Off Topic · JFK's Airport Security is a joke (page 1)

TMS @ 5/4/2010 10:51 PM
How the hell does the prime suspect who planted the Times Square SUV bomb & whose name was on the TSA's blacklist get past airport security & board an international flight to the United Arab Emirates at JFK? The FBI stopped the plane just in time while it was already taxi-ing for takeoff & nabbed the terrorist piece of sheit but damn, that's pretty scary that he fell through the crack to even get on the plane to begin with.

People complain about having to wait a few extra minutes to check into their flights but to me, I'd wait an extra hour if it meant better security measures at our airports.

kam77 @ 5/5/2010 12:05 AM
He wasn't a threat to the plane, no bombs or guns or knives on him... so... what would they have nabbed him on?
TMS @ 5/5/2010 12:26 AM
kam77 wrote:He wasn't a threat to the plane, no bombs or guns or knives on him... so... what would they have nabbed him on?

how about for being a terrorist piece of scum for starters? dude's name was on the TSA's blacklist & he was the main suspect in the Times Square SUV bomb plot... if not for a last minute check of the flight's passenger list by the FBI, he would have gotten away... that's pretty scary if you think about it.

jimimou @ 5/5/2010 9:58 AM
the airport is claiming they didnt have an updated list at the time he tried to board so he was not included on it.
Andrew @ 5/5/2010 11:59 AM
I read that its the airlines that are responsible for checking the no fly it doesn't seem to be JFK security's fault....unless they missed his nametag that said "Hello my name is: Terrorist piece of scum".
TMS @ 5/5/2010 12:07 PM
lame excuse copout if i ever heard one
Silverfuel @ 5/5/2010 1:24 PM
Andrew wrote:I read that its the airlines that are responsible for checking the no fly it doesn't seem to be JFK security's fault....unless they missed his nametag that said "Hello my name is: Terrorist piece of scum".

You are right. It is the airline and emirates (uae based airline) let him on even though his name was on the no fly list. It was the customs officials that recognized the name and pulled the guy off the plane!
Nalod @ 5/5/2010 1:33 PM
The guy didn't get on the flight.

My theory is those in the terror business want to test the process.

Maybe saying "a street vendor called it in" sounds like we are buffoons and got lucky but I can only imagine all too many areas that are prime to recieve a blast are monitored and we give the patina of being incompetant. IF we show how good we are they won't be careless.

Bottom line is a suicide bomber is gonna be tough to defend but that takes real commitment.

ANd the fact remains this guy got caught. Why not wait right until the last moment to see if he has friends with him or other exposures.

If he got on a plane and left, we could have followed him and see where he went but the reality is he would disappear or be made to disappear to cut all ties. There is value to his capture as well.

Bottom line is there was no explosion and he was nabbed. A threat we thwarted with no congradulatry theme.

Even Jack Baur might not have done better.

TMS @ 5/6/2010 2:39 AM
Nalod wrote:The guy didn't get on the flight.

err, the FBI stopped the plane while it was taxing onto the runway for takeoff & pulled him off

Nalod @ 5/6/2010 9:41 AM
TMS wrote:
Nalod wrote:The guy didn't get on the flight.

err, the FBI stopped the plane while it was taxing onto the runway for takeoff & pulled him off

The fight did not leave.

Wait to see who he sits with. Check all others on the plane. If he checked in a bag check it for residue.

I dunno. If you seem over competant the evil doers get less careless.

Fear also is good for the cause. Keeps people on their toes and supports the war.

TMS @ 5/6/2010 12:21 PM
what does it matter if the flight left or not? he passed through security, he passed through airport checkin, he boarded the plane & the plane was about to take off... they nabbed him just in time or else he would have gotten away scott free to join the rest of his terrorist buddies at the next meet up... if security had done its job he would have never been allowed to board the plane to begin with... if the current system calls for the airlines to check the names on the no fly list, then it's a flawed system... they need to make changes so this sort of thing never happens again... airport security is responsible for securing the airport... when u got terrorists walking around that are the #1 suspect in the most recent attempt on American lives getting onto airplanes at 1 of the busiest airports in the country, there's a problem... this guy had taken previous 5 month long trips to the Middle East to receive training at terrorist training camps apparently... i have to believe a better job could have been done screening a guy like this at the airport before he ever got on board an aircraft
jusnice @ 5/6/2010 12:25 PM
From what I understand, one of the groups (FBI, CIA, SS, whatever) had him under surveillance and allowed him to board the plane. Perhaps they were looking for accomplices or his handlers. I'm pretty sure we had him under surveillance the minute his name popped up.
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