Off Topic · Using your computer as a DVR question (page 1)

TMS @ 4/17/2010 3:44 PM
Just curious if anyone who owns a Mac is using Windows 7 to sync with their cable box as a DVR? Anyone know if you can set up a Mac to function as your DVR?

i've searched a few Mac forums & seems like Macs don't have this functionality built in, but trying to think of some work arounds so I can use a new computer i'm in the market for as a media center.

TMS @ 4/17/2010 6:17 PM
nvm, think i found my answer:
OasisBU @ 4/19/2010 9:30 AM
I have been wondering about this myself - getting tired of paying for DVR service from cable.

I don't think eyeTV can record HD channels though, only regular digital - have you tried this yet?

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