-field and with no chance to fix things up? damn and im left here feeling like absolute shit hoping and praying my phone rings. damn i feel softer than soft right now.
Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear. Fucking women, man. I'll never understand them. Ever. These girls dream of meeting "the right guy" then end up ruining a great relationship for reasons only known to them. Some girls just don't deserve to meet a good guy.
Don't worry about it man. If she doesn't ever contact you back, there is a lot of girls out there looking for a good guy like yourself. But are they sure of what they want? I don't know. Women can't make up their damn minds.
Childs2Dudley wrote:nyk4ever wrote:bitty thanks for the kind words, i really appreciate it. basically just to update everyone since you were all so nice to throw your two cents in..
not a whole lot has changed really. spoke to her friday to see if we could just meet face to face and talk our problems out, she said theres nothign i can say right now that i haven't said before she says she still needs more time and space to clear her head so we are still on a break. so now, im sad, mad, heated all at the same time so i've gone into no-contact mode and will not make any contact unless she initiates it. something i haven't done since she asked for her space. it's just such a un-characteristic move from her to act like this.. it's just seriously baffling. it's also just really sad to think that a 5 year relationship could end this way, basically out of left-field and with no chance to fix things up? damn and im left here feeling like absolute shit hoping and praying my phone rings. damn i feel softer than soft right now.
Hey man, I'm really sorry to hear. Fucking women, man. I'll never understand them. Ever. These girls dream of meeting "the right guy" then end up ruining a great relationship for reasons only known to them. Some girls just don't deserve to meet a good guy.
Don't worry about it man. If she doesn't ever contact you back, there is a lot of girls out there looking for a good guy like yourself. But are they sure of what they want? I don't know. Women can't make up their damn minds.
gk, i appreciate the thoughts and kind words bro.
Seb, when was it that this girl went crazy on you? Cuz to me, it just sounds like you need some healing.
I got dumped 1,5 month ago for the third time by the same girl (that's how crazy it was), and I have the same fuck it mentality right now (before not so much).. But like Suprememe, I go out and hook up with random chicks instead of fixing shyt; which I know isn't the right way, but I still do it. I think it has something to do with not being the one left back looking stupid for waiting - guess I'm too proud or something.
Nice thread btw, this is a solid board. It's not inflated with retards and trolls.
skeng wrote:Seb, when was it that this girl went crazy on you? Cuz to me, it just sounds like you need some healing.
Broke up in Novemeber. She did a lot of shady shyt, but funny enough she has been calling me like crazy the past few days. She's with a complete trick now, which explains how easy it was for her to dismiss me for a couple of months.
Duke already brought her a brand new car and is buying her new tits --- and she barely likes him. I think I might have spent a couple of hundred dollars on her during our whole relationship in three years. She on that shallow tip right now. I respect her hustle.
Even though I was did dirty, I needed this time. Hell, I even needed to have my face rubbed in it a little bit, just so I can get hungry again. I have more psychological issues than a I care to admit, but I'm proud to say in this case I bent but didnt break. I'm better than ever, I just have my moments. I've banged hoes in the past two months I had no business getting with. I'm eatin'
This place is the shyt. Its more of a community than a website and you'll be hard pressed to find a better collection of internet "relationships", for lack of a better word, on the web.
But I still wont trust anybody for a long time, if ever.
Great to hear your feeling good in yourself again man. Like eViL said, everything else will come in time.
I honestly don't think there's a site like this out there. Probably as a result of all the moron and kids going to RealGM, we got left with the human beings......for the most part (yes DJ I mean you! )
Peace, and all that sh!t.
other boards just don't have that same bukkake factor
firefly wrote:Great to hear your feeling good in yourself again man. Like eViL said, everything else will come in time. I honestly don't think there's a site like this out there. Probably as a result of all the moron and kids going to RealGM, we got left with the human beings......for the most part (yes DJ I mean you! )
Peace, and all that sh!t.
thanks bruh. Appreciates.
i feel like mike bibby right now with josh smith given me somethin on my shoulders